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1、,作业问题 Email礼貌+文件格式 Copy right 查重 练习题,Review:,Classical conditioning,Electroshock therapy (ECT),Electroshock therapy (ECT),HOW,To dislike iphone 6 To like Mr.Tan,John B. Watson,Father of Behaviorism Famous case: Little Albert experiment ,Twelve infants quotation,“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well

2、-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, tendencies, abilities, and race of

3、his ancestors.”,Behaviorism,Based on experiment Environmental stimuli control behavior Further discuss Skinner on Chapter 6 Learning,Multiple Perspectives,Considering from different perspectives,How to explain an introverted/extroverted person? How to explain Homosexual? How to study,12,Humanism,Arg

4、ue against Behaviorism Key word: free will Behaviors are caused not by past conditioning but by physiological, emotional or spiritual needs. Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,Biopsychology(Neuroscience),Key words: biological process Behaviors are caused by biological process: g

5、enes, hormones, and neurotransmitters Nature or Nurture? ,15,Evolutionary (Darwinian),Key words: Natural selection Precondition:believe in nature Some psychological traits might be good for survival, and these traits would be passed down from the parents to the next generation,第一个吃螃蟹的人,Why we will b

6、e afraid of the unknown things?,-为什么螃蟹可以打横走? -有钳,任性,Cognitive kntv Psychology,Key word: interpretation How we view the world will influence why we think and behave the way we do,Optimist: half glass of water Pessimist: half glass empty,Social-Cultural,Key word:culture Culture has an influence on our aesthetic ability,Biopsychosiocial,Combinations =bio+psycho+social Eclectic: no one perspective has all the answers Use various perspect


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