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1、Module 6 Around Town,南宁市 35中学 周代洁,3.教学方式,基础知识,9.资源开发,1.教材、学情分析,4.教学目标,8.课堂评价,7.板书设计,6.教学设计,5.教学重难点,重难点知识突破,2.教学课时划分,Module 6,一、教材、学情 分析,Unit1 听说课,教材模块分析,Unit2 读写课,Unit3 复习课(语法),The London Eye is on your right.,Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,Language in use,一)话题及知识铺垫,初一下册 Modul

2、e 6,学情分析,二)学生情况,二、课时划分,Unit1 听说课,课时划分 教材模块分析,Unit2 读写课,Unit3 复习课(语法),The London Eye is on your right.,Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,Language in use,2课时,2课时,2课时,三、教学方法,情景教学法,游戏教学法,教学方法,合作学习教学法,活动教学法,问题导学教学法,四、教学目标,基准目标:along, across, excuse, excuse me,street, turn, third, righ

3、t, why not.? could, take, famous, paiting, from, above, river, clear, bridge, past, finish, high, post office, up, down, stop 选择目标: bank, museum, cross, opposite, trist, guidebook, bookshop, underground, tour, square, metre, railway, church,词汇,语言知识目标,功能,语法,语音,问路、指路的运用并对某一区域进行描述,正确朗读表示问路的交际用语,地点和方位介词

4、,复习,听,说,语言技能目标,读,写,eg: Excuse me? Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?,eg: HowcanIgetthere?howcanIgetto? Goalongthestreet、Godownthisroad.,文化意识:要求学生更多的了解 英国首都伦敦的一些情况,文化意识目标 情感态度 及,激发学生了解别国文化的意识 和乐于参加运用英语的 实践活动,自学策略,学习策略,合作学习策略,个别展示学习策略,交际学习策略,五、教学重难点,教学重点: 学习“问路与指路”的各种表达方式,和对某一区域进行描述。 教学难点: 1

5、、使用“问路与指路”的各种表达方式。 2、根据地图讲清路线,描述出某个地点的位置。,六、教学设计 (教材处理),Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?,Module 6 Around town,教学过程: Step1:Warming-up Playaguessinggame. 对四幅图进行描述,让学生根据句意和图片学习新单词。 设计意图通过猜词游戏吸引学生兴趣,同时为下一步Activity1做好铺垫。,bank,Iworkwithpeopleandmoney.,教学过程: Step2: Listening . A

6、ctivity 1 Nowlistenandnumbertheplacesasyouhearthem. 设计意图培养学生听力,同时进一步熟悉上述四个地点和方位词,为课文听力做准备。,3,2,1,4,Tiananmen Square,Forbidden City,Chairman Mao Memorial Hall,Monument to the Peoples Heroes,The Great Hall of the People,National Museum of China,Beihai Park,Wangfujing Dajie,Did you go to Beijing before

7、? Lets get a general idea about the locations of some famous places.,Changan Jie,教学过程: . Listen and choose the best answers. 1.What does the tourist want to buy at the bookshop? A. a cat B. an English book C. a guidebook 2. Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National Stadium? A. teacher B.

8、guide C. policeman 3. The tourist get to the National Stadium except(除了) for_. A. take a bike B. take a bus or a taxi C. train 设计意图:训练听力,初步感知对话内容。,教学过程: . Listenandfill the blanks. 设计意图进一步理解对话,与中考题型相链接。,across,left,opposite,take,taxi,教学过程: Step 3:Reading 1)Watch and read. 2)Readingroups. 3)Finish ac

9、tivity 4. 【设计意图】 吸引学生兴趣,培养语感。培养学生读的能力,通过练习进一步熟悉课文。,教学过程: Step4:Sumuphowtoaskwaysandhowtoshowways. Askingfordirections Can you tell me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can get to? Which is the right way to? Wheres .? How can I get to? Givingdirections 1.Gostraight. 2

10、.Goalong/down thestreet. 3.Turn left/rightinto. 4.Goacross thestreet/bridge,教学过程: Step5: Speaking Learnhowtoaskfordirectionsandgivedirections. -Excuseme,howcanIgetto thehotel? -Goacross thestreetanditsoppositetherailwaystation. ,Look and say,walk/go along,go across/ cross the road,turn left,turn rig

11、ht,between A and B,A,B,opposite B,Bank,Keyuan Road,supermarket,Kede Road,-Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the bank?,-Go along Keyuan Road and then turn left at the first crossing. Its on the right.,No.35 Middle School,Nanning Zoo,Hotel,Restaurant,Museum,教学过程: Step6: Summary 重点短语 1.opposite

12、the school 2.excuse me 3.the way to 4.go across 5.go alone 6.turn left 7.at the third street 8.near here 9.why not 10.take the underground 11.have a nice day 12.be far from 13.the tour of 14.the middle of 15.a museum with lots of famous paintings 16.It takes sb time to do sth 17.most of 18.on a clea

13、r day 重点句型 1.Theres a bank opposite our school. 2.Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 3.Go across Dong Chang an jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. 4.Is there a bookshop near here? 5.How can I get there? 6.Why not ask the policeman over there?

14、7.Go along the street and youll see an underground station. 8.Have a nice day! 设计意图 通过对重点短语及句型的总结归纳,突破难点,教学过程: Step7: Homework 学生绘制出自己从家到学校的路线图, 用英语介绍如何从家到学校。 设计意图 利用本课所学,问路或介绍路线,实现从输入到输出的转化。,板书设计: Module6Aroundtown Unit1CouldyoutellmehowtogettotheNationalStadium?,1.Askingfordirections Can you tell

15、me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can get to? Which is the right way to? Wheres .? How can I get to?,2.Givingdirections 1)Gostraightahead./Goalong 2)Goacross,turnleft/rightinto 3) Itsoverthere.Itsontheleft/right. 4) Itsopposite 5) Itsbetweenand 6) Itsnextto 7) Its

16、onthecornerof,1.Askingfordirections Can you tell me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can get to? Which is the right way to? Wheres .? How can I get to?,2.Givingdirections 1)Gostraightahead./Goalong 2)Goacross,turnleft/rightinto 3) Itsoverthere.Itsontheleft/right. 4)

17、 Itsopposite 5) Itsbetweenand 6) Itsnextto 7) Itsonthecornerof,Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.,Module 6,教学过程: Step1:Warming-up show a video 设计意图用一个关于英国旅行介绍的视频吸引学生注意力,同时为下一步Activity1做好铺垫。,教学过程: Step2:Match the places with the pictures. (act.1) London Eye 设计意图让学生熟悉即将要学习的地名,为下一步的阅读做好铺垫。,教学过程: S

18、tep3:Fast reading. 1.Where can you find this article(文章)? A.Newspaper. B. Guide book. 2. The tour begins at _ and finishes at _. A.Square, Church B.Big Ben, Kings St 设计意图让学生掌握快速阅读的技巧。,Tip(温馨提示):When you read English, the title of the article will help you to catch the main idea. 标题可以帮助你抓住文章大意!,教学过程:

19、 Step4:Careful-reading 一)分段精读 1.选择题(par.1) 2.T or F(par.2) 3.选择题(Par.3-4) 4.路线图(Par.5) 设计意图链接中考,让学生对文章做进一步的理解并提高阅读能力,同时将西方文化介绍给学生。,The first part,the square,Read paragraph 1and choose the correct answer.,Buckingham Palace,1.We start the tour from_. A. the square B. the National Gallery 2.The Nationa

20、l Gallery is_ the square. A. on the left of B. opposite 3.The National Gallery is_. a museum with lots of famous paintings a famous big clock 4.The Queen lives in_. A. the National gallery B. Buckingham Palace,The second part,Buckingham Palace,Read paragraph 2, do T or F questions,1.Turn right and y

21、ou can go to Houses of Parliament. 2.The Big Ben is next to the Houses of Parliament. 3.The London Eye is opposite the Big Ben.,F,T,T,Big Ben,left,The third part,Houses of Parliament,Read paragraphs 3 and 4, choose the correct answer,1. When youre tired, the best way to see London is _ A. by train B

22、 .by bus C. by boat 2.When you go along the river, the London Eye is _ A. on your right B. on your left C. in front of you 3. The Tower of London is _ Tower Bridge. A. opposite B. next to C. on the right of,C,A,B,Tower of London,The fourth part: Read paragraph 5, finish this mini-map. 读第五段,找准返回路线。,T

23、ower of London,Kings Street,_ the boat back,_ the boat and go _ the station _into Kings Street.,go _,Trafalgar Square,take,to railway station,get off,turn left,church,past,How do we get back to Trafalger Square?,past,the Tower of London,the Trafalgar square,教学过程: 二)Try to follow the tour on the map.

24、 Label the places on the map. 设计意图检查学生对文章细节的理解。加深学生对伦敦地理风貌的认识。,教学过程: Step5: Retell the tour route. 设计意图让学生对教材吸收、存储、内化并进行整理和表达,使学生把所学知识内化。,National Gallery,Buckingham Palace,Houses of Parliament,London Eye,Tower of London,Para 1,Welcome to . In this square Opposite Go along.,this short tour of London

25、.,youre standing in the middle of London.,is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.,the red street to Buckingham Palace.,The Queen lives here.,教学过程: . Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. (activity 4) 设计意图巩固所学内容。,教学过程: Step6:Writing Draw a ma

26、p of your journey from school to home. Mark the streets and other places on the map in English. Dont mark your home. 设计意图训练学生指路的笔头语言表达能力,教学过程: Step7: Summary 重点短语 1.the best way to do sth 2.over 900 years old 3.get on / off 4.finish our tour 5.be famous for / as 6.need to do 7.post office 8.walk up

27、重点句型 1.Welcome to this short tour of London 2.It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. 3.You can see most of London on a clear day. 4.When you tired, the best way to see London is by boat. 5.When you get off the boat, go past the station and walk along the street. 6.And this is where were fin

28、ish our tour. 设计意图 通过对重点短语及句型的总结归纳,突破难点,Homework,Draw a map of your journey from school to home. Mark the streets and other places on the map in English. Dont mark your home.,板书设计,Module 6 Around TownUnit 2 The London Eye is on your right.,on the left/right next to opposite on the corner of between.

29、and.,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 6 Around town,教学过程: Step 1、Warming-up 1.利用一个问路的视频导入 2.教师提问学生本模块所学的语法点,对所学语言进行小结, 让学生系统掌握问路和指路用语,同时,教师需要对此再次加以讲解,以便预防可能出现的问题。 设计意图 复习所学方位介词,以及如何问路和指路。,教学过程:,1.Askingfordirections Can you tell me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can

30、get to? Which is the right way to? Wheres .? How can I get to?,2.Givingdirections 1)Gostraightahead./Goalong 2)Goacross,turnleft/rightinto 3)Itsoverthere.Itsontheleft/right. 4) Itsopposite 5) Itsbetweenand 6) Itsnextto 7) Itsonthecornerof,教学过程: Step 2、Listening . 听对话,选择最佳答案。 1) What is Ted going to

31、do at the weekend? A.Go swimming. B.Go camping. C.Go fishing. 2) Is Ted going there alone? A.No, he isnt. B. Yes, he is. C. We dont know. 3)How is Ted going to do on Saturday afternoon? A.Stay at home. B.Have a picnic. C. Watch a movie.,B,B,A,教学过程: . 听短文,选择最佳答案。 1) When will they have a trip? A. On

32、Friday. B. On Satureday. C.On Sunday. 2) Where will they go? A.To the history museum. B.To the film museum. C.To the science museum. 3) How will they go there? A.By underground. B.By bus. C.By bike. 4) What time will they leave? A.At 9:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:30. 5) What dont they need to take for t

33、he trip? A. A pencil. B. Food. C. Some paper.,B,B,B,A,B,教学过程: Step 3、情景交际 A: Excuse me. 1_ B: Im sorry. Im new here. You can ask the policeman at the crossing. ( At the crossing) A: Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the nearest bank? P: 2._ You can walk along this road and turn right at the first cro

34、ssing. The bank is on your left. A: Thank you very much. Id like to eat something. 3._ P: Yes, there is. Just go along the road for about five hundred metres. Then you can see a bus stop. 4._ A: Great! Thanks alot. P: 5._ 设计意图 进行情景交际训练与中考相链接,并且为下一步的对话做铺垫。,A. Well, there is one on Green Street. B. Is

35、 there a restaurant near here? C. Can you tell me the way to the nearest bank? D. Youre welcome. E.The restaurant is just near it.,C,D,E,B,A,教学过程: Step 4、Speaking Work in pairs and look at the map. 设计意图 让学生复习问路指路的句型。,Choose a starting and the ending place on the map. Then make a dialogue with partner.,教学过程: Step 5、Readandlabeltheplaces. 设计意图 本活动能够训练学生的口头表达能力及读图和阅读的能力,巩固学过的有关问路、指路的表达方式。,教学过程: Step 6 Look


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