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高血压英文ppt精品课件diagnosis of hypertensive disorders _第5页
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PIH 高雄榮總婦產部 李如悅 Preview nObstetrics deadly triad: hemorrhage, infection, preeclampsia nIncidence: 3.7-5% n16% of 3201 pregnancy-related deaths in the United States from 1991- 1997 n Gestational hypertension BP 140/90mm Hg for first time during pregnancy No proteinuria BP returns to normal 1.2 mg/dL unless known to be previously elevated Platelets 3), 或胎兒生長停滯 (IUGR), 對於 severe preeclampsia 的病人首先要 降低血壓 、控制 vital sign, 等情況穩定後 儘快生產 ; 如果發生 eclampsia, 在 convulsion 控制下 來以後就應該立刻中止懷孕 The way of delivery n The decision to expedite delivery does not mandate immediate cesarean birth n A prolonged induction is best avoided n Scheduled C/S for women with severe preeclampsia when GA30 wks and low Bishop score Long-term consequences nWomen who have had preeclampsia are more prone to hypertensive complications in future pregnancies. nMultiparous women with eclampsia tend to have higher risk in cardiovascular diseases than nullipara nRecurrent pregnancy hypertension were at increased risk for chronic hypertension Women experiencing normotensive births in subsquent pregnancy have a reduced risk for remote HTN nRepeated pregnancy serves as a screening test for future HTN nPreeclampsia does not


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