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1、新目标人教版七年级英语下册第四单元测试卷新目标人教版七年级英语下册第四单元测试卷一、单项选择 (70分)姓名 :()1、run in the hallways、A 、NotB 、 DontC、 DoesntD、 No()2、 We cant arrivefor class、A 、earlyB 、 quicklyC、 lateD、slowly()3、 Wewear a uniform on school days、A、have toB 、 has toC、had toD、 have()4、 When you are late for class, your teacher often says,

2、、 ”“ _A、 Dontrun in the hallways、B 、 You are not right 、C、 Don t arrive late for class againD 、 You are right 、()5、 - Do you have to wear your sports shoes at school? - _、A、 Yes, I have B、 No, I haventC、 Yes, I dontD、 No, I dont() 6、 Linda often helps me _ English、A、 studyB、 to studyingC、 studyingD

3、、 studies()7、 There is no bus, so they _ walk home、A、 have toB 、 has toC 、 had toD、 can have to()8、 _ eat in class、A 、 PleaseB 、 Please notC 、 NotD 、 Dont()9 、We can eat in the cafeteria、 But we _ eat in the classroom、A、 don tB 、 didn tC 、 can t D 、 aren t()10、 We must_ the rules at school and home、

4、A、 to followB、 followingC 、 followD、 followed()11、 -_ I take some photos in the hall?No, you_、A、 Can, needn tB、 Must, mustntC、 Could, won tD、 May, mustn t()12、 _ he _ to wear a uniform at school?A、 Do, haveB 、 Do, hasC 、 Does, haveD 、 Does, has()13、 Don t talk _ in the library、A、 loud B 、 loudly C、

5、lowD、 lowly()14 、 I have _ rules in my home、 We have _ homework to do today、A、 too many, too much B、 too much , many tooC、 too many, much tooD、 much too, many too()15、 -Can your brother swim?-_、A、 Yes, he can、t Yes,B please、C、 No, he can、t DYes, he does()16、 He s never _ class、A、 arriveB、 late forC、

6、 arrive lateD 、 late()17、 ” No_ !” says the (sign标牌 ) 、A、 smokeB 、 smokingC 、 smokesD、 to smoke()18、 Please remember _ me this evening、A、 to callB、 callC、 callsD、 calling()19、 I don twant the cat _ me!A、 getB 、 to getC、 getsD、 getting()20、 Pleaseplay volleyball here、A、noB、 doC、 don tD、 not()21、can y

7、ou see in the picture?A、 What otherB、 What elseC、 Other whatD、 Whereelse()22、 - _ Sam _go to bed by ten?新目标人教版七年级英语下册第四单元测试卷A、Do; has toB 、Does; have toC、 Does; has toD、 Do, have to()23、 Mr Zhang is strict _us,and he is strict _ his work, too、A、 in, with B、 with, inC、 at, inD 、 with , at()24、 -What

8、are the school rules?-We _ arrive late for class、A、 don tB、 can tC、 aren tD、 don t have to()25、 Please listen _ the teacher carefully、A、 toB、 onC、 atD、 of()26 、 We don t know Jack _ Bruce、A、 andB、 orC、 aboutD、 of()27、 Students can t _ hats in the classroom、A、 put onB、 wearC、 inD、 wearing()28、 Don t

9、_ TVafter class、A、 watchB、 watchingC、 to watch D 、 to watching()29、 He often _ English with the classmates、A、 practicespeakB、 practices speakC、 practices speakingD、 practice speaking()30 、 Do you know _ ?A、 where does he live B、 he lives whereC、 where he livesD 、 wherehe live()31、 We can t be late _

10、 school、A、 ofB、 onC、 atD、 for()32、 Please help me _ English 、A、 speakingB 、 to learningC、 with speakD 、 learn()33、 Eric can tbe on time,Leo cantbe on time、A、 alsoB、 tooC、 as wellD 、 either()34、 It smy _ day at school、A 、firstB 、 the first C 、 my oneD、 one()35 、 Get up now and _ your bed、A 、 makingB、

11、 makeC 、 to makeD、 makes()36、 I can play only _weekends、A、 onB 、 inC 、 forD 、to()37、 You can watch TV after you _ a book、A 、 reads B 、 readingC 、 readD、 to read()38、 Parents and schools make rules _ students、A、 help B 、 to helpC 、 helpsD 、 helping()39、 - Don tplayfootballinthe street、 It sdangerous

12、、- _、A、Good B 、 Yes, I willC、 Sorry, I wontD 、 No, I dont()40、 I have fun _ basketball、A、 playB 、 playing C、 playsD 、to play()41、 Do you enjoythe music?A、 listening B、 to listenC 、listening to()42、 We arrive _ Japan _ six _ the morning _ Sunday、A、 in 、 at 、 on、 onB 、 in 、 at 、 in、 onC 、at 、 at 、 in、

13、 on()43、 Dont_、 Its bad for your health、A、to read in bedB、 to read in the bedC、 read in bed D、 read inthe bed()44、 He has two pencils、 But he has two _、新目标人教版七年级英语下册第四单元测试卷A、otherB、anotherC 、othersD、 more()45、 Its too hot here、_ the windows, please、A、 To openB 、OpensC 、 OpenD、Opening() 46、Letsto the

14、 zoo、A 、goB 、 goesC 、 to goD、going二、完形填空(40分) 。I m not happy、 I have too _1_ rules in my family 、 I have to _2_ at 6:00 every morning 、 Ican t _3_ my friends after school _4_I have to _5_my dog for a walk 、 I can t watch TVon school nights 、 And I have to _6_ in bed by ten o、 _7_clockweekends, I hav

15、e to clean myroom and wash my clothes 、 Then I have to help my mother _8_ dinner 、 Later I have to go tothe Children s Palace _9_ the 、pianoInever have any fun 、 _10_ can I do?()1 、 A 、 manyB 、 much C、 a few()2 、 A 、 go to bedB 、 get upC、 gohome()3、 A 、 watchB 、 look C 、 meet()4、 A 、 soB、 thenC、 bec

16、ause()5、 A 、 bringB 、 take C、 carry()6 、 A 、 beB、 isC 、 am()7、 A 、 InB 、 OnC 、 At()8 、 A 、 makeB、 makingC 、 do()9、 A 、 learn B、 to learn C、 learning ()10 、 A 、 WhyB 、 WhatC 、 HowMany students like1 very much 、 But2 Monday to Friday, they must go to school 、 Soon Saturday and Sunday they 3 at home an

17、d watch TVfrom morningto night、 They don tknow itbads for theireyes、 Usually children liketo eat fish , meat and chicken、 don liketvegetables 4fruit 、 They don t know5more vegetables and fruitis6than( 比) eating meat、At school the children only do a few minutes of sport or7do any sport、 The teachers

18、mustknow it isn t good8 forhealth、We always think of ways to keep 9 ,We must eat 10vegetables and fruit , do enough (足够的 )sport every day、 And we should watch TV and read in right ways 、()1 、 A 、 watch TVB 、 watch the TVC 、 watching TVD 、 watching the TV()2 、 A 、 onB 、 andC、 fromD 、 to()3 、A 、 stayB

19、 、 liveC 、 sitD 、 leave()4 、A 、 andB 、 withC 、 orD 、 but()5 、A 、 buyingB 、 eatingC 、 gettingD 、 keeping()6 、A 、 goodB 、 better(更好 )C、 badD、 worse()7 、A 、 oftenB 、 sometimesC、 usuallyD 、 never()8 、A 、 themB 、 theyC 、 theirD 、 theirs()9 、A 、 healthB 、 healthyC 、 busyD 、 free()10 、 A 、 moreB 、 muchC 、

20、a lotD 、 many三、阅读理解(20 分 )Harry is nine years old 、 He goes to the school next to his home 、 He always walks to and back from school 、 One day he comes back from school late 、 His mother sees him and asks, “ Why are you late, Harry? ”“My teacher is very angry( 生气的 ) and asks you to go to her office

21、tomorrow 、”“ To her office ? Why? ” his mother asks、 “ Because she asks a question in the class and I amthe only person( 人 )who can answer it 、” Says Harry、“You are so clever( 聪明的 ), my son 、” His mother says with a smile 、 (微笑 )“Her question is who put ( 放 )the tomato on my chair and make ( 使 )my c

22、lothes dirty ? ” says Harry 、新目标人教版七年级英语下册第四单元测试卷() 1、 _ can answer the teacher s question in class、A 、 NobodyB 、 HarryC 、 Many studentsD 、 A few students() 2、 There s a _ on the teacher s chair、A 、 tomatoB 、 bookC 、 penD、 bag() 3、 The teacher asks Harrys mother to school because _、A 、 Harry is nine

23、B 、 Harry goes to school on footC、 Harry s home isn t far from the schoolD 、 Harry makes her angry() 4、 The teachers dress is dirty because _、A 、 she falls ( 跌落 ) to the groundB 、 it is raining hard( 下大雨 )C、 she sits on a tomatoD、 she puts her cup on the chair() 5、 Is Harry very clever ?A 、 Yes, he

24、is、B、 Yes, he isn t、C、 No, he is 、D 、 No, he isn t、I Dont Want to Walk House Mr Brown is a very old man、 Every morning he goes for a walk( 散步) in the park 、 And he comes home at twelve thirty for his lunch、 But today a car stops( 停 ) athis house at twelve oclock 、 Two policemen help him get out 、 On

25、e of them says to Mr Browns daughter, The old man cant find his way in the park 、 He asks us to take him home in the car 、 The daughter thanks the policemen and they leave( 离开 )、 Then she asks her father, Dad, yougo to that park every day 、 But today, you cant find the way、 Whats wrong with you?( 您怎么啦? ) The old man smiles(笑 ) like a child ( 像个小孩 )and says, I can find my way、 I dontwant to walk home, you know 、 () 56 、 Mr Brown often comes home atfor his lunch、A 、 twelveB 、 elevenC、 twelve thirtyD 、 twelve ten() 57 、 Today Mr Brown comes home by、A 、 bikeB 、 carC 、 busD、 boat()


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