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1、2013,承雨 jacky 2014-1-15,听力解题技巧,1.划出关键词并预判 2.对比分析 3.排除法 4.重点听回答句,答案就在回答句里面 5.注意听同义词替换 / 同义词转述 6.带有绝对性词语的选项一定是错的 7.数字题:thirteen/thirty; eighteen/eighty .,2013年真题听力,conversation 1,m: whats the matter with this little boy? w: he has a chesty cough all the time. his temperature is high. and he keeps tell

2、ing me he wants to be sick. m: does he bring anything up? w: no, because he has been off his food for the past two days. he just brings up (呕吐) bile (胆汁). q: which of the following is not the boys symptom?,conversation 2,w: good afternoon, doctor. i have a terrible headache. yesterday i had a runny

3、nose. now my nose is stuffed up. m: let me give you an examination. first, let me have a look at your throat. ok, now let me examine your chest. do you have a history of tuberculosis? w: no, i dont think so. m: your throat is inflamed and your tongue is thickly coated. you have all the symptoms of i

4、nfluenza. q: what is the woman suffering from?,conversation 3,w: what are you looking for? m: my laptop. i cant find it in my bag or anywhere. w: i cant remember you carrying it here. think about it one more time. m: thats right. i left it at home. q: where is the mans laptop?,conversation 4,m: how

5、is your work going? w: i think i will be finished soon. m: well, i wont be finished for a while. q: what can be inferred about the man?,conversation 5,w: when are doctor petermans office hours? m: monday, wednesday and friday from 10 a.m. to noon. w: thats not very convenient for me. i have patholog

6、y class then. q: what is the man?,conversation 6,w: hello, eric, what can i do for you? m: i was wondering if you had the results. w: oh, yes, the results. weve got them. m: great. w: here we go. urea (尿素) 2.6 , sodium (钠) 136, and potassium (钾) 3.9. m: 3.5. w: no, thats 3.9. q: what is the mans sod

7、ium level?,conversation 7,m: hello, this is don north from pediatrics. id like a word with doctor wilson if its possible. w: im sorry, but he left for michigan to attend a conference this morning. he was in fact looking for you just before he left. q: what is true about doctor wilson?,conversation 8

8、,m: i spent my one-month salary buying a pair of skis. w: are you crazy? youve got a ski fever. q: what can we say about the man?,conversation 9,w: most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture. m: thats for sure. but they should do as romans do. q: according to the man, what ar

9、e people supposed to do when traveling to a foreign culture?,conversation 10,w: cindy just got divorced. m: so soon! she got married only last summer. w: well, she found out that her husband was not the millionaire she thought he was. q: what does the woman imply about cindy?,conversation 11,m: kate

10、 was the only one brave enough to speak her mind at the meeting today. m: yeah, a lot of people felt the same way, but were too scared to say anything. she just voiced the aspiration of them. q: which of the following words can best describe kate?,conversation 12,w: why didnt you come to work yester

11、day? m: i was feeling a little under the weather. w: did you go to see the doc? m: no, nothing serious. q: why didnt the man go to work yesterday?,conversation 13,m: have you heard of the magazine the world of english? w: of course. it is one of many english magazines that are now flying off book se

12、ller shelves. q: what does the woman imply about the the world of english?,conversation 14,m: hello doctor marks. its tim tailor from at anne edinburgh central. w: hello. m: ive got a young woman, a 30-year-old woman referred up by her gp with a kind of perineal abscess for about 10-15 days. w: righ

13、t. m: shes been on antibiotics and basically it needs to be incised. can you take her? w: of course. whats the patients name? q: what is the woman?,conversation 15,w: what do you know about treatments of cancer? m: chemotherapy. but that makes your hair fall out, doesnt it? w: yes, there are some un

14、pleasant side-effects. im not sure we need to consider that at this stage. we should see whether a series of injection will help. q: what treatment will the man probably receive first?,短对话答案汇总,b d c b d d d d c c b b c b c,dialogue,话题:猪流感 swine flu respiratory ailment 呼吸病 susceptible 易受影响的 mutate 变异

15、 mammal 哺乳动物 fatigue 疲乏 sore throat 喉咙痛 show up 现身 antiviral study 抗病毒研究 答案:b b b a b,passage 1,话题:噪音引起的失聪 noise-induced hearing loss impairing 引起损伤的 cocktail鸡尾酒,混合 nutrient营养元素 magnesium镁 metabolic activity 代谢活动 trial 试验 答案:a b a c c,passage 2,话题:肥胖孕妇对胎儿的影响 abnormality异常 obese肥胖的 neural tube神经管 spi

16、nal cord脊柱 palate 上颚 答案:a d c a b,2013年真题vocabulary答案,section a d b c a b c a c d a section b c d b c a d a b a c,2013年真题cloze答案,话题:游戏对视力的促进作用 a b b d c d c a d b,2013年真题 text 1,主题句 those with a biological predisposition to violent behavior who are brought up in abusive homes are very likely to beco

17、me lifelong criminals. 答案: b c d d b,2013年真题 text 2,主题句 three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them. 答案: b a b b

18、 d,2013年真题 text 3,主题句 not so. answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. it aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. 答案: b a c c b,2013年真题 text 4,主题句 a warmer world wont just be inconvenient. will actually be uninhabitable- to

19、o hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population. it could materialize if the world warms by an average of just 4c, so what are we going to do about it? 答案: a d a d b,2013年真题 text 5,主题 有关捐赠精子造成婴儿先天缺陷的案例。讨论受捐母亲是否能够起诉相关部门以获得补偿。 答案: c a b d c,2013年真题 text 6,主题: 讨论美国的食品行业(ground beef 碎牛肉)污染问题,揭示该行业的潜规

20、则。 答案: c d a c c,摘要写作,信息的分析、归纳、综合、提炼、概括与组织。 英文的书面表达能力。 避免三种现象: 摘抄原文 片面的理解 重要信息的遗漏,考场点睛,在开头、结尾段找出中心词,主旨句 各段落里找出分论点 串联后组织整体结构 切忌照抄或逐字翻译 切忌引用过细的例子、人名、数字或原话,近几年出题和阅卷规律,段落结构清晰。 小标题时有时无。 有小标题 (2008,2012,2013) 无小标题 (2009,2010,2011) 无明显的起始段和结论段。 阅卷更重视语言表达(淡化内容)。,近十年医博摘要写作汇总,健康处方帮你走出“第三状态”,health prescriptio

21、n gets you out of the third state health tips keep you away from the third state,文章要点,第一段:开场白,引出主题 (何为第三状态?) 第二/三段:展开讨论,具体的健康处方 (膳食营养、维他命、心理放松、亲近自然、高质量午睡) 第四段:结尾段 (总结全文),key words,激烈的竞争 fierce competition 情绪低落 low spirits 灰色状态 grey state 均衡营养 balanced nutrition 合理膳食 reasonable diet 不可或缺的营养物质 indispe

22、nsable nutrients 精力充沛 plenty of energy 事业有成 successful career 心理平衡 psychological balance 午后打盹 (after-lunch) nap,第一段 引出主题,there is no denying that todays fierce competition has made it inevitable for us to confront various challenges. as a result, we can hardly work and live with full energy, and ten

23、d to experience constant low spirits, fatigue, insomnia, headache and loss of concentration. however, hospitals wont admit us as a patients. medical science categorizes/classifies this neither-healthy-nor-ill condition as “grey state” or “third state”. for this common physical problem, medical exper

24、ts have worked out some simple and useful health prescriptions/tips.,第二段 展开论述,first and foremost, balanced nutrition and diet is necessary for human body. daily diet is supposed to include nutrients like sugar, protein, minerals and vitamins. eating more or less than normal may also lead to “grey st

25、ate”. besides, vitamins can work wonder, especially for mental workers and office staff. for example, fish and liver, which are rich in vitamin a, can protect our eyesight. fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamin c, are helpful to people with tremendous pressure. whats more, we need to free our mind. a research by american scientists finds that mental health can provide people with more energy and help them achieve career success. therefore, to meet different


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