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对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 207年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 初 试 试 题 考 试 科 目 : 831会 计 综 合 第 一 部 分 : 英 文 试 题 ( 共 70分 ) 1 Give abrief xplantion for the folwing terms( 9 points) ( 1) Useful ife; ( 2) Revnue xpenditure; ( 3) Interstbearing liabilty; ( 4) Conservatism principle; ( 5) Working capital; ( 6) Direct write-of method 2 True and false( 7 points) For each of the folwing staemnts, write the T or the F to indicate whetr the staemnt is True or alse ( 1) The only busines evnts thin are nterd in acountig records are those that can be expresd in monetary terms ( 2) The ldger is oeties caled the bok of rignal entry because it is the acountig record wher transactions are, first recorde ( 3) When the direct write-of method is used to recognize un-colectible acounts expense,an Alowance for Doubtful Acounts i not required ( 4) Asets wear out more quickly when they are dpreciated by al acelrated method ( 5) If capital stock is isued by a corpration at price higer than par value, the xces amount represnts income in the priod in whic the shares of stocks are isued ( 6) When acorpration presnts bothbasicanddilutedearnigs per share, the basic earnigs per share wil be the smaler of the two figures ( 7) Isuing bonds at discount icrease the actual cost of borwing above the contact rate of interst printed on the bonds 3 Translate the folwing staemnts into Chines。 ( 8 points) ( 1) he-sum-of-theyears-digits and fixed-percntage-of-declinig-base are the most frequently encounterd methods of acelrated epreciation Thes methods result in larger charges to expense in the arlier years of asets use, although litle vidence suports the notin that asets actualy decline in service potential in the maner sugestd by thes methods Advocates conted that celrated epreciation is prefred to straight-line because as the asets ages, the smaler depreciation charges are asociated with igher mainteance charges The resulting cobined expense patern provides a betr matching aginst the asociated revnue stream ( 2) The reporting of busines income asumes that l items of revnue and expense are capble of being measured One rquirent of easurent is that he object or evnt is capble of being orderd or anked in respect o sme proerty Measuremnt is the asignig of numbers to bjects or evnts acording to rules It is also a proces of coparison i order to obtain ore precise information to distinguish one alternative from another in a decison situation 4 Multiple h6ie questions( please chose the bst one for each of the folwing questions ( 15 points) ( 1) Whic of the folwing relationships do you consider of least signifcant to a stockholder? A Net income is greatr than the amount of working capital; B The rturn o asets consitently is higer than the industry average; C he rturn o equity has increased in each of the past 3 years; D The rturn o asets i greatr than the rate of interst being paid to creditors; E None of the above ( 2) if a companys curent ratio declined in a year during whic its quick ratio improved,whic of the folwing is the most likely explantion? A n icrease in iventory; B decrase in iventory; C Recivables are bing colectd more rapidly than i the past; D ecivables are bing colectd ore slowly than i the past; E None of the above ( 3) The primary purose of inventory flow asumption is to: A Miniize the income taxes; B aximize the rported amount of net income; C Parlel the physical flow of units of erchandise; D Ofset aginst revnue an propriate cost of gods ( 4) An item of inventory purchased in 205 for$30 has ben icorectly writen down to curent replacent cost of $20 The item is curently seling in 206 for $50, its normal seling price Whic of the folwing staents i corect? A Income for 205 is overstaed; B The cost of sales for 206 wil be overstaed; C Income for 206 is overstaed; D The closing inventory of 205 is overstaed; E None of the above ( 5) An ivestment i trading securites i valued on the balnce shet at he: Cost o acquired the aset; B Lower of cost or market price; C Fair value; D Acumlated income ls acumlated ivdends ince acquistion ( 6) suing that copany has only one clas of capital stock, a transfer from retained earnigs to contributed capital equal to the market value of the share isued is ordinarily a charcteristic of: A a stock divdend; B a stock option; C a stock split; D a comon stock equivalent ( 7) whic of the folwing transactions would result in a increase in the curent ratio if the ratio is presntly 2: 1? A Repaid a90-day loan; B Purchased merchandise on acount; C liquidated along-term liabilty; D Recived payment of an counts recivable; E None of the above ( 8) in whic of the folwing situations would the largest amount be rcorde as n expense of the curent period?( Asume acrual basi acountig) A $20 is paid for equipent with auseful ife of ive yars; B $80 is paid for atwo-year fire insurance policy; C $100 cash divdends ale paid to stockholders; D $50 is paid to an torney for legal services renderd uring the curent period, ( 9) In peretual inventory stem, purchase of merchandise on acount are rcorde by debitng: A Cost of god sold; B counts payble; C Inventory; D Purchase ( 10) Before month-end adjustments ale made, the January 3 1 trial balnce of ABC Company contains revnue of$270 and expense of $18340、 Adjustments are ncesary for the folwing items: -Depreciation for January, $140; -Portin of preaid rent aplicable to January, $320; -Fes for service arned in January“, not yet biled to customer, $190; -portin of es colectd in advance arned in January, $20 Net income in ABCs Income Staemnt of January is: A $10340; B $170; C $70; D Some other amount ( 1) A liabilty for defred income taxes represnts: A Income taxes already paid on earnigs whic have not yet ben reported in the Companys income staent; B Income taxes on earnigs already reported in the income staemnt, but whic wil be taxed in futre priods; C Income tax obligations being disputed with te tax gency; D Incoe taxes levid in prior years hic ale now past due; E None of the above ( 12) ABC sold a depreciable aset for cash of $250 The acumlated epreciation f $600 and los of $50 was recognized on the sale Under thes cirustances the original cost of the aset must have ben: A $50; B $650; C $800; D $900; E None of thes ( 13) The trmpaid-in capitalmeans: A l asets other than retained arnigs; B Legal capital minus retained arnigs; C Total stockholders equity minus retained arnigs; D otal sets minus total iabilties ( 14) Declartion ad istribution f a stock divdend Cause ach of the folwing efcts except: A decrase in retained arnigs; B n icrease in the number of shares of stock outsandig; C A decrase in total sets of the isuing corpration; D n icrease in legal capital of the isuing corpration E None of the above ( 15) The basic difernce btwenlos contigenciesandreal iabiltiesis: A liabilties always are rcorde in the acountig records; wheras los contigencies nevr are; B The xtent of uncertainty involed; C Liabilties can be large in amount, but los contigencies are imaterial; D iabilties tem from past ransactions, wheras los contigencies tem from futre evnts; E None of the above 5 Translate the folwing staemnts from Chines into English ( 14 points) ( 1) 投 资 音 净 收 益 的 概 念 与 主 体 理 沦 是 相 一 致 的 , 投 资 者 净 收 益 概 念 基 于 其 会 计 方 程式 的 资 产 等 于 权 益 的 观 点 。 根 据 实 体 理 论 , 债 权 人 与 股 东 都 是 企 业 的 投 资 者 , 收 益 就 是 收 入减 去 除 利 息 以 外 的 费 用 。 ( 7分 ) ( 2) 会 计 估 计 的 变 更 采 用 未 来 适 用 法 , 即 对 以 前 的 财 务 报 表 不 作 调 整 , 估 计 的 变 更 只影 响 变 更 当 期 ; 如 果 会 计 估 计 的 变 更 涉 及 到 多 个 会 计 期 间 , 则 会 计 估 计 变 更 会 影 响 到 变 更 当期 和 未 来 期 间 。 会 计 估 计 变 更 对 营 业 收 益 、 非 常 项 目 以 及 相 关 每 股 收 益 的 影 响 都 应 在 变 更 发生 的 当 年 加 以 披 露 。 ( 7分 ) 6 Staemnt of cash flows( 13 points) An alysi of the 206 finacial staemnts of ABC ompany revals the folwing information: ( 1) Acount payble to supliers of merchandise dcreased by $400 during 206; ( 2) machine whic had cost of $800 and acumlated epreciation f $6200, was sold in 206 for $300 cash; ( 3) Divdends of$1200 wer declared in November 206, to be paid in January ( 4) ivdends of$1050, declared in oveber 205, wer paid in January 206; ( 5) Inventory levls increased by$760 during 206; ( 6) Depreciation expense for 206 amounted to$390; ( 7) Net income for 206 was $6300; ( 8) Investent income of $650 from al equity investment was recognized( using equity method) for 206, and cash divdend of $100 was recived from the quity investent i 206 Required: Using only the above information, preare the sction f Cash flows from operating activties on the Staemnt of Cash Flows of 206 for ABC ompany( Use indirect ethod, list each componet of cash flows from operating activites) 7 Long-term liabilties( 4 points) Sevral years ago, OPX Company isued $10 milion f 20-year, 1 bonds payble at smal premiu Since the bond isued, OPXs finacial strength and credit rating have actualy improved, but oday the bonds ale trading among investors at price of Required: ( 1) Explain the most probale rason why the market price of thes bonds had eclined,evn though OPXs credit rating has improved ( 2) How il the drop in the arket value of thes bonds be rported( if at 1) in OPXs income staemnt and balnce shet? Explain 第 二 部 分 : 中 文 试 题 ( 共 80分 ) 一 、 解 释 下 列 名 词 或 术 语 ( 每 小 题 2分 , 共 10分 ) 1 权 责 发 生 制 ( 应 计 制 ) 2 权 益 法 3 企 业 会 计 准 则 4 净 现 值 5 资 本 成 本 二 、 填 空 题 ( 每 空 1分 , 共 10分 ) 1 在 财 务 会 计 以 成 本 法 进 行 业 务 处 理 条 件 下 , 在 企 业 确 认 投 资 收 益 时 , 应 该 借 心 :_、 货 记 : _。 2 在 财 务 管 理 中 , 企 业 的 资 本 结 构 是 指 _。 3 财 务 管 理 主 要 包 括 三 方 面 的 内 容 , 包 括 _、 _和_。 4 在 财 务 管 理 和 管 理 会 计 中 , 均 会 涉 及 长 期 投 资 决 策 问 题 。 评 价 长 期 投 资 决 策 时 的 未来 “效 益 ”不 再 是 利 润 , 而 是 _。 5 资 产 负 债 率 是 指 _。 6 在 财 务 会 计 的 利 润 表 中 , 毛 利 是 指 _。 而 在 管 理 会 计 中 , 则 强 调 边 际贡 献 ( 或 贡 献 边 际 ) 。 贡 献 边 际 是 指 _。 三 、 问 答 题 ( 每 题 8分 , 共 32分 ) 1 请 说 明 客 观 性 原 则 和 历 史 成 本 原 则 的 基 本 含 义 , 并 着 重 分 析 历 史 成 本 原 则 条 件 下 的财 务 会 计 信 息 对 信 息 使 用 者 可 能 产 生 的 影 响 。 2 全 面 预 算 的 编 制 方 法 有 哪 些 ?如 何 看 待 全 面 预 算 管 理 对 企 业 管 理 的 重 要 作 用 ? 3 请 说 明 标 准 成 本 制 的 主 要 内 容 。 如 何 认 识 有 利 差 异 和 不 利 差 异 中 所 包 含 的 管 理 信 息 ? 4 常 用 的 财 务 比 率 有 哪 些 ( 说 出 本 试 卷 已 经 出 现 的 比 率 以 外 的 其 他 4个 比 率 即 可 ) ?运 用 比 率 分 析 时 应 注 意 哪 些 问 题 ? 四 、 综 合 分 析 题 ( 28分 ) 某 股 评 人 士 说 : 应 特 别 关 注 上 市 公 司 利 润 的 质 量 , 尤 其 是 当 上 市 公 司 的 每 股 收 益 和 每 股经 营 活 动 的 现 金 净 流 量 基 本 相 等 时 , 企 业 利 润 质 量 是 好 的 ? 1 怎 样 认 识 现 金 流 量 的 质 量 ?质 量 良 好 的 现 金 流 量 有 哪 些 特 征 ?( 7分 ) 2 自 己 设 计 二 至 三 个 连 续 的 业 务 , 使 该 几 项 业 务 影 响 利 润 表 、 资 产 负 债 表 和 现 金 流 量表 。 分 析 指 出 每 项 业 务 对 三 张 报 表 具 体 项 目 的 影 响 情 况 ( 提 示 : 例 如 , 从 银 行 贷 款 20万元 的 业 务 , 贷 款 期 限 为 3个 月 。 此 项 业 务 对 报 表 项 目 的 影 响 : 资 产 负 债 表 的 “货 币 资 金 ”和 “短 期 借 款 ”项 目 分 别 增 加 20万元 , 现 金 流 量 表 中 “取 得 贷 款 收 到 的 现 金 ”增 加 20万 元 。 本 业 务 对 利 润 表 无 影 响 ) ( 6分 ) 3 分 析 经 营 活 动 现 金 净 流 量 对 哪 些 决 策 有 重 要 意 义 ?( 6分 ) 4 评 价 本 题 开 始 时 某 股 评 人 士 关 于 现 金 流 量 的 认 识 。 ( 4分 ) 5 分 析 导 致 企 业 营 业 利 润 较 高 , 但 其 经 营 活 动 产 生 的 现 金 流 量 净 额 较 低 的 可 能 原 因 。( 5分 ) 参 考 答 案 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 207年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 初 试 试 题 考 试 科 目 : 831会 计 综 合 第 一 部 分 : 英 文 试 题 ( 共 70分 ) 1 Give a brief xplantion for the folwing terms( 9 points) ( 1) Useful ife: The number of years that depreciable busines equipment or proerty is expectd to be in use. ( 2) Reve xpenditure: Outlay benfitng only the curent year. It is treatd as n expense to be matched aginst revnue. An example is a tune -up of a cr that has period f benfit of one yar or les. Repairs expense is charged. ( 3) Interst bearing liabilty: Finacial obligations on whic interst are paid. ( 4) Coservatism priciple: Acountig uideline that understaes asets and revnues and overstaes liabilties and expense. Expense should be rcognized arlier than later while rvenue should be rcognized later than soner. Thus, net income wil result in alower figure. ( 5) Workig capital: The amount of curent asets that exced curent liabilties. ( 6) Direct write-of metod: Way of chargin bad ebt expense when a count recivable is actualy demed uncolectible. Thus, at he date it is certain that he customer wil not be able to pay (in the ost extrem instance, bankruptcy), the ntry is to debit ad ebt expense and credit acounts recivable. The advantge of this method is that it is based on fact rather than estimates. Howevr, it is not aceptd for finacial reporting purose because it fails to match bad ebt expense aginst sales in the year of sale and oes not show the ralizable value of acounts recivable. 2 True and false( 7 points) For each of the folwing staemnts, write the T or the F to indicate whetr the staemnt is True or alse ( 1) The only busines evnts thin are nterd in acountig records are those that can be expresd in monetary terms Answer: T ( 2) he ldger is ometies caled the bok of rignal entry because it is the acountig record wher transactions are, first recorde Anser: F ( 3) When the direct write-of method is used to recognize un-colectible acounts expense,an Alowance for Doubtful Acounts i not required nser: T ( 4) Asets wear out more quickly when they are dpreciated by al acelrated method Answer: F ( 5) If capital stock is isued by a corpration at price higer than par value, the xces amount represnts income in the priod in whic the shares of stocks are isued Aswer: F ( 6) When acorpration presnts bothbasicanddilutedearnigs per share, the basic earnigs per share wil be the smaler of the two figures Aswer: F ( 7) Isuing bonds at discount icrease the actual cost of borwing above the contact rate of interst printed on the bonds Aswer: T 3 Translate the folwing staements into Chines。 ( 8 points) ( 1) he-sum-of-theyears-digits and fixed-percntage-of-declinig-base are the most frequently encounterd methods of acelrated epreciation Thes methods result in larger charges to expense in the arlier years of asets use, although litle vidence suports the notin that asets actualy decline in service potential in the maner sugestd by thes methods Advocates conted that celrated epreciation is prefred to straight-line because as the asets ages, the smaler depreciation charges are asociated with igher mainteance charges The resulting cobined expense patern provides a betr matching aginst the asociated revnue stream Answer: 年 数 总 和 法 和 定 率 递 减 法 是 使 用 最 为 频 繁 的 两 种 加 速 折 旧 方 法 。 这 两 种 方 法 在资 产 使 用 的 早 期 计 提 较 多 的 折 旧 费 用 , 尽 管 并 没 有 太 多 证 据 表 明 资 产 是 以 这 样 的 方 式 消 耗的 。 提 倡 者 主 张 加 速 折 旧 法 比 直 线 法 更 好 , 因 为 随 着 资 产 的 老 化 , 较 少 的 折 旧 费 用 将 伴 随 着较 多 的 维 修 费 用 。 这 两 种 费 用 的 结 合 将 会 与 收 入 流 更 好 地 匹 配 。 ( 2) The reporting of busines income asumes that l items of revnue and expense are capble of being measured One rquirent of easurent is that he object or evnt is capble of being orderd or anked in respect o sme proerty Measuremnt is the asignig of numbers to bjects or evnts acording to rules It is also a proces of coparison i order to obtain ore precise information to distinguish one alternative from another in a decison situation Aswer: 报 告 营 业 利 润 时 要 假 设 收 入 和 费 用 的 所 有 项 目 都 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量 。 计 量 的 要求 之 一 就 是 对 象 或 事 项 能 够 按 照 某 种 特 性 进 行 排 序 。 计 量 就 是 按 照 规 定 给 对 象 或 事 项 赋 值 的过 程 。 同 时 , 它 还 是 一 个 比 较 的 过 程 , 为 了 获 得 更 精 确 的 信 息 以 便 在 做 决 策 时 选 择 更 好 的 方案 。 4 Multiple h6ie questions( please chose the best one for each of the folwing questions( 15 oints) ( 1) Whic of the folwing relationships do you consider of least signifcant to a stockholder? A Net income is greatr than the amount of working capital; B The rturn o asets consitently is higer than the industry average; C he rturn o equity has increased in each of the past 3 years; D The rturn o asets i greatr than the rate of interst being paid to creditors; E None of the above Answer: A ( 2) if a companys curent ratio declined in a year during whic its quick ratio improved,whic of the folwing is the most likely explantion? A n icrease in iventory; B decrase in iventory; C Recivables are bing colectd more rapidly than i the past; D ecivables are bing colectd ore slowly than i the past; E None of the above Aswer: E ( 3) The primary purose of inventory flow asumption is to: A Miniize the income taxes; B aximize the rported amount of net income; C Parlel the physical flow of units of erchandise; D Ofset aginst revnue an propriate cost of gods Answer: D ( 4) An item of inventory purchased in 205 for$30 has ben icorectly writen down to curent replacent cost of $20 The item is curently seling in 206 for $50, its normal seling price Whic of the folwing staents i corect? A Income for 205 is overstaed; B The cost of sales for 206 wil be overstaed; C Income for 206 is overstaed; D The closing inventory of 205 is overstaed; E None of the above Answer: C ( 5) n ivestment i trading securites i valued on the balnce shet at he: A Cost o acquired the aset; B Lower of cost or market price; C Fair value; D Acumlated income ls acumlated ivdends ince acquistion nswer: C ( 6) Asuming that company has only one clas of capital stock, a transfer from retained earnigs to contributed capital equal to the market value of the share isued is ordinarily a charcteristic of: A a stock divdend; B a stock option; C a stock split; D a comon stock equivalent Answer: A ( 7) hic of the folwing transactions would result in a increase in the curent ratio if the ratio is presntly 2: 1? A Repaid a90-day loan; B Purchased merchandise on acount; C liquidated along-term liabilty; D Recived payment of an counts recivable; E None of the above Answer: A ( 8) in hic of the folwing situations would the largest amount be rcorde as n expense of the curent period?( Asume acrual basi acountig) A $20 is paid for equipent with auseful ife of ive yars; B $80 is paid for atwo-year fire insurance policy; C $100 cash divdends ale paid to stockholders; D $50 is paid to an torney for legal services renderd uring the curent period, Answer: D ( 9) In peretual inventory stem, purchase of merchandise on acount are rcorde by debitng:


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