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1、Unit1 Good friends-Reading1问候:Good morning, students. 2导入:Living alone on a deserted island, one will meet many difficulties beyond daily trouble. Can you imagine how would you feel if you were alone on a deserted island?(Yes, you will have bad feelings when you live alone. You will feel angry, lone

2、ly, hungry, worried, hopeless, afraid, etc.)3、快速阅读:Today we will learn a passage about a person who survives a crash and lives alone on a deserted island for many years. Turn your book to page 3. Scan the text-Chucks friend, and then answer me some questions.板书:Unit 1 Good friendChucks friend1)What

3、happened to Chuck one day?( Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. But Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.)2)What must Chuck learn to do in order to survive?(He learns how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. More importantly, h

4、e learns to develope a friendship with unusual friends.)3)What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?( He learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. For example, he comes to realize that friendship is important in his life, and that he hasnt been a good friend

5、. He also learns that he should care more about his friends.)4、精读:Read the text carefully, and organise the main idea of each paragraph.板书:P ara.1 General introduction about the film Cast Away.Para. 2 What Chuck learns to survive on the island.Para. 3 What chuck learns about himself on the island.Pa

6、ra. 4 The lesson we learn about friends and friendship from the film.5、练习:Now, lets do some exercises.Choose the following sentences ture or false.1). Chuck is a businessman working in a company. (T)2). Chuck is one of the people who survive the plane crash. (F)3). Chuck makes some friends there one

7、 of whom is Wilson, a football. (F)4). Staying on the island helps Chuck realize his own shortcomings. (T)5). Friends can be human beings, animals and even things. (T)6、家庭作业:1) Do your oral practice with your partner.Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, or Chucks wife. You are very curious about wh

8、at has happened to Chuck and keeps on asking him a lot of questions. Make a dialogue between Chuck and his wife. Think of as many questions as possible.2) Read the passage again and again.Are you clear? So much for today. Goodbye.Unit2 English around the world-Warming-up & Speaking1问候和复习:Good mornin

9、g, boys and girls! I want to check your homework first. Have you reviewed the words and expressions of last unit? Very good! Today we will learn the a unit-unit 2 English around the world板书:Unit 2 English around the world2热身:Turn your book to page 8. Look at the picture.1) What do you think is happe

10、ned in the picture? (The man is looking for a toilet, but he cant find it.)2) Where is the man do you think? (The man is in the bathroom)Now read dialogue and find some facts about Joe and Nancy.1) What is Joes nationality? How about Nancy? (Joe is an American while Nancy is British.)2) What is it t

11、hat Joe is looking for? (Joe is looking for a toilet.)3) What is it that Nancy thinks Joe wants? (Nancy thinks Joe wants to have a bath.)4) What is their misunderstanding about?In American English the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a toilet and sometimes a bath or shower. In British En

12、glish, the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a bath or shower and sometimes also a toilet. Joe wants to go to the toilet, but Nancy thinks he wants to take a bath.You did quite well. There are really some slight differences between American English and British English, so in order to avoi

13、d misunderstanding, it is necessary for us to know about some differences between American English and British English.3听说:Now Lets do Part ThreeSpeaking. please turn your book to page 9.Ask two students to read the dialogue.Finish the sentences below dialogue 1 and check the answers in the class.Wo

14、rk in pairs and act dialogue1 out.the same way to play dialogue 2.4家庭作业:In the box there are several useful expressions. These sentences are all about the language difficulties in communication. When we express our requests and orders, we use them. Please remember these sentences and make up a dialo

15、gue about language difficulties with your partner, using the expressions in the box after class. Next class I will ask some pairs to come here to act it out. Are you clear? So much for today. Bye-bye.Unit3 Going places-Reading1.问候:Good morning, boys and girls. 2.导入:1) Do you like travelling? Why? (t

16、o see other countries and places, to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food)2) Do you like adventure travel? Why? (Yes. Its exciting.We can have unusual experience.)3) Do you want to learn more about adventure travel?(Yes.)Lets learn a new passage about adventuer travel. Open your book to page 1

17、7. 板书:Unit 3 Going placesAdventure travel3.快速阅读: Read the whole passage quickly, and find out the main idea of it.(This passage tells us why do peaple like travel and gives us a quick look at hiking and rafting.)4.精读:Please read the first paragraph carefully, and find the answer to the question: why

18、 do people like travel?(To see other countries and visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful, to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the world, to get away from cold weather, or to look for an unusual experience.) Please read thelast paragrap

19、hs carefully. Compare hiking and rafting. Find out their differences between hiking and rafting.Now lets check your answers.Which place do you choose for hiking?What do you need for hiking?What should you look out for when you are hiking?HikingRaftingPlacesIn the mountains, in a forest, along a rive

20、r or in the cityRivers or streamsEquipmentgood shoes, clothes, a backpack, water, a good map, a hat, a cellphoneA raft, good clothes, a life jachetPossible dangersSpiders, snakes or poisonous plantsHitting rocks, trees and other dangers 5.练习:Now lets do exercise 1.6.家庭作业:I think you have got a good

21、knowledge of the passage. Please read the passage again and again after class, and preview language study on page 18-19.So much for today. Bye-bye.Unit4 Unforgettable experiences-Reading1.问候:Good morning, boys and girls.2.导入:1.What natural disasters do you know about? (flood, earthquake, fire, typho

22、on, sandstorm)2.Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? Can you describe what it was like?(Flood. It sweeped down trees, roared like a tiger. It was very frightening.)3.看图回答问题:Today we are going to learn a new passage about flood. Turn your book to page 24. Look at the picture and discuss.1.Wh

23、at can you see in the picture? (A boy and a girl. A flood occurred.)2.What words will you use to describe this disaster? (Frightening,dangerous.)4快速阅读:Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions.What rescued Flora and Jeff? (The chimney)5精读:Read the passage for the second time and

24、 finish the diagram on the blackboard.placesfloodreactionfeelingsin the gardernroar,advanceshout, run, waveSurprised, puzzledon the way to the housesweep, swallow, flowshout, seize, drag, go down pull, look into, hold strugglefrightenedinside the housestrike, move up, destroy, sweep awayclimb,cryhop

25、eful6课后练习:Lets do exercise 1 on page 25. Here are some sentences from the reading passage. Can you work out what the underlined words refer to?1.Before she could move , she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar .(The noise of the flood.)2.There she saw a big mass of water that was quick

26、ly advancing towards her .(Behind her.)3. She wanted to watch it .(A wall of water.)4. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress all cold and wet ,started crying .(Floras.)5. For some moments both were silent .(The flood and the house.)7家庭作业:1. Discussion with your team member: Will the disaster change

27、Flora and Jeffs life? How?Unit 5 The silver screen-Reading1.问候:Good morning, boys and girls.2.导入:Which films that they have ever seen?(Hero, Harry Potter, ET)All of us are fond of films, especially the students I think. Today we will get to know a famous film director, whose name is Steven Speilberg

28、. He is an American. And he is one of the top film directors in the world. Please turn your book to page 31.3.快速阅读:1.Read the passage quickly to collect the information about Steven Spielberg by the time clue.What happened to Steven Spielberg in the following years?1946(He was born.)1958 (He made hi

29、s first film.)1959 He won a prize for a short film. (when he was 13 years old.)1962 He made the film Firelight. (when ha was 16.)4.精读:Give the students about six minutes to read the text and try to find the answers to the questions:How many of Steven Spielbergs movies are mentioned in the passage? (

30、6)And what are they? What are they about?FirelightJaws: about a big white shark that attacks and eats swimmers.ET: about a young boy who makes friends with a small creature from outer space and helps him to find a way to go home.Jurassic Park: about a park where a rich man keeps different kinds of d

31、inosaurs.Schindlers List: about a German who saved thousands of Jewish people from being killed in the war.Saving Private Ryan): about an American captain who led his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.5.家庭作业:Read the passage again and again after class, and discuss the following question with

32、your team members:It is easy for Steven Spielberg to be a successful director. Right or Wrong? Why?I will ask some of you come here to give us your reasons next class.Unit 6 Good manners-Reading1.问候:Good morning, class! 2.导入:Good manners are very important for every body, dont you think so? So we sh

33、ould be ready to act politely in any situation at any moment. What s the rules for being polite at a dinner party in China?Table manners at a Western dinner party are a bit different from them in China. Please turn to page 38. Lets learn table manners at a Western dinner party together.3.快速阅读:First,

34、 please skim the whole text quickly, try to divide the text into 3 parts, and find the main idea of each part, 5 minutes, OK? Now start!Part 1(para.1)How to lay the tablePart 2(para.1-5)the dishesPart 3(para.6)The right attitude towards table manners4.精读:1)Quite good, youve got the main idea of the

35、text. Now lets learn it part by part. First ,lets look at part 1, please read it and then answer me 3 questions:Why shall we know the table manners?(Knowing them will help you make a good impression.)What does “having good table manners” mean?(It means knowing how to use knives and forks, how to dri

36、nk a toast and how to behave at the table.)What can you see on the table?(glasses, knives, forks, spoons, napkin and bowl)2)Now lets move on to part 2. Please read and tell me how many dishes you can find and the right order of the dishes.(starter, main course, soup, dessert.)Quite good. Lets move t

37、o exercise 3. Decide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a western dinner party.(Show the items on the screen)1 Use the knife with your right hand. (P)2 Put your napkin on your lap. (P)3 Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. (T)4 Ask for a second bowl of

38、 soup. (T)5 Use your fingers when eating chicken. (P)6 Finish eating everything on your plate. (P)7 Talk loudly while eating. (T)8 Make other people drink more spirits than they can take. (T)3)Good. Youve known the table manners very well. However, table manners always change, if you are not sure wh

39、at is polite part 3 tells the answer, lets read it together. One, two, start!5.家庭作业:This text tells us the table manners in the western countries. What about other manners in Western countries? For example: what will they do when meeting people or when talking to others. You can find the answers fro

40、m passage on page 118. Please read it carefully after class. So much for today. Goodbye.Unit 7 Cultural relics-Reading1问候:Good morning, boys and girls!2导入:Throughout the world there are many well-known cities. Quite a few of them are particularly great. Some of them have a number of famous cultural

41、relics.Q1: What cultural relics do you know? (The Great Wall, Stonehenge)Q2 :Did you visit these places before?3快速阅读:Today we will pay a visit to a foreign cultural relics-St Petersburg. It is the second largest city in Russia. Turn your book to page 45. In our text, St Petersburg is regarded as a g

42、reat city.Q1: why is it so called? (Because it is a city of heroes)Q2: Is it great in your eyes? (Yes)Please read the text quickly and try to get the answers. Now, who would like to tell me 4精读:Now lets learn it paragraph by paragraph. First, lets look at para.1. Read it carefully, then answer me so

43、me questions.Para1: Where is St Petersburg? (Its on the bank of the Neva River)What does Peter the Great look like? (Peter the Great was strong and proud)What does the palaces of the city look like? (They were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale)Para2: Who d

44、estroyed the city? (The Germans)What did the people of St Petersburg do? (People of the city never got up.)What were the cities like then? (St Petersburg was almost in ruins. Buildings were destroyed, and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.)Para3: Was it easy to rebuild the city? Why?

45、 (No, it is difficult to save the palaces and buildings without destroying their old beauty.) What did the people do to restore the city? (They used pieces of palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came to rebuild the city and its culture.) Did they succeed at last?(Yes, old paintings have be

46、en carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.)Para4: Who are the modern heroes of the city? Why? (People of the city are the heroes of the city. Because they were strong, proud and united. They rebuilt the city by their hard work.)5练习:Do exercise 2 on page 4

47、6.6家庭作业:The people of St Petersburg tried their best to protect the cultural relics. But nowadays not everyone has a sense of responsibility to protect our cultural relics. And some of them even destroy our cultural sites.Q1: Is it necessary for us to protect our cultural relics?Q2: What do you thin

48、k we can do to protect our cultural relics?Please discuss in groups. Next class, I will ask some group leaders to express your discussion. Unit 8 Sports-Reading1问候:Good morning, boys and girls.2导入:Do you know when the old Olympic Games began? Do you know What the Olympic motto is? (No.) It doesnt ma

49、tter. You can find all of the answers from the reading passage we are going to learn today. Turn your book to page 52.3快速阅读:Please read the text fast andthen answer me some questions.1. Do the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics happen at the same time?2. When did the old Olympic Games begin? Wh

50、at were the old Olympic Games like?3. When was the first modem Olympic Games held?4. How many gold medals did Carl Lewis win in the 1984 Olympic Games?5. Whats the Olympic motto? What does the Olympic motto mean?6. How many athletes took part in the 2000 Olympic Games?7. How many different events ar

51、e there in the 27th Olympic Games? Give some examples.4精读:How wonderful work youve done! Now read the passage again. While reading, try to sum up every paragraph in one sentence.Para.1: The Olympics are held every four years.Para.2: Something about the old Olympic Games.Para.3: Something about the O

52、lympics in modern times and the 27th Olympic Games.Para.4 The Olympic motto and something about the track stars: Carl Lewis and the Chinese team in Sydney Olympics.Para.5: Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games and is making preparation for it.4练习:Please turn your book to page 53, and decide wheth

53、er the following statements are true or false.(T) In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the games.(F)The motto of the Olympic Games is “Faster, Higher, Further ”.(Stronger.).(F)Carl Lewis won 3 gold medals in the 1984 Olympic Games. ( Four gold medals).(F)The 27th Ol

54、ympic Games were held in Los Angeles. ( In Sydney).(F)The 28thOlympic Games will be held in Beijing. ( “The 29th in Beijing.”(F) The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years .( Every fouryears.)5家庭作业:Now we have known that the reading passage gives a briefsummary of the history of the Olympic

55、 Games and its development over the years. It also emphasizes the spirit of the Games and describes Chinas success in resent Olympic Games. Please preview the use words and expressions after class. So much for today. Bye-bye.Unit 9 Technology-Reading1问候:Good morning, boys and girls.2导入:As we know, l

56、ife today is quite different from life in the past. Here is a example. Look, whats this?(Its a cellphone.)Have you ever used one?(Yes? No? Some of you have one, but most of you have no.)Why are not the students allowed to use it? Lets read the text “Life On the go”.3快速阅读:Read the text quickly to get

57、 its general idea. Then answer the questions.1. Do schools agree to use phones in schools? How about their parents? (Some schools dont agree phones are used in school. Nor do their parents. They worry that their children will spend too much time and money on phone calls)2. What does Wang Mei think is the most useful invention? (She thinks the cell phone is the most useful invention.)4精读:Read paragraph 1 carefully, then answer me some questions.What kind of people and things does the writer try to talk about? (Today many Chinese teenagers have a very fa


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