



1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 知识衔接一1.带有确定的过去时间状语时要用过去时。 如:two days ago、 last year 、just now、 when I was 8 years old 、 yesterday 2 表示过去连续发生的动作时要用过去时. 这种情况下,往往没有表示过去的时间状语,而通过上下文来表示。 The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looked at the captain and then died.那男孩把眼睛张开了一会儿看看船长然后就去世了。 知识衔接二 复合不定代词由so

2、me,any,no,every加上-body,-one,-thing构成的不定代词,叫做复合不定代词。1)复合不定代词有a) somebody 某人 someone某人 something某物,某事b) anybody 任何人 anyone 任何人 anything任何事物c) nobody 无一人no one无一人 nothing无一物d)everybody,everyone每人,大家,人人 everything每一个事物,一切2)复合不定代词的用法a)复合不定代词只相当于名词,如:Everything is made of elements.任何东西都是元素构成的。(作主语)I have

3、got nothing to say.我没有什么话要说。(作宾语)something和anything的区别与some和any的区别一样,前者一般用于肯定句、疑问句或条件状语从句中。b)复合不定代词被形容词所修饰时,形容词须放在它们的后面。如:There is nothing wrong with the lathe.这个车床没有毛病。Is there anything important in todays newspaper?今天报纸上有什么重要消息吗?I need somebody strong to help me.我需要一个体格强壮的人帮助我。知识衔接三A、单数形式1、复合不定代词都

4、具有单数的含义,因此通常被看成是单数第三人称。当它们充当句子的主语时,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。如:Is everyone here today? 今天,大家都到齐了吗?2、当要对一群人讲话时,可使用以复合不定代词作主语的祈使句,句中的动词用原形。如:Nobody move!= Dont anybody move! 都别动!B、替代问题1、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词,其代词应该是he/she, him/her,其-s属格形式的代词应该是his/her, his/hers。如:Everyone has his/her own words. 每个人都有他(她)自己的说辞。2、含-thi

5、ng等指事物的复合不定代词,不会因性别上的差异而使得在代词的运用上产生不确定性,因此我们就使用it。如:Something goes wrong, doesnt it? 出问题了,是吗?二、自主学习1、翻译下列短语 待在家 去海滩 去夏令营 去山区 去度假 人和特殊的东西 人和有趣的人 人和有趣的地方 玩的愉快 买特殊的东西 遇见有趣的人 备考 和某人外出 给买某物 有趣的地方 似乎很烦 当然 一些美味的东西 任何刺激的事情 没有什么可怕的事情 她最好的朋友 坚持写日记 1.到达_ 2.决定干某事_ 3. 吃一些特别的东西_4.骑车到_ 5.开始下雨_ 6.因为_7.我感觉我是一只鸟._8.一

6、天的差异是多麽大呀!_1.买些特别的东西_ 2.拍照_ 3. 学些重要的东西_ 4.晚饭吃_ 5.去度假_ 6.在购物中心_7.如此以至于_ 8.跳上跳下_2、你会把下列动词进行过去式的变化吗 look_play_live_ hope_ get _shop_ study _ am_ is are_ take do 3、根据音标拼读单词并牢记;三、达标反馈A、单项选择1.-What did you do on vacation? -I_ to New York City. A. go B. going C. went D. goes2. They helped me_my books. A. f

7、inded B. find C. found D. finding3. What_ you _ last night? A. did. Do B. do, do C. did , doing D. are, do4. -Where did she go on vacation? -She _ to the beach. A. go B. goes C. went D. going5. Did he go to Central Park? Yes, he_. A. did B. didnt C. do D. does1.Howwasyourvacation?It prettygood.A.isB

8、.areC. wasD.were2.How thebeaches?Theywerefantastic.A.isB.areC.wasD.were3.How theweather?Itishot.A.isB.areC.wasD.were4.DidyougotoCentralPark? .A.Yes,Ididnt B.Yes,IdidC.No,Idid5.Whatareyou ,Tina?Im homework.A. do;doing B .doing;did C. doing;doing D. did;doing1.Lin Shuhao is_famous_all the basketball f

9、ans in China know him. A.too,to B.enough,to C.so, that D.as,as2.Look at the black clouds.You should_umbrella with you. A.take a B.take an C.bring a D.bring an3.Last summer vacation,we_many photos when we had a trip to Dalian. A.take B.takes C.took D.will take4.Its _hot_we had to stop working. A.too,

10、that B.so,that C. too,to D.so,to5.Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday? -_.I did it all by myself. A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D. Everybody6.Not_in our class likes playing football.Some of them like playing basketball. A.anyone B.everyone C.no one D.someone7.-There is _with my leg. -Dont w

11、orry.Let me help you. A.nothing wrong B.something wrong C.wrong something D.wrong something8.-Do you know the girl_long hair? -No.But I know the girl_red. A.with,in B.has, in C.have,with D.with,withB、用动词的适当形式填空 1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month. 2. Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock la

12、st night. So I _(get ) up late.3. Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning. 4. There _ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5. I _ (call) Mike this morning. 6. I listened but _ (hear) nothing. 7. Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8. Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9. My mother _ (not

13、 do) housework yesterday. 10. She watches TV every evening. But she (not watch) TV last night. 1.OurtrainridetoKunmingwas_(relax).2.Iwasunhappybecausethepeopletherewere_(friend).3.Thegirl_muchtime_(watch)TVlastterm.(上学期)4.Whatdidtheygotothe_(mountain)for?5.Itswinternow.Manybirdsare_(fly)tothesouth.6

14、.Wealwayshavefun_(learn)English.7.Thatdaytheweather_(benot)hotnorcold.8.Shealways_(walk)toschoollastyearbecauseshe_(has)nobike.9.Whatday_(be)ityesterday?_you_(has)aPEclass?10.Thebusistoo_(crowd).Idecide_(wait)forthenextbus.1.My mother_(watch) TV at home now. 2.Lucy often _(help)me with my English .

15、3.Uncle Li _(buy) a bike last week. 4.We decided_(go)to the beach near our school. 5.It was _(real) funny. 6.I enjoy_(play) basketball. 7.I dont like the movie.Its_(bore). 8.Itried_(climb) the tall tree. 9.I helped the old man_(find)his house.C、用括号内动词的正确形式填空 Last year Mr. Smith _ (go ) to China and

16、Japan. He _ (have) a wonderful time. He _ (do) a lot of different things and _ (talk) to a great number of different people. He _ (eat) Chinese and Japanese food and _ (visit) a lot of interesting places. When he _ (go) back to England, he _ (be) very tired. D、完成对话A:Hi,Ann!How yourweekend? B:Itwas .

17、A:Wheredidyou ?B:I toTokyowithmyfamily.A:Really?Wow!What youdothere?B:Well,wewenttoalotofmuseums.A:Oh,howwerethey?B:They interesting. you? Didyouhaveagreatweekend?A:No,I ,I athome.Itwasntverygood.E、句型转换。1.Shewenttothemountainsyesterday.(就划线部分提问)_2.Westudiedforexamslastweekend.(变为否定句)_3.Theyplayedsoc

18、cerjustnow.(变为一般疑问句)_4.Howwasyoursummervacation?(写出同义句)What_yoursummervacation_?5. Iwasbornin1990.(写出该句的问句)_ _ you born?1. Hedidhishomeworkintheeveninglastyear.(变为否定句)He hishomeworkintheeveninglastyear.2.LinFengwroteareportonstudentsvacation.(变成一般疑问句)_LinFeng_areportonstudents vacation?3.ItwasTuesday,July16thyesterday.(就画线部分提问)_yesterday?4.Themuseumwasboringandcrowded.(就画线部分提问)_themuseum?5 Ihelpedhimtofindhisfather.(就画线部分提问)_tohim?6.Weplayedtennisfrombreakfa


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