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英语习语的文化翻译英语习语的文化翻译( (一一) )英语习语的语言文化特征英语习语的语言文化特征 CulturalCultural TranslationTranslation ofof EnglishEnglish Idioms()Idioms()CulturalCultural featuresfeatures ofof EnglishEnglish idiomsidioms 【作者】 项利; 【Author】 XIANG Li(School of Foreign Languages,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) 【机构】 河南大学外国语学院 开封 475001; 【摘要】 习语是各民族语言的精华,受文化因素的影响,英语习语承载了浓厚的西方(尤其英美)文化信息, 体现了鲜明的民族特色。研究英语习语的文化翻译旨在消除文化中的文化障碍,进行积极而又高效的文化 翻译。要研究英语习语的文化翻译,首先要了解英语习语的语言特征。本文试图从文化角度来分析英语习 语的语言特征,以更好地研究英语习语的文化翻译。 更多还原 【Abstract】 Idioms are the essence of various language in the world.Influenced by cultural factor,English idioms are characterized by marked western cultural color(esp.of America 2.folk character;3.semantic unity;4.figurativeness;5.peculiarity;6.euphony. 更多还 原 【关键词】 英语习语; 文化翻译; 语言文化特征; 【Key words】 English idioms; cultural translation; language cultural features; 汉英习语翻译中的文化因素探析汉英习语翻译中的文化因素探析 OnOn CulturalCultural FactorsFactors inin thethe TranslationTranslation ofof ChineseChinese andand EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms 福建师大福清分校学报 , Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, 编辑部邮箱 , 2005 年 01 期 【作者】 范思勇; 【Author】 FAN Siyong(Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal UniversityFuqing, Fujian 350300) 【机构】 福建师范大学福清分校外语系 福建福清 350300; 【摘要】 从跨文化交际角度探讨了汉英习语文化因素对习语翻译的影响与制约并探讨了汉英习语文化因 素的移植策略与翻译模式。 更多还原 【Abstract】 This article, from the viewpoint of intercultural communication, discusses the influence and restraint of cultural factors on the translation of Chinese and English idioms and the resulted cultural transplantation strategies and translation models. 更多还原 【关键词】 习语; 文化因素; 翻译; 【Key words】 Idioms; Cultural Factors; Translation 英语习语的起源及英汉习语的文化差异英语习语的起源及英汉习语的文化差异 TheThe OriginOrigin ofof EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms andand thethe CulturalCultural DifferencesDifferences betweenbetween ChineseChinese andand EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms 【作者】 李金玲; 【Author】 Li Jinling(School of Liberal Arts,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou Gansu 730070,China) 【机构】 西北师范大学文学院 甘肃兰州 730070; 【摘要】 英语习语在英语语言中占有重要地位。同样,成语、谚语、俚语等汉语习语在汉语语言中也充当 着重要角色。英汉习语承载着不同的民族文化特色和文化信息,它们与各自文化传统紧密相连、不可分割。 因此研究英语习语的起源及英汉习语的文化差异,对英语学习者至关重要。 更多还原 【Abstract】 English idioms play an important part in English Language.So does Chinese idiom.Both of English idioms and Chinese idioms carry cultural feature and cultural information of different nations,and they are closely related to their cultural traditions.So it appears important for English learners to study the origin of English idioms,Chinese idioms to make a comparison between English and Chinese of their cultural disparity. 更多还原 【关键词】 英语习语; 习语起源; 文化差异; 【Key words】 English idioms; the origination of idioms; cultural disparity translation; 浅谈文化差异下英语习语的翻译浅谈文化差异下英语习语的翻译 TranslationTranslation ofof EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms UnderUnder CultureCulture DifferencesDifferences 【作者】 徐雪; 【Author】 Xu Xue(International Business and Economics of,Liaoning University Dalian Liaoning 116052) 【机构】 辽宁对外经贸学院; 【摘要】 现今的翻译已经不仅仅是语言上的迁移,而且还是文化的交流。根据英语习语所在的具体语境, 在文化层次上来探讨英语习语的翻译;论述了习语中所反映的文化差异并总结了英语习语的翻译方法。强 调最大限度实现译入语和源语在文化功能上的等值,实现中西文化的交流和融合。 更多还原 【Abstract】 Nowadays,translation is not noly transferring language but also the communicating of culture.According to the context in which English idioms are used,the paper discusses the translation of English idioms at the cultural level;the paper states the culture differences of idioms and summarizes the translating methods of English idioms.It emphasizes achieving the maximum equivalence of cultural function between the target language and the source language;which boosts the cultural communication and integration between China and the West. 更多还原 【关键词】 文化差异; 英语习语; 翻译方法; 【Key words】 culture differences; English idioms; translating methods 从文化差异的角度谈英语习语的翻译从文化差异的角度谈英语习语的翻译 DiscussingDiscussing thethe TranslationTranslation ofof EnglishEnglish IdiomIdiom fromfrom CulturalCultural DifferencesDifferences 【作者】 陈岚; 【Author】 CHEN Lan (Zhanjiang No.2 Technical School,Zhanjiang 524001,China) 【机构】 湛江市第二技工学校; 【摘要】 习语是语言精华,它从各个方面反映了一个民族或地域的文化特色。文章主要探究了中西方文化 在习语表达方式上的差异性以及英语习语基本的汉译方法。 更多还原 【Abstract】 Idiom is linguistic essence. It reflects the cultural features of a nation or region from various aspects. This article explores mainly the differences of idiom expression ways because of Chinese-Western cultural differences,and main translation methods of English idiom. 更多还原 【关键词】 文化差异; 英语习语; 翻译方法; 【Key words】 cultural differences; English idiom; translation methods; 从文化差异看英语习语的翻译从文化差异看英语习语的翻译 TheThe TranslationTranslation ofof EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms fromfrom thethe PerspectivePerspective ofof CulturalCultural DifferencesDifferences 河北理工学院学报(社会科学版) , Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), 编辑部邮箱 , 2005 年 03 期 【作者】 邓杏华; 黄影妮; 【Author】 DENG Xing-hua HUANG Ying-ni (Foreign Languages Department,Guangxi University of Technology,Liuzhou Guangxi 545006,China) 【机构】 广西工学院外语系; 广西工学院外语系 广西柳州; 545006; 广西柳州; 【摘要】 论述了西方文化的差异在英语习语翻译中的重要性,并以实例说明了英语习语翻译的常见方法。 更多还原 【Abstract】 This article discusses the importance of understading the cultural differences between the Eastern and the Western countries and explains through examples the common ways in the translation of English idioms. 更多还原 【关键词】 文化差异; 英语习语; 翻译; 【Key words】 cultural difference; English idiom; translation; 英语习语的文化研究及翻译策略英语习语的文化研究及翻译策略 CulturalCultural StudiesStudies andand TranslationTranslation StrategiesStrategies ofof EnglishEnglish IdiomsIdioms 【作者】 王随红; 【导师】 陈达; 【作者基本信息】 西华大学, 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士 【摘要】 语言是文化的载体,承载着特定的民族文化信息。翻译是传递语言文化信息的重要手段。英语, 作为一种世界通用语,学习和掌握英语有助于了解不同文化之间的差异,进而拓宽世界知识。随着中西交流 日益频繁和深广,西方文化在多方面影响着人们的日常生活和社会生活,从文化视角下学习和研究语言及其 翻译是当今语言学界和翻译界的一大课题。英语习语是英语语言在长期使用过程中自然积淀形成的,不仅 自身是一种民族文化现象,而且还记载和传承着其他民族文化现象。英语习语是英语语言的精华和西方文 化的重要组成部分。随着中西交流的深入,英语习语无论是在口头语言,还是在书面语言中,都发挥着越来 越显著的作用。其数量正在日益扩大,其质量也在不断提高。英语习语的知识和运用能力是评价英语学习 者及跨文化交际者的英语习得水平的一个重要因素。因此,通过研究英语习语可以了解西方民族的文化特 色,并进一步理解语言与文化之间的紧密关系,进而深化对中西文化差异的认识和理解。在英语习语翻译中,文 化是很重要的影响因素,我们应该关注文化因素的翻译态度、策略和方法。为了更好地解决英语习语学习 和翻译中的文化障碍问题,本文从权威习语辞书中选取 347 条普通体语料例证,从分. 更多还原 【Abstract】 Language is the carrier of culture, bearing the national cultural information. English is a global language. Learning and mastering English is helpful to understand and grasp culture differences, and thus broaden the knowledge of the world. As the bridge connecting diverse cultures, translation plays a major role in the process of cultural exchange. With the depth and breadth of Sino-western communication, it has become an important topic to study English and its translation from the cultural perspective.English idioms are fixed expressions of language in its long-term usage. They are not only a cultural phenomenon, but also the recording and heritage of other ethnic culture phenomena. English idioms are the crystallization and carrier of Western culture. With the deepening of Sino-Western exchanges, English idioms are playing an increasingly significant role in both oral and written English. Their number is growing as their quality is constantly sublimated. The knowledge and performance of English idioms is an important factor to evaluate English acquisition proficiency. We can understand western cultural characteristics through English idioms, so that we can have a deeper understanding of the close connection between language and culture, and thus deepen our comprehension of differences between Chinese and English cultures.Cultural factors take a great part in translating English idioms. We should be more concerned about translation attitudes, strategies and approaches in dealing with the cultural information of English idioms. In order to solve the cultural barriers in learning and using English idioms, the author collects 347 neutral-typed idioms from several authoritative English and Chinese idiom dictionaries. Based on the current cultural studies of English idioms home and abroad, the thesis explores cultural factors of English idioms and their translation strategies. It starts with the analysis of the relationship between culture, idioms and translation, and makes an investigation of cultural factors affecting idiom translation such as subjective and objective factors. Then it discusses the application and tendency of domestication and foreignization in order to transfer the cultural information within English idioms. Based on these analyses, the thesis proposes the cultural translation principles and strategies focusing on cultural connotations of idioms so as to eliminate the
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