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1、意义-翻译,理解中的选义1-以run为例,1980 年版的Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language (the 2nd College Edition) -run :vi. 31 个释义; vt. 25个释义; n. 26个释义; adj. 4 个释义; 成语搭配20条 上海译文出版社1991版的英汉大词典-run: vi. 34个释义; vt. 40 个释义; n. 38个释义; adj. 5个释义。,1) run across 跑过一偶然碰见 2) run away 跑开一失去控制 3) run back over 跑回一回

2、顾 4) run counter to 跑离一违反,与.背道而驰 5) run down 跑下一用完;撞倒;贬低 6) run in 跑进一顺便探望7) run into 跑进一陷于;偶然碰见 8) run into debt 负债 9) run off 跑掉一流畅地写出(背出) 10) run out 跑出一被用完,将尽,11) run over 跑过一满出,溢出 12) run through 跑过,穿过一贯穿 13) run up 跑上去一迅速积累(债款等) 14) run to seed 变得不修边幅 15) run a race 参加赛跑 16) run for presidency

3、 竞选总统 17) run to sbs aid 赶去帮助某人 18) run aground (船)搁浅 19) run wild 发狂,野掉了 20) run to extremes 走向极端,21) run the streets 流浪街头 22) run a hare 追捕野兔一追捕坐车不买票的人 23) run a car 驾驶小汽车 24) run a factory 办工厂 25) run messages 送信,传信息 26) run the water off 把水放掉 27) run oil 提炼石油 28) run to 跑到一(数量等)达到 29) run on 不停地

4、跑一讲个不停,喋喋不休 30) run sb into difficulties 使某人陷入困境,31) run the risk of 冒着的危险 32) run ones eyes down a list 匆匆看一下单子 33) run a simile too far 把一个明喻用得牵强附会 34) run a fever 发烧 35) run a sword through sb 用刀刺穿某人 36) run a thread through an eyelet 把线穿过小孔 37) run ones head into a wall 撞南墙,碰壁 38) The idea runs

5、in his mind. 这个念头萦绕在他的脑海里。39) The street runs north. 大街向北延伸。 40) The news runs rapidly in the town.,理解中的选义2-以“上”为例,上海辞海出版社出版的辞海里,“上”有17个意义和194个词语搭配。,1) 上班 to go to work; to be on duty 2) 上报 to appear in the newspapers 3)上膘 (of animals) to become fat 4) 上场 to appear on the stage court 5) 上当 to be tak

6、en in 6) 上灯 to light the lamp 7) 上吊 to hang oneself 8)上冻 to freeze 9) 上访 to apply for an audience with the higher authorities to appeal for help 10) 上坟 to visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead,11) 上纲 to raise to the higher plane of principle 12) 上告 to complain to the higher authorities or a

7、ppeal to a higher court 13) 上供 to offer up a sacrifice 14) 上钧 to rise to the bait 15)上光 glazing; polishing 16) 上轨道 to get on the right track 17) 上火 to get angry 18) 上进 to make progress 19) 上课 to attend class 20) 上口 to be suitable for reading aloud,21) 上路 to set out on a journey 22) 上马 to mount a hor

8、se 23) 上门 to visit; to shut the door 24) 上年纪 to be getting on in years 25) 上任 to take up an official post 26) 上台 to come to power 27)上膛 (of a gun) to be loaded 28) 上相(上照) to come out well in a photograph; to be photo-genic 29) 上鞋 to sole a shoe 30) 上刑 to put sb to torture 31) 上演 to perform 32) 上账 to

9、 make an entry in an account book,33) 上阵 to go into battle 34) 上瘾 to be addicted (to sth) 35) 干部要能上能下。A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post. 36) 随函附上2 角钱邮票1张。Enclosed herewith is a 20-fen stamp. 37) 这一盘你上。You play this game. 38) 一连上了好几道菜。Several courses were served in succ

10、ession. 39) 行李还没上架。The luggage has not been put on the rack yet. 40) 我来给门上漆。Let me paint the door. 41) 这事已上了电视。It has been publicized on TV. 42) 表该上了。The watch needs winding.,辞典 who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband; who actually does have a disconsolate

11、 family to mourn his loss;. (W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair).,5) . yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband; who actual

12、ly does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss;. (W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair).不过偶尔也有几个死人当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼他们; (“好教徒、好父母、好儿女、好妻子、好丈夫” ) 1) 好教徒a faithful Christian (=虔诚的教徒)2) 好父母a loving parent = 慈爱的父母)3) 好儿女an obedient child (=孝顺的儿女)5) 好丈夫a dutif

13、ul husband (=尽职的丈夫),一组名词选词的实例,房:cookhouse厨房 glasshouse玻璃房 washhouse 洗衣房 屋:airhouse 打气屋 toolhouse 工具屋 室:babyhouse 玩具室 gatehouse 警卫室 greenhouse 温室 院:almshouse 济贫院 workhouse 救贫院;感化院;劳动教养所 舍:boardinghouse(供膳食的)宿舍 farmhouse 农舍 馆:chophouse 小餐馆 coffeehouse 咖啡馆 社:flophouse 廉价旅社 栈:roadhouse 客栈 所:clubhouse 俱乐

14、部会所 pleasure-house娱乐场所 堂:bathhouse 澡堂 meetinghouse 礼拜堂 间:springhouse 冷藏间 亭:sununerhouse 凉亭,场:playhouse 剧场;儿童游戏馆 slaughterhouse屠杀场 楼:statehouse 州议会的大楼 站:firehouse 消防站 库:boathouse 船库 icehouse 冰库 塔:gunhouse 炮塔 lighthouse 灯塔 处:tollhouse 通行税征收处 府:townhouse 市政府 店:beerhouse 啤酒店 pothouse 小酒店 吧:barrelhouse 低

15、级酒吧 厂:bakehouse 面包厂 坊:dyehouse 染坊 堡:blockhouse 碉堡 关:customhouse 海关 狱:jailhouse 监狱 洞:cave-house 窑洞 窟:flashhouse 魔窟 棚:cowhouse 牛棚 窝:doghouse 狗窝 henhouse 鸡窝 笼:birdhouse 鸟笼,一词多义 或歧义,莫笑我无双国士,任处处无上欢迎;实乃是无足轻重,大半世无臭无声;笑谈处无伤大雅,酒醉后无始无边。爱只爱无肠公子,笑骂我无赖无聊;自认我无冬无夏,看世界无颇无偏。 -济公自嘲诗,莫笑我无双国士,任处处无上欢迎;实乃是无足轻重,大半世无臭无声;笑谈

16、处无伤大雅,酒醉后无始无边。爱只爱无肠公子,笑骂我无赖无聊;自认我无冬无夏,看世界无颇无偏。,Please dont laugh at me-Im a man of superior talent, enjoying real popularity. To be perfectly honest I am nobody, just a small potato. It doesnt matter if I make ridiculous comments. I become even more crazy after wine. I like eating crabs and because

17、of this people take me to be a hopeless monk. But I dont care what they say just as I dont care whether its summer or winter. But remember, Im always unbiased toward every one and everything in the world.,翻译中的灵活性,1) After the fall of France, Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the grou

18、nd, about equally matched in the air, and gravely inferior at sea. 法国崩溃之后,德国陆军大大超过英国,空军力量旗鼓相当,海军则严重处于劣势。 (“德国在陆地上大大超过英国,在空中旗鼓相当,在海上则不幸处于劣势”) 2)全客厅顿然见得一团和气了。(鲁迅:彷徨中的离婚)Complete harmony prevailed in the hall. (“一团和气”原意是只求和睦相处,不讲原则,含贬义,而现在意指气氛融洽,感情色彩属中性),翻译中的灵活性-文化背景,语法结构,1. I like to watch people come

19、 out of motels. 2. Win Everett was in pajamas looking at a two-day-old copy of the Daily Lass-O, the student newspaper at TWU.,1. I like to watch people come out of motels. -我喜欢看“野鸳鸯”从汽车旅馆里出来。 2. Win Everett was in pajamas looking at a two-day-old copy of the Daily Lass-O, the student newspaper at T

20、WU. -温埃佛雷特穿着睡衣,正在看一份两天前的石榴裙日报,这是得克萨斯女子大学的学生报纸。,翻译中的多样性,丰富多彩,贴切得当的语言形式-反复出现而又意思不变的句子、词组、成语、词语 英语句子翻译的多样性: A short girl in a flat black straw hat appeared in the open door-way. (Herman Wouk: The Winds of War),A short girl in a flat black straw hat appeared in the open door-way. (Herman Wouk: The Winds

21、 of War) 1)一位头戴扁平的黑草帽的矮个儿姑娘,出现在门口。 2)一个头戴黑色扁平草帽的小个儿姑娘,出现在门口。 3)一位姑娘出现在门口,只见她个头不高,头戴一顶浅浅的黑草帽。 4)门口闪出了一位个头不高的女孩子,头上戴着一顶平平的黑草帽。 5)门口出现一矮妞,头戴扁平黑草帽。,汉语句子翻译的多样性,例:你的眼睛长哪儿去了?,例:你的眼睛长哪儿去了?,1) Havent you got eyes? 2) Are you so blind? 3) Are you such a blind man? 4) Youre really stone-blind! 5) How blind you

22、 are! 6) As blind as a bat!,7) What a blind man! 8) A sightless guy! 9) Why are you so rash? 10) How can you be so reckless? 11) My goodness! Be careful! 12) Would you please be more careful?,直译与意译,直译:原文内容、原文形式 意译:原文内容 (一)词 语 1) the moon 直译:月亮 意译:玉兔(东升);金兔;白兔;蟾宫(折桂);月桂(一轮-); 蝉娟(但愿人长久,千里 共(宋,苏轼词);水镜;

23、阴宗;夜光;素璧 2) 月亮 直译:the moon 意译:celestial body, heavenly body, planet, secondary planet, planetoid; orb of night, moon goddess; green cheese; sailors friend; Diana, Luna, Phoebe, Cynthia; queen of heaven, queen of night (Shakespeare); queen and huntress, chaste and fair (B. Johnson),3) fat 直译:胖 意译:富态(

24、胎)(长得-);肥实;胖乎乎;胖墩墩;面团团;团头团脑;心广体胖;丰满;丰盈;丰腴;肉头(小手得很);臃肿;痴肥;虚胖;大腹便便;脑满肠肥 4)胖 直译:fat 意译:portly(肥胖的;魁梧的(常指年长者);stout(矮胖的,强壮的);obese(过度胖,肥大的); fleshy; plump(丰满的); rotund(圆胖的,圆状的);tubby(桶状的,肥圆的;矮胖的);podgy(矮胖的)(podge: 矮胖的人);paunchy(大腹便便的)(paunch:肚予,大肚子);corporational (大肚子的);,二)成 语 1) to kill two birds with

25、one stone 直译:一石二鸟 意译:一箭双雕;一举两得;一并两用儿 2) to teach a pig to play on a flute 直译:教猪吹笛 意译:对牛弹琴;做荒谬的事情;做不可能做到的事情 3)过街老鼠 直译:(like) a rat crossing the street 意译: the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by everybody 4)门庭若市 直译:The courtyard is like a market. 意译:a much visited house; a busy town;

26、 bustling; crowded,In-class Practice: E-C,Eg.1The new naval base has proved to be a white elephant.,A. 新 的海军基地证明为是一只白象。 B.新的海军基地被证明为不堪一击。 C.新的海军基地是庞大而坚不可摧的。 D. 新的海军基地被证明为毫无用处。,2.A large number of American radio stations operate in the red.,A.大量的美国无线电台运行良好。 B.大量的美国无线电台在惨淡经营。 C.许多美国电台向红色国家广播。 D.许多美国无线

27、电台竞争激烈。,3. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention.,A.过高估价这项发明的价值是不可能的。 B.这项发明的价值,无论怎样估计也不会太高。 C.过高估计这项发明的价值是行不通的。,4. Miss Johnson is the managers girl Friday.,A. 约瀚生小姐是经理的“星期五情妇”。 B.约瀚生小姐是经理的“小蜜”。 C.约瀚生小姐是经理的私人秘书。 D.约瀚生小姐星期五为经理当秘书。,5. A married woman hops in the hay.,A.一位已婚女子在干草

28、上来回蹦跳。 B.寡妇门前是非多,已婚女子想偷情。 C.已婚女子焦虑不安,后悔不已。 D.结了婚的女子成熟快乐,但易衰老。,6. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay beings begin to breathe.,A.老师是创造的见证人,目睹生命呼吸成长。 B.婴儿睁眼呼吸时,第一眼看到的是老师。 C.盘古开天地以来,就出现了教师职业。 D.老师一直在创造中,犹如泥土开始呼吸。,7.Mary crossed her fingers during the race so that Tom would w

29、in.,A.玛丽比赛时交叉双手,以便汤姆能赢。 B.玛丽退出了比赛,所以汤姆就赢了。 C.比赛时玛丽为汤姆祈祷,但愿他能赢。 D.比赛时玛丽用指头打暗号,所以汤姆就赢了。,8. My sister took her degree at Cambridge, since then we call her a bluestocking.,A.我姐姐获得剑桥大学学位后,我们都称她为“蓝袜子”。 B.我妹妹获得剑桥大学学位后,我们还叫她“黄毛丫头”。 C.我们称姐姐为天才,因为她获得剑桥大学的学位。,9. No one is certain how much energy The Big Apple

30、consumes, but the amount must be enormous.,A.谁也不知道吃个大苹果产生多少能量,但能量肯定是巨大的。 B. 谁也无法肯定大苹果公司消耗多少能量,但能量肯定十分大。 C.谁也无法肯定纽约市消耗多少能量,但能量消耗量肯定是巨大的。 D.没人能肯定这个大胖子会消耗多少能量,但能量肯定非常大。,10. Those were days when the sun never set on the British Flag nor rose on many an East End home.,A.那些日子里,太阳从未在英国国旗上落下,也从未在东方家庭升起。 B.那

31、时侯,太阳从未在“日不落帝国”落下,也未在许多东方家庭照射。 C.那时侯,日不落的英国旗帜在西方飘扬,但没有在东方升起。 D.那是日不落帝国的黄金时代,也是伦敦贫民区千家万户从不见天日的岁月。,11.But Smith showed unexpected strength, especially in the wet districts.,A.但是,史密斯显示出出乎意料的力量,尤其在潮湿地区。 B.但是,史密斯表现出惊人的力量,特别在困境或危险地区。 C.但是,史密斯出其不意地得到很多选票,尤其在非禁酒区。 D.但是,史密斯显示出难以预料的强壮,尤其是肌肉部分。,12. He plays du

32、cks and drakes with his money.,A.他花钱扮演公鸭和母鸭。 B.他乱花自己的钱,尽情享受。 C.他玩公鸭母鸭进行赌博。 D.他花钱玩“野鸡”-嫖娼。,Pair / Group Work,And she would have been content to find twenty percent of Toms statement true. Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way through the fog. He picked up his pen half-he

33、artedly, wondering whether he could find something more to write in the diary. But truly, forsooth, I find it hard to believe him the same man. “How did you find that out?” It is impossible to found a civilization on fear and hatred and cruelty. “If hes found Guilty, you mean to say? ”,He was a true

34、 Micawber who thought that the world owed him a living. (The Observer) Right now I feel as old as Methuselah. (Desmond Bagley) Eliot Richardson was regarded by many as a white hat in a blackhatted White House. (William Safire) “In New York the communists dont hide. Theyre out on the street.” “Quick,

35、 Henry, the Flit,” Robert said. Star If you are A love compassionate, You will walk with us this year. We face a glacial distance, who are here Huddled At your feet. A Buddist cannot bud into a Budda. A maiden may made into a house maid.,And she would have been content to find twenty percent of Toms statement true.,只要汤姆的话有百分之二十是真的,她也就心满意足了。,Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way throught the fog.,玛丽拿着他的书,要听他背诵,他就竭力地云来雾去地往下背。,He p


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