已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 5 Revision,Lets talk,A:What will the weather be like tomorrow, Qiqi ? Q:Itll be sunny. What will you do tomorrow? A:Ill go shopping. Q:What are you going to buy?,明天天气将会怎么样,奇奇?,它将会是晴天。,明天你将会做什么?,我将会去购物。,你打算去买什么?,A:Im going to buy some food. Tomorrow is my birthday. Q:Are you going to have a pa

2、rty? A:Yes,I am going to have a party tomorrow evening. Would you like to come? Q:Sure,Id love to.,我打算去买一些食物。,明天是我的生日。,你打算举办一个生日聚会吗?,是的,我打算明天晚上举办一个生日聚会。,你愿意来吗?,当然,我很愿意。,Lesson1-Lesson 5,1.do some shopping 2.next Sunday 3.have a birthday party 举办一个生日聚会 4.be going to 打算做某事,将要做某事 5.make a cake 做一个蛋糕 6.

3、eat noodles 吃面条 7.invite some friends 邀请一些朋友 8.do my homework 做家庭作业 9.watch TV 看电视 10.clean my room 打扫我的房间,买东西,下个周日,11. by the way 顺便问一下 12.see my grandma 看望我的奶奶 13. of course当然 14.visit my friends 拜访我的朋友 15.take swimming lessons 上游泳课 16.do some washing=wash some clothes 洗衣服 17.buy some fruit 买一些水果

4、18.buy some eggs 买一些鸡蛋 19.a map of China 一张中国地图 20.buy some crayons 买一些蜡笔,21.by bike 骑自行车 22.buy some school things 买一些学习用品 23.this evening 今天晚上 24.see a film 看电影 25.listen to music 听音乐 26.play football 踢足球 27.do sports做运动 28.after school 放学后 29.grow up 长大 30.next week下周 31.learn to swim 学游泳,32.this

5、 Saturday 这个周六 33.talk with 和交谈 34.wash my car 洗我的小汽车 35.do some work 做一些工作 36.bring about 带来,引起 37.full of 充满 38.be bad for 对有害 39.the winter holiday 寒假 40.in the sea 在海里 41.strong wind 强风 42. heavy rain 暴雨,e back 回来 44.go to the bookshop 去书店 45.what kind of books 什么种类的书 46.buy some books买一些书 47. s

6、cience class科学课 48.next term 下学期 49.this term这学期 50.take some photos 拍一些照片 51.sports centre 运动中心 52.Tree Planting Day 植树节 53.plant trees 植树,54.go up to the hills 上山 55.cut down砍倒 56.buy some food买一些食物 57.go swimming 去游泳 58.get up 起床 59.call her friends 给她的朋友打电话 60.go to bed 去睡觉 61.do her homework 做她

7、的家庭作业 62.want to do sth. 想要做某事,一般将来时 1.be going to +动词原形。 2.will+动词原形。 1与2的区别是什么呢?,1.表示近期,眼下就要发生的事情;根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情;含有“计划,准备”的意思。 2.表示的将来时间则较远一些;表示客观上将来势必发生的事情;不含有“计划,准备”的意思。,Lesson1-Lesson5 语法结构,一、be going to 引导的将来时的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问 句和特殊疑问句的构成。 主语可以是 I / she / he / it /人名 / they / you / we / | | 1.肯定句

8、主语+be( am / is / are)going to +动词原形+其他。 2.否定句 主语+be(am / is /are)+not going to +动词原形+其他。 3.一般疑问句 be(Is / Are)+主语(you /人名)+going to +动词原形+其他? 肯定回答 : Yes,I / she / he / it /人名/ they / you +am / is / are / 否定回答: No,I /she / he / it / they / we +am not / isnt / arent. 4.特殊疑问句 疑问词+be (is / are)+主 语+动词原形+

9、其他? | you / she / he / it / 人名,isnt,arent,二、Will 引导的一般将来时的肯定句和否定句的 构成: will 引导的句子没有人称和数的变化,不管 主语是第几人称后面的动词都是原形。 1.肯定句: 主语+will+动词原形+其他。 | 人名/ I / we / he / she / it / they /(没有人称和数的变化) 2.否定句: 主语+ wont +动词原形 +其他。 | will not,二、Will 引导的一般将来时特殊疑问句和一般疑问 句的构成:,1.特殊疑问句的构成: 疑问词+will +主语+动词原形+其他? 答语:主语+will+

10、.,2.一般疑问句的构成: Will +主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+will. 否定回答:No,主语+wont. will not缩写wont,三、will用来谈论将来天气的情况: 1.当表示某地将会是某种天气时,可以使用“ It will be +天气情况形容词+in+地点。”或者” It will +天气情况的动词+in +地点。“ Modle: It will be rainy in He nan tomorrow. It will rain in He nan tomorrow. 2.当你想确认某地是否某种天气时,可以使用 A. Will it be +天气情况的形

11、容词+in +地点? Yes, it will./No,it wont. B.Will it +天气情况的动词 +in+地点? Yes, it will./No, it wont. 3.当你想知道某地未来的天气情况是,可以用一下句型 What will the weather be like tomorrow+in+地点? It will be +天气情况的形容词。,一、按要求完成下列各题。 e(ing形式)_2.sure(同义词)_ 3.father(名词所有格)_ 4.Id love(展开形式)_ 5.买东西_ 6.have a party(英译汉)_ 7.by the way(英译汉)_

12、 8.做蛋糕(汉译英)_ 9.放学后(汉译英)_ 10.下周日(汉译英)_ 11.crayon(复数)_12.son(对应词)_ 13.China (形容词)_14.never(反义词)_ 15.live(第三人称单数)_,coming,certainly,fathers,I would love,do some shopping,举办一个聚会,顺便问一下,make a cake,after school,next Sunday,crayons,daughter,Chinese,always,lives,16.wet(反义词)_17.cloudy(名词)_ 18.change(复数)_19.s

13、unny(名词)_ 20.healthy(名词)_21.difficult(反义词)_ 22.begin(同义词)_23.city(复数)_ 24.difficult(同义词)_25.second(基数词)_ 26.rain(形容词)_27.warm(比较级)_ 28.fat(最高级)_ 29.wind(形容词)_30.lake(复数)_ 31.bring(反义词)_32.easy(反义词)_ 33.be bad for(反义词)_ 34.no(同音词)_35.today(对应词)_36.child(复数)_ 37.here(同音词)_,dry,cloud,changes,sun,health

14、,easy,start,cities,hard,two,rainy,warmer,fattest,windy,lakes,take,difficult,be good for,know,yesterday,children,hear,38.third(基数词)_39.one(序数词)_ 40.Ill(完全形式)_ 41.will not(缩写形式)_ 42.itll(完全形式)_43.country(复数)_ 44.is not(缩写形式)_ 45.are not(缩写形式)_ 56.do(第三人称单数)_ 47.teach(职业名词)_ 48.work(职业名词)_ 49.five(序数词)

15、_50.nine(序数词)_ 51.eight(序数词)_52.six(序数词)_ 53.一张中国地图(汉译英)_ 54.植树节(汉译英)_,three,first,I will,wont,it will,countries,isnt,arent,does,teacher,worker,fifth,ninth,eighth,sixth,a map of China,Tree Planting Day,二、连词成句。 1.party to you like to come to his would(?) _ 2.car week to am my I going wash next(.) _ 3

16、.you are going to ask to come Eve(?) _ 4.please tell me your plan(.) _ 5.I going to am to take swimming lessons(.) _ 6.the begin party four will at oclock(.) _,Would you like to come to his party?,I am going to wash my cat next week.,Are you going to ask Eve to come?,Please tell me your plan.,I am g

17、oing to take swimming lessons.,The party will begin at four oclock.,7.who is the way by tim(,?) _ 8.Is little dog my Tim(.) _ 9.I him to bring could the party(?) _ 10.you to come to would my like party(?) _ 11.Today my birthday fathers is(.) _ 12.am to going buy some I fruit(.) _ 13.Is today Tims al

18、so birthday(.) _,By the way,who is Tim?,Tim is my little dog.,Could I bring him to the party?,Would you like to come to my party?,Today is my fathers birthday.,I am going to buy some fruit.,Today is also Tims birthday.,14. you to going are a have party birthday(?) _ 15.are you do tomorrow what going

19、 to(?) _ 16.am going buy to of China map a I(.) _ 17.want buy crayons some to I (.) _ 18.we get can there how(?) _ 19.are going to you what this do Saturday(?) _ 20.do want know you to why(?) _,Are you going to have a birthday party?,What are you going to do tomorrow?,I am going to buy a map of Chin

20、a.,Would you like to come to his party?,How can we get there?,What are you going to do this Saturday?,Do you want to know why?,21.lives a village in John(.) _ 22.isnt to clean house his going or John wash car his (.) _ 23.be it will sunny Sunday this(.) _ 24.will be like the weather what tomorrow(?)

21、 _ 25.am to going I with Hainan parents my(.) _,John lives in a village.,John isnt going to clean his house or wash his car.,It will be sunny this Sunday.,What will the weather be like tomorrow?,I am going to Hainan with my parents.,26.dry in some places rain the lakes makes of full water(.) _ 27.bu

22、t it never does he(.) _ 28.car week to am my I going wash next(.) _ 29.do to is what going he (?) _ 30.hot and be sunny be will it(.) _ 31.Kind books of what you buy will(?) _,In some dry places the rain makes lakes full of water.,But he never does it .,I am going to wash my car next week.,What is h

23、e going to do?,It will be sunny and hot.,What kind of books will you buy?,32.am to going I some buy books science about (.)_ 33.you have class science term this do(?) _ 34.will we it have term next(.) _ 35.will Tom what this do Sunday(?) _ 36.do you will what up when you grow(?) _ 37.trees make air

24、the can clean(.) _ 38.must we plant trees more(.) _,I am going to buy some books about science.,Do you have science class this term?,We will have it next term.,What will Tom do this Sunday?,What will you do when you grow up?,Trees can make the air clean.,We must plant more trees.,39.will about bring

25、 that changes great the in weather(.) _ 40.people many go will up the to hills plant and trees.(.) _ 41.but are people down cutting too trees many(.) _ 42.am to going I a party have evening tomorrow (.)_,That will bring about great changes in the weather.,Many people will go up to the hills and plan

26、t trees.,But people are cutting down too many trees.,I am going to have a party tomorrow evening.,43.will what do she morning tomorrow(?) _ 44.is Kate do going to shopping some(.) _ 45.is this plan my for this Sunday(.) _ 46.It be will cold too or wet too some in places (.)_ 47.trees our make countr

27、y beautiful more(.) _,What will she do tomorrow morning?,Kate is going to do some shopping.,This is my plan for this Sunday.,It will be too cold or too wet in some places.,Trees make our country more beautiful.,48.the holiday is winter coming(.) _ 49.the is raining rain all around(.) _ 50.will the w

28、hat weather like be Australia in(?) _ 51.to going Im a party have home at next evening Sunday(.) _ 52.is when birthday your(?) _ 53.to want I some crayons buy(.) _ 54.that be for bad will people the there(.) _,The winter holiday is coming.,The rain is raining all around.,What will the weather be lik

29、e in Australia?,Im going to have a party at home next Sunday evening.,When is your birthday?,I want to buy some crayons.,That will be bad for the people there.,三、按要求做题。 John isnt going to clean his house or wash his car.(改为肯定句) _. 2.I am going to learn to swim next Saturday.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) _ _ 3.He will do some shopping after school.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答和否定回答) _ _,John is going to clean his house and wash his car.,Are you going to learn to swim next Saturday?,Yes,I am. / No, Im not.,Will he do any shopping after school?,Yes,he will. / No,he wont.,4.What wil


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