人质谈判专家给 CEO 们的管理启示 随着企业家慢慢成熟变为领袖人物,他们运 营公司的方式会出现两大显著变化。他们会 花更多时间来倾听,而不是发言。他们不再 试图寻找所有问题的答案,而是开始更多地 提问。关键时刻,他们将凭借提出正确的问 题拨开迷雾,而不再乱下命令。 这是为什么呢?正如莉斯怀斯曼在 乘数( Multipliers)中所描述的那样, 这种做法可以让身边的人变得更聪明。员工 们不再坐等首席执行官发号施令,而是开动 脑筋自己解决问题。这将提高员工能力,最 终使他们更好地实行公司战略。 倾听是说服他人认同自己的最好方法。 人质谈判专家深谙此道。他们只有一个目标, 那就是让人质劫持者放下武器,但同时又不 能上演徒手夺枪的戏码。他们只能提出切中 要害的问题,令罪犯束手就擒。 我并不说要把员工比作罪犯。员工都是 按照自己的动机、自主安排的独立个体。学 会了怎么像 CEO 一样去提问,同时并认真倾 听每个员工的答案,这样就能将工作场所的 氛围变得更愉快,同时取得更好的效果。领 导力专家奥布里丹尼尔斯说,绝大多数员 工都停留在完成任务层次上,如果能让他们 在追随你的过程中充满激情,他们一定会为 之付出更多努力。它甚至可以变成一种竞争 优势。 如何做到这一点呢?CEO 们都可以读读 马克古尔斯顿倾听就好(Just Listen)一书,学学作者解决问题的方法。 他是一名临床精神病专家,根据以前作为人 质谈判专家和 FBI 培训师的经历提供商业咨 询。 先从开会入手,员工们通常认为会议浪 费生命。开会时,不要一上来就跟下级对日 程或发命令。他建议,让员工设想一下,假 When business owners mature as leaders, they make two crucial changes in the way they run their companies: They spend considerably more time listening than talking. And instead of trying to have all the answers, they start asking more questions. Theyll cut through the fog at critical moments with exactly the right inquiry, instead of barking commands. Why? It makes everyone around them smarter, as Liz Wiseman explains in her book Multipliers. Instead of waiting for the CEO to issue orders, employees start thinking for themselves. That amplifies their strengths and ultimately makes them better at executing the companys strategy. Listening is the most powerful method to persuade others to join your cause. No one knows this better than hostage negotiators. They have one job - to get the hostage- taker to put the weapon down - but they cant just reach over and grab the barrel of the shotgun. All they can do is ask the right questions to make the hostage-taker want to surrender it on his own. I dont mean to imply that your employees are criminals. But they are individuals who have their own motivations and agendas. By learning to ask them questions the way a CEO should - and listen carefully to their answers - youll build a happier workplace and achieve better results. Most employees will do whats necessary to get by, but if they are enthusiastically behind you, theyll put in a lot more effort, as leadership expert Aubrey Daniels has explained. That can be your competitive edge. So how do you do this? Every CEO can 如这是一次有史以来最成功的会议,那么等 回到工位上,他们会想起这场会议都涵盖了 哪些议题?然后找几个人问一下他们的意见, 不要总挑那些积极发言的人。他指出,通常 员工的反馈会集中在以下几点上:“我们想 知道公司眼下头等大事是什么”,以及“我 想知道我该把精力放在什么上头。万一跟我 想的不一样,我可不想等公司决定舍弃某项 目后整整两周时间才知道消息。” 会议进程中,要专注倾听。身为 CEO, 听的时候要注意关注全局,少发表意见。古 尔斯顿建议采取“引导话题深入”的策略, 显示你对员工的意见很感兴趣。员工讲到重 点的时候,例如带“总是”或“绝不”这样 的句子,你就可以说“再讲透彻点”、“嗯” 或者“真的吗”,借此引导员工进一步详细 阐述他关注的问题。这时多半就能找到影响 团队进步的问题,无论是坏了的复印机,还 是客服电话处理流程出了问题。 等到谈完了会议中最重要的问题,要确 认所有人都能领会到你的优先次序。古尔斯 顿建议会议结束时,不妨来个小测验强化一 下印象。让员工在卡片上匿名写下他们认为 会议上谈到的最重要、最关键的工作,然后 把卡片收上来。 如果团队关注点出现了偏差,读这些卡 片就可以帮你发现问题。如果你发现有人完 全误解了下一步工作重点,可以这样说: “我有一个好消息,还有一个坏消息。坏消 息是我们思想还没有完全统一。好消息是我 负责解决这个问题。我会把工作做得更好, 这样我们就可以拧成一股绳了。比如说我扪 心自问,眼下什么是最重要、最关键、最紧 迫的工作,我想应该是下面这些事情。” 然后一一说明。古尔斯顿说:“如果让 员工去猜,或者不说明白,就有可能让员工 白忙一场。”这样的后果可能很严重。 能耐心倾听员工的心声,同时能把问题 learn from the approach taken by Mark Goulston, author of the book Just Listen. Hes a clinical psychiatrist who advises businesses based on what he learned as a former hostage negotiator and trainer for the FBI. It starts with your meetings, which employees usually think are a giant time suck. Dont start with reviewing the agenda or issuing directives at your next one. Instead, he suggests, ask your employees to imagine walking back to their desks afterward and think about what the meeting would have covered if it had been the best one you ever had. Go around the room and ask a few people, not just the biggest talkers, for their input. Usually, the feedback youll get comes down to a couple of things, he says: “Wed like to know what the most urgent priorities are,“ and “Id like to know what I should be focusing on - and if its different, I dont want to be told two weeks from now that we dropped it.“ Once the meeting is underway, concentrate on listening more - with a CEOs focus on big-picture goals - and making fewer comments. Goulston suggests using “conversation deepeners“ to show employees youre interested in what they have to say. Simply saying, “say more about that,“ “hmmm,“ or “really“ after they made a particularly emphatic comment - such as one where theyve used the word “always“ or “never“ - will prompt them to elaborate on issues that theyre passionate about. This is where you are likely to find out about things that are getting in the way of your teams progress, whether its a broken copy machine or a process for handling customer service calls thats going awry. Once youve covered the most important 提到关键点上的 CEO 收获一定很大。他们的 公司将得以成长。他们有信心员工能圆满完 成工作,而不是像大多数企业家一样,一年 到头、白天黑夜,任何事情都亲力亲为。所 以,你愿意做哪种类型的 CEO 呢?(财富中 文网) 译者:侯婕 topics at the meeting, make sure employees are leaving with the same priorities you have. Goulston recommends shaking things up with a pop quiz at the end. Ask employees to write down what they think were the most important and critical takeaways of the meeting on an index card - anonymously - and collect them. If your team is focused on the wrong priorities, reading the cards will help you figure that out. Lets say some of them have completely misunderstood the next steps youve outlined. You might say, “Ive got good news and bad news. The bad news is were all over the place. The good news is its my responsibility to fix that. Im going to do a better job so in the future we can all be on the same page. If I were to ask myself what I thought were the most important, critic
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