1、Lesson 2 印度奇观,教改内容 1. 打破传统的以“产品”为主的翻译教学模式,强调“翻译过程”,注重学生对整个翻译过程的体验,包括译前活动(目的语阅读)、翻译的分析、转化和重构、以及译后活动(讨论及修改) 2.增加“五分钟翻译理论讲解”部分,以言简意赅的方式导入翻译策略,更多关注学生实践。 3. 突出团队合作,要求学生以宿舍为单位,集体讨论翻译作品,并在课堂上进行翻译讲解,发起翻译讨论。 4. 开拓网络平台,鼓励学生创建翻译博客,及时发布翻译作品以及翻译感悟。 5. 鼓励学生进行有个性的翻译,通过学生译文、老师译文、参考译文的激烈碰撞,实践以学生为中心,讨论式、开放式的教学模式。,Tea
2、ching Points,1. Five-minute lecture:汉语单句的句型 2. Group work: Students Presentation of “印度奇观” 3. Translation Review,五分钟技巧:现代汉语单句类型,Identify each sentence type and do the translation.,1. 天子山风景秀丽,气候宜人。 2. 每块石头有两千多斤重。 3. 客厅里走出来一位穿西服的老先生。 4. 他忙披上衣服,扛着锄头(hoe)往外走。 5. 这些钱你买些水果送到医院去。,动词谓语句 非动词谓语句,1. 天子山风景秀丽,气候
3、宜人。 Mt.Tianzi has / boasts / enjoys beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. 2. 每块石头有两千多斤重。 Each stone is more than 1000 kg in weight / weighs more than 1000 kg. 3. 客厅里走出来一位穿西服的老先生。 Out of the living-room walked an old gentleman in a western suit.,4. 他忙披上衣服,扛着锄头(hoe)往外走。 He put on his jacket hastil
4、y and walked out with a hoe on his shoulder. 5. 这些钱你买些水果送到医院去。 (You) buy some fruit with this money to take to the hospital. Take this money to buy some fruit, and take it to the hospital.,2. Translation of 印度奇观,Students Presentation of the Translation Process,Pre-translation,1. Flowers in India Spe
5、cial place in Indian literature Flowers in Mythology Modern days Medicine,Indian Elephants,Elephants are closely associated with religious and cultural heritage, playing an important role in the Indian history. An India without elephants is simply unimaginable. Indian elephants have smaller ears, bu
6、t relatively broader skulls(头颅) and larger trunks than African elephants. Toes are large and broad.,印度奇观,Indian Wonders Wonders in India Spectacles in India,奇观: 奇特而又少见的事物或难得看到的壮丽景象: A spectacle is a strange or interesting sight.It was a spectacle not to be missed.= sight A spectacle is a grand and i
7、mpressive event or performance. A wonder is something that causes people to feel great surprise or admiration.,我乘飞机来到了印度。这是个新奇的去处。 一年到头,总是有各种各样的鲜花。花的名字,有时连当地人也说不清。 Rose试译: I flew to India, an alien and special place. Throughout the year were blossoming all kinds of flowers. Even the locals couldnt t
8、ell the names of the flowers. 参考译文:I arrived in India /came to India by plane / by air. It was a novel place. Throughout the year, there was always a wide variety of flowers. Sometimes even the locals couldnt tell the names of the flowers.,新奇 新鲜特别:的景象刚来的时候,处处觉得。 Novel things are new and different fr
9、om anything that has been done, experienced, or made before. If you describe someone or something as peculiar, you think that they are strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way. A strange place is one that you have never been to before. You use special to describe something that relates to
10、one particular person, group, or place.,If you fly somewhere, you travel there in an aircraft. 鲜花 A flower is the part of a plant which is often brightly colored, grows at the end of a stem, and only survives for a short time.,有一天,我看见许多好大的果子挂在一棵大树上。(?)再一细看,原来是一群蝙蝠。到了夜里,蝙蝠一亮翅膀,有脸盆那么大。 Rose试译: One day
11、, I saw lots of large-sized fruit hanging on a big tree. When I took a closer look at them, I found them a swarm of bats. When the night set in, the bats spread out their wings and looked as big as basins. 参考译文:One day, I saw a lot of very big fruit hanging in a big tree. When I took a closer / more
12、 careful look, it turned out to be a flock of bats. During the night, when they spread out their wings, they were / looked / appeared as big as basins.,Fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that you can eat. If somethin
13、g turns out to be a particular thing, it is discovered to be that thing. A flock of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them.A swarm of bees or other insects is a large group of them flying together.,德里西南方有座漂亮的古城,叫斋浦尔。全城的建筑物都刷成粉红色,因而又叫玫瑰城。其实不妨叫它孔雀之乡。那儿的孔雀多得出奇。 Rose试译: Southwest of New Dheli was loc
14、ated Jaipur, a pretty ancient city. It gained its reputation of the City of Roses with all its buildings painted in pink. As a matter of fact (In fact), you might as well call it “Hometown of Peacocks” for the inconceivably numerous peacocks there. 参考译文:To the southwest of Delhi was a beautiful anci
15、ent city (which was) called Jaipur. The buildings of the whole city were painted pink, so it was also known as the City of Roses. In fact, you might as well call it the Land of Peacocks / In fact, it might as well be called the Land of Peacocks. The peacocks there were surprisingly numerous / There
16、were surprisingly numerous peacocks there.,You can use land to refer to a country in a poetic or emotional way. (LITERARY) Someones hometown is the town where they live or the town that they come from.,清晨,你可以看见几只孔雀在花丛里跳舞。每天黄昏,孔雀出来找食。它们三五成群,四处转悠。根本不躲避人。 Rose试译: Several peacocks might be seen dancing
17、in the flowers in the early morning. Every day, peacocks came out for food at dusk, roaming around in small groups and never hiding from people(颜萌). (Every dusk) 参考译文:Early in the morning, you could see a few peacocks dancing in the flowering shrubs. Every evening, they came out to look for food. Th
18、ey wondered around / about in threes and fours / in small groups. They never avoided people.,Several is used to refer to an imprecise number of people or things that is not large but is greater than two. You use a few to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things.,Shrubs
19、are plants that have several woody stems.灌木丛 .flowering shrubs. A cluster of people or things is a small group of them close together.,这里还有大象。大象全身打扮得很漂亮。养象的人叫它“象小姐”。大象还爱听音乐呢。爬山的时候,我骑在象背上。后边有人敲着小钟。“象小姐”踩着拍子一摇一晃。Rose试译:There were as well elephants, dressed up prettily. The elephant feeders called them
20、 “Miss elephant”. The elephants were fond of listening to music. While I was riding an elephant over a hill with someone else ringing a bell behind, Miss elephant shook her body to rhythm of the bell. 参考译文:There were elephants as well / too. They were prettily decked out / up all over. Their keepers
21、 called them “Miss Elephant.” Well, they also enjoyed listening to music. When (I was) climbing the hill, I rode on an elephants back. There was someone ringing a bell behind / Someone was ringing a bell behind. “Miss Elephant” rocked from side to side to the rhythm.,If you shake yourself or your bo
22、dy, you make a lot of quick, small, repeated movements without moving from the place where you are. rock v I, Ipr dance to this music 跳摇滚舞.,When a bell tolls or when someone tolls it, it rings slowly and repeatedly, often as a sign that someone has died. When you ring a bell or when a bell rings, it
23、 makes a sound.,我从象背上下来以后,养象的人说:“给象小姐一点儿钱买糖吃吧。”大象就把鼻子伸到我跟前。我往它的鼻孔里塞了一个硬币。大象把鼻子往后一甩,把钱递到了主人手里。它乖巧得很呢。 Rose试译: “Please give Miss Elephant some money for sweets”, the elephant keeper said to me when I got off the elephant. The elephant stretched out her trunk to me. I put a coin in her trunk and she flung it back to her master. How cute she was. 参考译文: After I got down / climbed down from the elephants back, the keeper said, “Please give Miss Elephant a little money to buy sweets with (to eat) .”The elephant stretched out her
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