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1、one“ i dont want toget up early, ” the junior 1 middleschoolstudentin shanghaisaid,“i wantmore(1)_”but,likeitornot,luohasbreakfastat6:15am,(2)_homeat6:30amand,aftera30-minutebusride,he (3)_atschoolat7am.likemostofhis40classmates,luo arrivesatschoolafullhourbeforelessonsstarts(4)_8:00am.astudyof2,500



4、le, ”saidaschoolhead.twomy favorite festival is spring festival. it is celebrated(1)_the first day of the first lunar month.beforeitcomes,people(2)_thehouseandmake thehousebeautiful. it means to wash (3)_ the bad things. on the first twodays of spring festival,people(4)_ theirfriendsand relativesand

5、send wishes to each other. (5)_ this festival, people also gathertogether to have big meals. it s my favorite festival (6)_ i canwear new clothesand(7)_ the giftmoney. what s more, i can see thedragon dance. it makes me(8)_ happy and excited.the true(9)_ ofthe springfestivalis the reunionof the fami

6、lyand the wish of a better(10)_ in the coming year.threeoctober 5th, 2015 was a big day for chinese. tu youyou won the 2015nobleprize inphysiology ormedicine.she was the(1)_chinesescientist who won this prize. chinese people are (2)_ of her. shewas born(3)_ december 30th, 1930. she became(4)_ in med

7、icinewhen she was still a little girl. so she studied medicine when she wasin university. she started her lifelong career after she(5)_herstudy in the university. (6)_ her working conditions were verysimple,and she gotsick,she didn t give(7)_ herstudy.she triedtoconnectchinese medicine(8)_westernmed

8、icinetomake a newmedicine. she believed that failure is the road to success. she failedquitea lotoftimes,butshe (9)_ atlast.she ismore than 80 yearsold now, but she still goes on working on her study. (10)_ a greatscientistshe is!ihope more and more chinese scientistswillwin nobleprize.fourhigh scho

9、ol inamerica, aftermiddle schoolcomes highschool,whichincludesgrades 9 through12.students have to takecertain(1)_ likeenglish,socialstudies,math, science,and physicaleducation.besides,they (2)_ other subjectsto complete theirhigh schooleducation.these subjects include technology, music, art, and for

10、eign languages.each student in the school has (3)_ own locker for books andpersonalthings.thissaves students fromcarryingtextbooks,and allowsstudents a small space they can decorate with posters and favoriteobjects.cheating are not allowed in (4)_schools. and in fact, highschool students usually don

11、t cheat.sports: most high schools have at (5)_ one sports team, andallstudentsareencouraged to be involvedin sports.schoolsoftenofferfootball, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, andsoccer. some may even have sports like golf, swimming, etc.jobs: many high school students have par

12、t-time jobs by the age of15 or 16, some even earlier. their first jobs are often babysitting orcutting grass, (6)_later they will likely get a job at (7)_fast-food restaurant, video store, or clothing shop.driving:sixteen years oldisa legaldriving(8)_ inmost states,and studentsusuallywant toown a ca

13、ras soon as they can.someparentsallow their (9)_to drive a family vehicle(交通工具 ), and may evenbuy a car as a graduation present. parents prefer that their sons and(10)_ earn enough to have a used vehicle.fivenorman bethune is(1) _of chinas most famous heroes,but hewasntchinese -hewas canadian. he ga

14、ve hislifeto helpthe chinesepeople.norman bethune was (2)_ in 1890 he became a (3) _ in1916,and he went to the fronttolook afterinjuredsoldiersinthefirstworld war. he saw many soldiers die in the war. later he invented newtreatmentsto (4)_soldiersandmedical toolstouse outsidehospital.in1938 he came

15、totreatthechinesesoldiersinthemountainsnorth of yanan. there were few doctors,so he had to work very(5)_.he opened (6)_to givetreatmenttolocalpeople and soldiers,andto train doctors and nurses. he also (7)_books so that doctorscould learn about new treatments.dr. bethune worked very hard (8)_ stoppi

16、ng to rest. once,hepreformedoperationsfor 69hoursandsaved112people s .hecontinuedworkinginspiteofcuttinghishandduring(9)_operation(手术 ).intheend,he diedbecause he did nottake care of his hand.dr. bethunes work withthe chinese soldiersmadehim a hero inchina.there are books and films about him, and he is still remembered in (10)_ canada and china.答案:one: 1.sleep 2.leaves 3.arrives 4.at 5.short 6.busy 7.good 8.play 9.more 10. howtwo: 1.on 2. clean 3. away 4. visit 5. during 6. because 7. get 8. feel 9. spirit 10. lifethree: 1.first 2. proud 3. on 4. interest


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