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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 八年级作文 八年级期中复习之话题作文归纳 1好友 nancy 一直无法从考试 失利的阴影中走出来,你决定给她写信, 给她提些建议,帮助她重新振作起来。 dear nancy , i know you failed your exam. i know you are sad and worried. its normal to have these feelings. it doesnt matter if you do badly in one exam. but you shouldnt be in a bad mood for a long time, or you may become sick. if you still feel sad, here are some suggestions for you. you can go to the movies, watch tv and listen to soft music. -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 try to talk with others and you can even cry loudly. whats more, doing sports with your classmates is also a good way to make yourself happy again. last, you must study harder than before and im sure you can do better next time. follow these suggestions, youll feel much better and be happy again. believe in yourself! everything will be fine! yours, sally 链接:如何处理不良情绪,保持 好心情。此类话题作文另可参考课本 p10 第 3 部 分及 p23“how to stay in good spirits” 2请根据下列提示写一篇旅游 日记,记录 4 月 5 日你和康康游湄 洲岛的经历。 -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 1. 天气:晴朗 2. 地理位置:莆田南部,著名的 旅游胜地。 3. 交通方式:坐大巴 2 小时到文 甲,再乘船 15 分钟即可到达。 4. 风景:妈祖庙,观日出,看大 海等。 5. 食物:美味,特别是海鲜 要求:符合日记格式 saturday, april5thsunnyit was a fine day. i went to visit meizhou island with kangkang. meizhou island is in the south of putian. it is one of the most famous places of interest. it took us about two hours to get to wenjia by bus. then we got to meizhou island by ship for another 15 minutes. when we got there, we visited mazu temple first. then we enjoyed the blue sea. the next morning, we got up early to enjoy the beautiful sunrise. and i was surprised at what i saw. the food is very delicious, especially the fresh seafood. -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 we had a wonderful time. it was an exciting experience. 链接:游记类话题作文还可参考 课文 p33 “sandys trip to japan”、p44 第 3 部分及 p41 的 1a 3骑自行车是同学们出行或运 动的好方式,它给同学们带来方便和快 乐的同时,也存在着诸多的安全问题, 这已成为学校和家长关注的焦点。作为 中学生,你应 该如何遵守交通规则,安全骑车 呢?请你写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。 how to keep safety when riding many students like to travel by bike. riding a bike can save energy and it doesnt cause any pollution. whats more, its good for health. however, more and more bike accidents happened to students. some of -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 them got hurt or died. what can we do to lessen the accidents? the most important thing is to obey the traffic rules. we must never ride too fast. riding fast may cause accidents easily. we mustnt play, listen to music or do other things when riding in the street. and we had better wear the helmets to protect our heads. if we ride at night, we must wear light-colored clothes and have lights on the bicycles. i


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