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1、,Environmental Protection,Book 8 Unit 22,PART 1,基础知识默写,PART 2,基础知识夯实,PART 3,考点互动探究,PART 4,跟踪达标训练,PART 1,基础知识默写,(学生用书325328页),默写(一) 1. vt. 使困住 n. 陷阱;圈套 2. n. 保护区 v. 保护;保留;预订 n. 保护;保留;预订 adj. 预订的,保留的 3. n. 原则,道德准则 4. prep. 超出 5. adj. 有关的 adv. 有关地;得要领地 n. 相关,查看答案,trap,reserve,reservation,reserved,princ

2、iple,beyond,relevant,relevantly,relevance,6. v. 指,意即 n. 提到,谈及;参考,查阅 7. n. 农业 adj. 农业的;农艺的 8. vt. 回收利用 9. vt. 威胁 n. 威胁 10.conservation n. _ vt. 保护;保存 11.coincidence n. _ 12.condemn vt. _,查看答案,reference,refer,agriculture,agricultural,recycle,threaten,threat,conserve,保护,巧合,迫使(某人)陷入不幸的境地;谴责,13.sacrifice

3、 vt. 升华教材,强化应用,PART 4,跟踪达标训练,1.In that box youve got something that is (potential) going to save somebodys life. 2.If there had been any talking,it (cause) us to learn less. (2017全国) 3.Italy (witness) a sharp increase in immigration in recent years. (2017浙江) 4.We advocate (solve) the Ukraine issue b

4、y negotiations. 5.His illness led to his (not,be) able to attend the meeting.,查看答案,.单句语法填空,potentially,would have caused,has witnessed,solving,not being,6.Apart good service,the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 7. (give) that there is no traffic delay,I will be here on

5、 time. 8.She sacrificed a promising career (look) after her sick daughter. 9.Our soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives (defend) our country. 10. (consider) your salary,you should put aside at least 100 dollars a week. 11.Most students want that knowledge to be relevant their future careers.

6、12.The brave soldiers were determined to save all the people (trap) in the flood.,查看答案,from,Given,to look,to defend,Considering,to,trapped,13. (construct) a working still,use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep.(2017全国) 14.It is reported that the new airport is s

7、till under (construct). 15.If you drive this car without a licence,youll have to answer the consequences.,查看答案,To construct,construction,for,1.It is clear that all the means has been tried,but in vain. 2.The number of girls were waiting outside the gate to see the famous star. 3.In the past few year

8、s,thousands of films have produced all over the world. 4.The policeman seized the thief by his arm immediately. 5.The old couple were very kind and they treated their adopting son very well. 6.They advocated that everyone lived a low-carbon life.,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误),查看答案,have,A, been,the,adopted,live,7

9、.“Its such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table reserving for customers. 8.I was sitting on the grass while it began to rain heavily. 9.This accident condemned the old man for a poor life. 10.We must obey the principle all men are innocent until they are proved guilty. 11.The person re

10、ferring to at the meeting was a famous scientist from the USA. 12.The discovery of new evidence led to the thiefs be caught.,查看答案,reserved,when,to, that,referred,being,Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earths temperature,1. in turn leads to climate change.Scientists hold the view t

11、hat it could be one of the biggest environmental problems 2. (face) the 21st century.Some of the scientists have reported that it is human beings that 3. (cause) changes in the Earths climate;for in the last 50 years,gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles 4. (be) speed

12、ing up the process of global warming.It seems that the link between human activities and 5. (rise) global temperatures is not 6. (mere) a coincidence according to some data.,.教材与语法填空,查看答案,which,facing,are causing,have been,rising,merely,If we continue to produce carbon dioxide and other gases in suc

13、h huge 7._(quantity),we are condemning life on Earth 8. should expect severe consequences.After all,theres no substitute 9. our Earth,so each person should take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide together with the governments 10. (save) the Earth.,查看答案,quantities,and,for,to save,According

14、 to a report which aim to assess the levels of noise pollution in China,noise pollution is becoming a seriously problem all over the world. There is much noise pollution in Chinas urban areas than in Chinas countryside.Global levels of noise pollution are in the increase.The Chinese government has a

15、dopted several effective noise control plans,so we can be optimistic about China future.As a matter of fact,average urban noise pollution levels decreased by 3 decibels since 1989.,.教材与短文改错,aims,查看答案,serious,more,on,Chinas, have,The government hopes to far reduce noise pollution levels in the future

16、 with continued efforts.With new regulations or urban planning,pollution levels should be drop ever further.Within the next ten years,China would become one of the least noise-polluted country in Asia.,查看答案,further,and,countries,写作素材(关于环境污染问题) 1.实际上,空气已经被严重污染了。 2.这已导致大量的人死于与空气污染有关的疾病。(定语从句) 3.对所有这些行为的后果是要负责的,所以我们必须要采取行动。 4.除了关闭一些工厂外,我们还可以限制汽车的数量。 5.总之,我们每个人都要尽力而为。,.教材与微写作,连句成篇根据提示利用本单元所学知识补全短文 1. ,the air has been seriously polluted.It has 2._ number of people _ .All these are to be 3. ,so we


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