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1、古汉语活化石闽南语 “The living fossil “of ancient Chinese-Hokkienese,闽南语起源于黄河、洛水流域,在西晋时期、唐朝、北宋迁移致福建南部,发祥于福建泉州。闽南语的形成主要是因为两次的移民潮,移民的原因是征蛮、避乱: 第一次:第四世纪晋朝人移居入闽,部分初级泉州话的形成于晋朝五胡乱华时期(西元304-439),异族入侵中原,伫西晋永嘉二年(公元308)的时候,中原的衣冠八族(詹林黄陈郑丘何胡)开始避难到福建的泉州晋江等流域一带,他们把当时的古汉语(比如,有身、瞑、鳖、斟酌、鼎、箸等)带过来,后来称作“泉州话”。,春卷,面线糊,The Hokkien

2、ese is originated from the basins of the Yellow River and the Luoshui River and transferred to the South areas in Fujian province in the period of West Jin ,Tang Dynasty and North Song Dynasty,and then started at Quanzhou in Fujian province. The main reasons of the form of the Hokkienese are two Imm

3、igrant flows of running away from social upheaval.,The first time : the people of Jin Dynasty moved into Min in fourth century, some parts of basical dialect in Quanzhou was formed in Five Hu disordering China.,第二次:唐初陈政、陈元光父囝屯垦漳州,漳州话的初步形成于唐高宗总章二年(公元669)福建南部蛮夷祸乱不安,朝廷派陈政、陈元光父子(郡望河东)南下平乱,平乱了后屯兵伫即马的漳州一带

4、,亦包括今天龙岩地区新罗,漳平一带,这批人带来七世纪的中古汉语。,麻糍,豆花粉丝,鬼糕,The second time: In the early Tang Dynasty , Chen Zheng and his son Chen Yuanguang opened up the Zhangzhou. The dialect of Zhangzhou was initially shaped in 669A.D. The barbarians in the south of Fujian province was disturbing. The royal appointed them to

5、pacified the conflicts.,第三次:第九世纪后期王潮、王审邽、王审知三兄弟统治福州、泉州等,泉州话形成。 唐代末年,中国发生黄巢之乱(公元878),唐代光州固始县人王潮、王审邽、王审知三兄弟南下平乱,平乱了后王潮被封做福建威武军节度使。即此批人阁带来九世纪的中原话。,布袋戏,闽南庙会,The third time: the three brothers Wang Chao,Wang shengui and Wang shenzhi ruled the Fuzhou , Quanzhou etc . The dialect in Quanzhou was formed. Du

6、ring the late Tang Dynasty, the three brothers pacified the conflicts in Fujian province. This group of people brought the Zhongyuan Mandarin in ninth century.,闽南、台湾等地传承此一文化的语言,正是我们现在习称的“闽南语”,在祖国传统文化的历史长河中,闽南话所蕴含的意义在于,我们的先祖在大迁徙中避开了中原民族融合所造成的语言改革,很完整地保留了唐朝及五代时代的古汉音,也就是那时的中原标准音。,The language of this c

7、ulture inheritted in southern Fujian ,Taiwan and other areas is we normally called “Hokkienese”. In the history of national traditional culture, the meaning behind the “Hokkienese”,is our ancestors well completely retained the ancient han phnetics in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties from the language

8、 revolution by national fusion because of the great migrations.,由于日语主要来自于迁徙到现在日本的中国汉族的古汉语、中国北方少数民族语言和马来人语言融合而成,所以今天日本人诵读佛经,吟唱诗词时,与闽南人用闽南语古代汉音诵读佛经,吟唱诗词在发音上几乎是一样的。,Because the Japanese is mainly came from the combination of ancient Chinese language, Chinese minority and the Malay taken by the Chinese moved to Japan .So the pronounce w


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