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中原工学院信息商务学院本科毕业论文gender differences in foreign language learninga thesis submittedto foreign language departmentof zhongyuan university of technologyin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of bachelor of artsbyli xiaohu student id number: 2003xxxxxxxx supervisor:wang dawei5, 2008四号黑体加粗居中,摘要以200-300字为宜。论 文 摘 要性别是第二语言习得和外语学习中学习者差异的重要因素之一,因此,语言性别差异的研究已经越来越受到重视。该论文通过对七十二名以英语为外语的大学生的调查问卷进行分析,研究性别差异对英语学习者的学习动机,策略运用,以及学习观念的影响,基于调查结果对英语教学提出建议。分析结果表明英语学习者在学习动机,策略运用,以及学习观念方面的确存在不同程度的性别差异。该研究建议教师通过各种课堂活动激发学生对英语国家文化的兴趣,针对男、女生性格差异,对其学习策略采取重点不同的培养和训练,并通过相互沟通的方式鼓励学生树立积极的学习态度,拓展适合于自己的学习方法。此处空一行关键词:性别差异;学习动机;策略运用;学习观念小四号宋体加粗,关键词间以分号隔开。关键词以3-5个为宜。i四号即14arial体加粗居中,字数为150-200。小四号times new roman体,1.5倍行距。abstractgender is one of the learner variables that may play an important role in second language acquisition and foreign language learning, so that research on gender differences related to language has attracted more and more attention. this paper examines the self-reported study of 72 university students learning english as a foreign language in china, and focuses on the effects of gender differences on motivation, the use of language learning strategies and beliefs, and teaching implications are provided based on the result of the survey. the analysis reveals that gender differences do exist in motivation of learning language, the use of language learning strategies as well as beliefs about language learning. based on the result of the analysis, the study suggests that the teachers should try to arouse the interests of the students learning the culture of english-speaking countries, carry out the strategy training according to the differences of the characters of male and female students, and through communication with the students encourage them to develop positive attitude towards their study and explore the methods suitable to their own characteristics.此处空一行key words: gender differences; motivation; learning strategies; learners beliefs小四号times new roman体加粗,关键词间以分号隔开。iitable of contentspagesabstract (chinese) .abstract (english). table of contents. .1. introduction .1.1 1.1.1 .1.1.2 .1.2 1.2.1 .iiiiii11.12. theoretical foundation.2.1 definition.2.1.1 2.2 learning strategies.2.2.1 3. project rationale. 3.1 3.1.1 .3.2 3.2.1 .referencesappendix.acknowledgements242526iii论文标题,14号arial体加粗,段后设为1行大标题,12号arial体加粗,段后设为1行gender differences in foreign language learning1. introduction小四号times new roman体language is at the center of human life. language learning and language teaching are vital to the everyday lives of millions. all forms of language teaching could be greatly improved if we had a better understanding of the language learner and of the language learning process itself. in fact, many studies on english learners have been conducted in china, which indeed provide teachers and researchers with a deep understanding of the actuality of english learning in this country. however, while individual differences have attracted more and more attention, the factors that contribute to the relationship between gender and motivation, language learning strategies, and learners beliefs have not received adequate is at the beginning of the 20th century that scholars started to pay attention to the relationship between gender and language. research on gender differences related to language has focused on cognitive functions. for example, studies have been conducted on a variety of differences among young school children (robinson, 1996), college students (stumpf and stanley, 1996), and adults (halpern and wright, 1996) as well as subjects with affective or communicative disorder. and other studies are related to language production as in conversation and addressed gender differences in spoken and written language output. examples include mulac and lundell (1994) written discourse. in china, researches on gender language date back to the 1980s, which are mainly about differences in men and women language forms. most scholars put the focus on language form as related to gender, either by introducing achievements made by researches abroad or by exploring gender and language according to their own experience. and later, some researchers brought the study of gender and language to a 1broader scope. from then on, there was an obvious shift from examining language form to exploring communication strategies and speech style (e.g. xu lisheng, 2000). 大标题,四号即12号arial体加粗,段后设为1行(省略)2级节标题,10号arial体,加粗。2. theoretical foundations2.1 motivationthe important involvement of motivation in learning english as a foreign language has been established for some time. there can be little doubt that motivation is a powerful factor in foreign language learning: most studies investigating the effect of motivation have found a relatively strong correlation between motivation and language learning success, with many finding motivation to be the most significant predictor of achievement (e.g. oxford, 1993). motivation has also been found to affect the use of language learning strategies, with highly motivated students generally employing strategies more frequently than less motivated students in many types of foreign language programs (ehrman and oxford, 1989).3级标题,小四号即12号times new roman加粗,段前设为一行2.1.1 definitions although motivation is a term frequently used in both educational and research contexts, there is little agreement as to the exact meaning of this concept. the term has a number of different interpretations, and it has come to be used in different ways by different people.a simple definition is provided by keller (1983) in current psychology: “motivation refers to the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid, and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect” (crookes and schmidt, 1991: 481). this definition gives readers an initial idea about what motivation is. by this definition, motivation includes making choices and exerting efforts. 2kanfer (1992) developed the definition of motivation by indicating that motivation refers to (省略)3新起一页,四号即14号arial体加粗。加粗居中,段后设为1行五号times new roman体referencesbacon, s. m. & finneman, m. d. sex differences in self-reported beliefs about foreign language learning and authentic oral and written input. language learning. 1992, 4: 471-495.boyle, j.p. sex differences in listening vocabulary. language learning. 1985. 2: 273-284. brown, h.d. breaking the language barrier. intercultural press, inc. 1991.deci, e. l. & r. m. ryan. intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. new york: plenum. 1985.d. koehn. “the ethics of handwriting analysis in pre-employment screening.” the online journalof ethics 1.1 (1995). http:/condor/


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