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1、最新 料推荐IELTS SPEAKING原 :1.as simple as possible2.as short as possibleIELTS has 3 parts:1. General Intro Daily Qs ( 4-5)Name:Ask:may I have your name?What should I call you?Answer:Call me It meansIt s given byHometown:Ask:You look like (are you ,you from.?)You sounds likeAnswer:I was born in raised in

2、Education:I was studying in Majored in.Work:I m now working with as.2. Topic cards ( 3-4)3. 2-way Discussion ( 4-5)Part0-small talk!( 开始 )口 区:1. He or She 性 区分2. Tense 注意 3. 介 的用法4. 音 ( th)口 是 出来的,而不是学出来的!Mind心灵Bartender酒保, 酒 Sommelier 品酒 Art 文科1最新 料推荐Science 理科I need a moment去洗手间Lesson 2你好:How ya?(

3、 how are you ?)How is everything ?How been ?( how have you been doing ?)以前过的好不好?Sup?( what s up)What happened ?Never been better好到不得了Awesome 哇很好Good 还行So-so 一般Kinda= kind ofSame old 读: same olGetting by过一天是一天Sucks 糟糕透了Never been worse差到不行了I haven tseen you in ages!长时间不见了(long time no see )回答: yeah ,

4、 itsbeen a long time.What s new ?有什么新鲜事What brings you here? 有什么风把你吹来了Fancy meeting you here!想不到见到你Its getting later ; I gotta go我要走了Stay in touch ;call you later下次见,保持联系Let s do lunch sometime找个时间吃饭回答: I llsee.回头见:Later ;ciao ; see ya around; see ya in two day; see ya in a bit! 10-20 分钟后见Catch ya l

5、ater 回头找你Be good要好好的take care保重哦,The third is a charm事不过三East or west home is the best金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝Bun馒头地道口语的六要素:1. 标准的语言2. 漂亮的语调3. 优美的节奏4. 夸张的重音5. 敏捷到位的反应2最新 料推荐6. 丰富的表情与身体 言 分 准:1. pronunciation 音,易懂2.lexical resource ,准确,多 3.grammatical range 法,准确,多 4.fluidity&coherence流 ,速度适中,意思 1. 广州考相 比 好2. 5.26

6、 全国 ielts 口 平均分3. 考官口音,咩都有4. 性格:大部分活 ,少部分 5. 口音 !Lesson3不要叫老 叫teacher , 先 what should I call you ?小学: miss, madam ;大学: professor服 : server四大禁忌 :1. female age 女士年 2. salary 薪水3. marriage , child 家庭情况( just say happy yourself ?)4. religion 宗教信仰sorry , I m just checking- 随便 搭 :Nice day, isn t?what a be

7、autiful/nice day ?The weather sucks!Excuse me, is anybody sitting here ?Say don t I know you from somewhere?Sorry, I conldn t help overhearing,did you ?Mention something aboutExcuse me, have you got the time ? get a min?Could you help me ? I am looking for12 sharp 12 点整Share anything in commonLine a

8、re you in ?你从事什么行 ?套 :Well anyways 不管如何 whatever Oops!sorry.It s ok.3最新 料推荐Thank you.Sure.Can you give me a hand?Sure! My pleasure.Blah blah blah喋喋不休Come on! stop blah blah blahJune is such a ms.blah!I can t take her anymore!我无法再承受Cool=awesome!She is such a wowser!他是一个很牛的人!Hey coffee together !Cool!

9、 OK!all right !You know?Not really 不是很 Right?X was just likeX 了 There you go! =that !sit就 了, 了Here you go=well done!搞定How to say hello in Spanish?HolaHiya你好Ciao你好10 keys point for describing a placea. AccommodationStar hotel;chain-hotel;Youth -hostel;homestay 家庭寄宿 ;cottage 农社 ;Row/Terraced house 排房;

10、 semi -detached house半独立屋 , sem i mean half.Detach house 独立的房子; ranch house乡间别墅; penthouse 海滩顶层公寓;Palace 宫殿; trailer home/camper 房车; houseboat 游艇;居住船;tent 篷 ;bweathercloudy;shower;snow;fog;mist 薄雾;视线模糊不清;模糊不清之物; fair 晴天;c. transportcoach 长途列车; jog 慢跑dsafetyemoney,expenditurefpeoplegfoodmain course;d

11、essert;have some dishes;1. type 类型2. what s in it3. how to cook it (steam; stir; raw;deep-fried ;)4. taste;(sour;bitter ; sucks;awful ;spicy;light ; yummy;salty;)5. looknnightlife4最新 料推荐ishoppingjculture ;kmust see;广州的一些特色菜色表达:油条Fried bread stick水饺Boiled dumplings蒸饺Steamed dumplings馒头Steamed buns饭团R

12、ice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes皮蛋100 -year egg咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg稀饭Rice porridge白饭Plain white rice油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles紫菜汤Seaweed soup长寿桃Longevity Peaches猪肠粉Pork intestine noodles甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice酸梅汁Plum juice豆腐花Tofu pudding

13、豆花Tofu pudding麻婆豆腐Spicy hot bean curd虾片Prawn cracker虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls蛋卷Chicken rolls钵仔糕Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean paste cake糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕Fried white radish patty芋头糕Taro cake水晶饺Pyramid dumplings肉丸Rice-meat dumplings拉肠special soft sausage双皮奶custard wiht double creme白云凤爪baiyun Chicken Feet5最新 料推荐艇仔粥mixed seafood congee柴鱼花生粥Fish and Peanut Congee蛋挞Egg Tarts香芋西米露Sweet Taro and Sago DrinkMovie typesTrailer 电影预告片Newsreel 新闻影片Doc


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