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1、最新 料推荐英语专项测试名词复数练习一一、请写出下列词的复数形式。(1*50=50 )city_ _zoo_country_ tooth_mouse_boy_ broom _car _tree_horse_ bus_ fox_branch_ baby_ family_ dish_radio_ photo_ piano_ knife_leaf_life_ thief_ _man_woman_ child_footthis _ watch_diary_ day_ book_dress_ sheep_ teabox_strawberry_peach_ sandwich_ paper_juice_ w

2、ater_ milk_ rice_peopleCDox_deer_ fish_二、单项选择(1 *10=10 )()1. The _ in our yard are very beautiful.A. clothB. waterC. flowers()2. Tom is one of the Chinese _ in our school.A. boyB. boysC. boies()3. A cat has four _ , doesnt it?A. footsB. feetC. feets()4. There are three _ and five _ in the room.A. Am

3、erican, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C. American, Japanese()5. Can you see nine _ in the picture?A. fishB. bookC. horse()6. The _ has two_.A. boy; watchB. boy; watchesC. boys; watch()7. The _ are flying back to their country.A. GermanyB. GermanysC. Germans()8. The girl brushes her _ every day befo

4、re she goes to bed.A. toothsB. teethC. teeths()9.I saw many _ in the street.A. peoplesB.peopleC.people s()10.The green sweater is his _.A.brotherB.brothersC.brothers三、选择填空(1 *10=10)()1.They come from different _1最新 料推荐A. countryB. countriesC. a countryD. countrys()2. How many _ do you see in the pic

5、ture?A. tomatosB. tomatoesC. tomatoD. the tomato()3. They are_.A . woman teachersB. women teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher()4. Would you like _ ,please?A. two glass ofwaterB. two glasses ofwaterC. two glass ofwatersD. two glasses ofwaters()5. Most of _ live in _.A. Germans, GermanB. German,

6、GermenC. Germen, GermanyD. Germans, Germany()6. There are some _ in these _.A. knifespencil-boxesB. knivespencils-boxC. knivespencil-boxD. knivespencils-boxes()7. _ like _ by air.A. Greens, travellingB. The Green, travelingC. The Greens, travelD. The Greens, traveling()8. I wonder why _ are interest

7、ed in action films(武打片 ).A. the peopleB. peopleC. peoplesD. the peoples()9. There is no _ in the plate.A. applesB. orangesC. rice D. eggs()10.My uncle has three _.A.childB.childsC.childrenD.childrens四 .填入所给名词的正确形式 (2 *10=20)1. I have two_ (knife)2. There are many _ here. (box)3. There are many _ on

8、the road. (bus)4. A few _ are drawing on the wall. (boy)5. The _ are playing football now. (child)6. Please take two _ for me. (photo)7. I like the red _.(tomato)8. Would you please clean your _ now? (tooth)9. Do you want some _? (milk)10. There are ten _in our school. (woman teacher)2最新 料推荐单、复数练习一

9、. 练习:写出下列各词的复数( 本项积分 6 分,每题 0.2 分)I _ him _ this _ her _ watch _ child _ photo _ diary_ day_ foot_ book_ dress_ tooth_ sheep _ box_strawberry _ thief _ yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _ man_woman_ paper_ juice_ milk_ rice_ tea_ people_CD_二 . 请把下列各词变成复数形式,没做完不许看答案哦。1、hero2、 potato3、 match4、boy5、city6、kangaro

10、o7、 radio8、zoo9、photo10,leaf11、knife12、scarf13、mouth14、man15、foot16、 tooth17、child18、mouse19、woman20、 Chinese21、sheep22、fish23、glass三请填空。1.I_(have got )many new _(friend).2.She_(have got )four _(photo).3.They_(have got )a_(teacher).4.It_(have got )four_(leg).5.Two birds_(be)black.One bird_(be)yellow

11、.四名词的复数练习题一 . 给下列的名词加上复数的形式:Thriller_ documentary _ comedy_ action_ movie _life_ knife _ fry_ leaf_ photo_ radio _piano_ zoo_ tomato _ potato_ bus_ watch _box_ book_ map_ cat _ film _ door_ month_horse_ picture_ class_ boy_ tooth_ woman _eye_ tooth _ German_ Chinese_ man _ football_child_ classroom

12、_ monkey_ tree_ egg_ coat_Frenchman_五 . 将下列词组译成汉语:1三杯牛奶2一袋大米3三篮子苹果4一碗面条5四盒子书6七套英语书7五袋子大米8三听橘汁9八条新闻10一箱香蕉六 .选择填空:() 1.They are_3最新 料推荐A: man doctor B: men doctors C: men doctor D: man doctors ( ) 2There are five_ in the hill. A: sheep B: sheeps C: goose D: deers( ) 3 Those white socks _ small.A: are

13、B: is C: am D: do( ) 4We have many_in our school.A: woman teacher B: women teachers C: woman teachers D: women teacher( ) 5Do you like _?A: vegetable B: vegetables C: an vegetable( ) 6How many _do they have?A: picture B: pictures C: a picture( ) 7There are six _in the room.A: volleyball B: volleybal

14、ls C: a volleyball D: volleyballs( ) 8Are these _teachers?A: woman B: women C: womans( ) 9It is _.A: milk B: a milk C: an molk D: milks( )10Its a _.It isnt an _.A: apple, egg B: cake,egg C: egg,orange, D: egg,cake( ) 11Tom and Jim are _.A: friends B: friend C: brother D: sister( ) 12Where are his _?

15、_the dresser.A: keys ,They are on B: key, They are on C: keys, It is at D:key,It is in( )13Are those your _?A: bookes B: boxs C: apples D: apple ( )14There is _in our room.A: a picture and five maps B: five maps and a pictureC: two pictures and five maps D: two picture and five map 练习 2 答案1、heroes 2

16、 、potatoes 3 、 matches 4 、boys5、cities 6、kangaroos 7 、radios 8、zoos9、photos 10 、 leaves 11 、 knives 12 、scarves / scarfs13、mouths 14 、men 15、feet 16 、teeth17、children 18、 mice 19 、women 20、Chinese21、sheep 22 、 fishes / fish 23、glasses答案1.have got ,friends 2.has got,mangosmangoes3.have got, teacher 4

17、.has got,legs 5.are,is.4最新 料推荐七 1 5 CADBB 610 BCCBB 1115 CBDBC 1620 BBABC练习一答案:一、请写出下列词的复数形式。(1*50=50 )citieszoos countriesteethmiceboysbroomscarstreeshorses buses foxesbranchesbabiesfamiliesdishesradiosphotos pianosknivesleaves livesthievesmenwomenchildrenfeetthesewatches diariesdaysbooksdresses sh

18、eep teasboxesstrawberriespeaches sandwiches papersjuicewatermilkricepeopleCDsoxendeerfish二、单项选择(1 *10=10)1.C2.B3.B4.B5.A6.B7.C8.B9.B10.C三、选择填空(1 *10=10)1.B2.B3.B4.B5.D6.D7.D8.B9.C10.C四 .填入所给名词的正确形式(2 *10=20)1. knives2.boxes 3.buses 4.boys5.children6.photos 7.tomatoes 8.k10.women teachers主格

19、宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词Imemyminemyselfyouyouyouryoursyourselfhehimhishishimselfsheherherhersherselfitititsitsitselfweusouroursourselvestheythemtheirtheirsthemselves=一、用所给词义的适当形式填空:1、is a teacher. 她()2、is a good boy. (他)3、is in the classroom (它)4、are very smart today. (你)5最新 料推荐5、(你们 ) are students.6、c

20、an t find my ruler?我(). Where is? (它 )7、am a student. 我( ) _like English very much. (我们 )8、is my brother. (他)9、I like her pencil case.is nice! (它)10、_ are playing ping-pong in the park(.他们)二、用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空:1.Her sister is helping _(we).2. John and I are in the same school.(we)go to school together.

21、3. Everyone likes_(she), do _(you)?4. Danny gives the book to _ (you).5._ (I) have many friends. Some of_(they)are good at English.6. Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he). 7.I love _(they)very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_(she).9.They are waiting for_(they) .10.Do you like Li Ming? No,

22、_(I) don t like _(he).三、填空。1.(她) is a student.(我) am a student, too.2.(我) want(你 ) to do it today.3._(他 )looks like(他) .(他们 ) are twins.4.(你们 ) are from England.(我们 ) are from China.5.Can(你) read it for(我们 )?6. (他) is a student.答案:一、 1.She 2. He 3. It 4. You 5. You 6. I , it 7. I , We 8. He 9. It 10

23、. They二、 1. us 2. We 3. her, you 4. you 5. I , them 6. I , him 7. them 8. her 9. them 10. I , him三、 1. She I2. I, you 3. He, him. They 4. You, We 5. you, us 6.He四、 1. They asked her to ignore it.2. He requested me to turn on the TV.He requested that I (should) turn on the TV.3. This is my first visi

24、t to Beijing. (visit 在此作名词 )6最新 料推荐This is the first time that I have visited Beijing.This is the first time for me to visit Beijing.4. We order/ordered you to put down your gun.We order/ordered that you (should) put down your gun.5. Your teacher advised us to make good use of our time. Your teacher

25、 suggested we/us making good use of our time.Your teacher advised/suggested that we (should) make good use of our time. 请按照中文提示将下列句子补充完整。1._( 我) am a teacher.2.My father is talking with _(我 ).3._( 他) often plays basketball after school.4._( 他的 ) teacher is good.5._( 我们 ) buy a pair of shoes for _(他)

26、.6.Please pass_( 我们 ) the ball.7._( 他们 ) are listening to the radio.8.This is _( 我的 ) book. That is_(他的 )9._( 他的 ) chair is blue. _(我们的 ) is yellow.10._( 我们的 ) classroom is big._(你们的 ) is small.选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1.This is (my / I ) mother.2.Nice to meet(your / you ).3.( He / His)name is Mark.4.What

27、 s( she / her) name?5.Excuse ( me / my / I).6. Are (your / you)Miss Li?7. ( I/ My )am Ben.8. ( She / Her ) is my sister.用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _( she ) sister.3. Lily is _ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5.Now _(her parent)are in America.6.Those

28、_ _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.7.Do you know_ ( it ) name?一、用所给词义的适当形式填空:7最新 料推荐1、is a teacher. 她()2、is a good boy. (他)3、is in the classroom (它)4、are very smart today. (你)5、(你们 ) are students.6、can t find my ruler?我(). Where is? (它 )7、am a student. 我( ) _like English very much. (我们 )8、is

29、 my brother. (他)9、I like her pencil case.is nice! (它)10、_ are playing ping-pong in the park(.他们)二、用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空:1.Her sister is helping _(we).2. John and I are in the same school.(we)go to school together.3. Everyone likes_(she), do _(you)?4. Danny gives the book to _ (you).5._ (I) have many friends. Some of_(they)are good at English.6. Jim is English. _ (I) like playing with _(he). 7.I love _(they)very much.8.Miss Li often looks after_(she).9.They are waiting for_(they) .10.Do you like Li Ming? No, _(I) don t like _(he).三、填空。1.(她) is a student.(我) a


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