三种句型(there be , be ,do 句型).ppt_第1页
三种句型(there be , be ,do 句型).ppt_第2页
三种句型(there be , be ,do 句型).ppt_第3页
三种句型(there be , be ,do 句型).ppt_第4页
三种句型(there be , be ,do 句型).ppt_第5页
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1、Free talk,school education,Sitting straightly Listening quietly Taking notes quickly, Talking freely . think lively Discuss enthusiastically,三面旗帜,1.我是一名老师。 I am a teacher. (什么是什么?) 2.那个老师很忙。 The teacher is very busy. (什么怎么样?) 3. 那谢女孩在教室里。 The girls are in the classroom. (什么在哪里?),Be 句型,There is a cat

2、 under the tree.,There be 句型,某处有某物(人),He is crying .,She comes back .,某人做某事.,Do 句型,Now tell me something,Be 句型,There be 句型,Do 句型,那些鸟是黄色的。 TOM总是帮助别人 我是武威阳光英语学校的一名老师。 我们教室里墙上有一幅画。 来自美国的那个聪明男孩是个学生。,定语的位置 (Lesson 2),常用介词复习,in 在里 on 在上 over 在之上 (悬着) from 从地方来 with 和在一起/拿着 near 靠近 between . and 在之间 before

3、 在之前(时间),常用介词复习,after 在之后(时间) behind 在之后(方位) in front of 在前面 under 在下面 in the front of 在前部(里面) of 的,in front of 在前面,behind 在后面,over在正上方,under 在正下方,above高于,位置高于,below低于,位置低于,beside 在旁边,on接触的表面上,into 进入,out of 向外,定语的位置,a big desk clever boys a small cat some fat men a beautiful girl a good book 形容词做定语

4、放在所修饰的名词之前。,定语的位置,教室里的那个男士是个老师 。 The man in the classroom is a teacher. 桌子上的钱是你的。 The money on the table is yours. 介词短语作定语放在所修饰的名词之后。,1.一个漂亮的女孩 2.一些干净的杯子 3.两个好学生 4.来自北京的那个老师 5.两张桌子之间的那个足球 6.树上的一个蓝色的书包,a beautiful girl some clean cups two good students the teacher from Beijing the soccer between two

5、tables a blue bag in the tree,Be句型,还记得Be句型所表达的三种含义吗,我在教室里。 她是一位护士。 孩子们很快乐。,I am in the classroom . She is a nurse . Children are happy.,记住Be动词的口诀,我用am ,你用are , is 连上她、他、它,单数is ,复数are。,The man is a doctor.,主语,系动词,表语,所有的Be 句型都是 “ 主 系 表 ”结构 。,介词复习,观察下下如下的短语,a dog a man an egg an hour an “s”,the dog the

6、 man in the room in the garden beside the door,请自己总结下冠词 “a ,an the” 的用法吧,定语的位置,1.一个漂亮的女孩 2.一些干净的杯子 3.两个好学生 4.来自北京的那个老师 5.两张桌子之间的那个足球 6.树上的一个蓝色的书包,a beautiful girl some clean cups two good students the teacher from Beijing the soccer between two tables a blue bag in the tree,Let s do some exercises,那

7、个女孩很忙。 The girl is busy. 图书馆那个友好的女孩很忙。 The friendly girl in the library is busy.,那个脏桌子在教室里。 The dirty desk is in the classroom. 那个脏桌子在教学楼一楼的教室里。 The dirty desk is in the classroom on the first floor in the building.,那个男士是个老师 。 The man is a teacher. 教室里的那位男士是个老师。 The man in the classroom is a teacher

8、. 教室里的那位男士是个来自兰州的老师。 The man in the classroom is a teacher from Lanzhou. 教室里的那位帅男是个来自兰州的老师。 The handsome man in the classroom is a teacher from Lanzhou.,1.街上聪明的那个女孩是我妹妹。2.树上的那些鸟是黄色的。3.我们教室里墙上的那幅画漂亮。4.来自美国的那个聪明男孩是个学生。5.公共汽车前面的那个小男孩是我的朋友。6.在爸爸和妈妈之间的那个女孩五岁了。7.我是武威阳光英语学校的一名老师。,小小翻译家,He is happy . He was

9、 happy yesterday . I am tired. I was tired yesterday . They are in the room . They were in the room yesterday.,Yesterday,Be 句型的过去时,He is happy . He will be happy tomorrow . I am tired. I will (shall) be tired tomorrow . They are in the room . They will be in the room tomorrow.,tomorrow,Be 句型的将来时,Be

10、句型的三种时态,现在时 过去时 将来时,am /is are was / were will /shall be,还记得will可以用什么来替换吗?,He is happy . 否定句: He isnt happy . 一般疑问句: Is he happy ? (回答) Yes ,he is . / No , he isnt . Who is happy ? How is he ?,He was happy yesterday . 否定句: 一般疑问句: (回答),They will be in the room tomorrow. . 否定句: 一般疑问句: (回答),明年我就不是小学生了。

11、 上周从北京来的女孩在我们教室里。 我的朋友去年在英国。 明天天气是晴朗的吗? 我现在是个好学生。,语法大练兵,分析下列句子,并将下列句子变为否定句、一般疑问句、做出回答并就划线部分提问。,They were old . It will be sunny tomorrow . He is in the tree .,好了 ,现在请总结下Be句型吧,第二面旗子是啥?,How many apples are there on the tree?,There are twenty apples on the tree.,How many apples are there on the tree no

12、w?,There are thirteen apples on the tree now.,There is a cat under the tree.,There are two dogs under the tree.,There is some milk in the glass .,单数is 复数are 不可数的 用is,There be+ 主语(人或物名词) +地点,There are some_ in the fridge. A. meat B. chicken C. eggs D. milk,There _ some water in the bottle. A. is B. a

13、re C. have D. be,There is a cat and two dogs under the tree.,There are two dogs and a cat under the tree.,there,there 是个近视眼。,就近原则,be动词由距离它最近的名词来决定。,There _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom. A. are B. is,There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom. A. are B. is,There be 的过去时,Th

14、ere is a doll in the toy box.,There are some eggs in the basket .,Yesterday,There was a doll in the toy box yesterday .,There were some eggs in the basket yesterday .,There be 的 将来时,There is a doll in the toy box.,There are some eggs in the basket .,tomorrow,There will be a doll in the toy box tomor

15、row .,There will be some eggs in the basket tomorrow .,还记得will可以用什么来替换吗?,用be动词正确形式填空:,1、There a pencil in the pencil box. 2、There some flowers on the desk yesterday. 3、There four people in my family soon . 4、There a picture and two maps on the wall yesterday .,is,were,will be,was,There is a radio on

16、 the desk.,Is there a radio on the desk ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,There are some shoes under the bed.,Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,There isnt a radio on the desk.,There arent any shoes under the bed.,There was a radio on the desk.,There will be some

17、shoes under the bed.,规则: is / are / was / were/ will 要提前或后面加not , some 变any,其他都不变,There is a radio on the desk.,试试特殊疑问句吧!,Where is there a radio ?,There are some apples on the tree .,There is some water in the glass .,How many apples are there on the tree ?,How much water is there in the glass ?,对于数

18、量的提问 :,There is a radio on the desk.,There is a boy in the room.,Is there anything on the desk ?,Is there anybody in the room ?,在 there be 句型中,对主语提问时,用anything (物), anybody(人)来代替主语,不用特殊疑问句形式,用一般疑问句。,分析下列句子,并将下列句子变为否定句、一般疑问句、做出回答并就划线部分提问。,There were some clouds in the sky . There will be a meeting in

19、 our school tomorrow . There is some news in the newspaper.,Do 句型,Do 句型,我 爱 你 。 I love you .,谓,主,宾,Do 句型典型结构:,我 非 常 的 爱 你 。 I very much love you . I love you very much .,谓,主,宾,状(副词),Do 句型典型结构:,他们在那个房间里看电视。 They watch TV in the room. 状语一般是由什么来充当的呢?,谓,主,宾,状(介词短语),分析下列句子,The students study English very

20、 hard . They play games on the playground every day .,以上句子都是什么时候发生的呢,Do 句型现在时,我学习英语很努力。 I study English hard . 否定句: I dont study English hard. 一般疑问句: Do you study English hard? 回答: Yes,I do / No , I dont.,do,Exercises,We have lunch in the restaurant. The boys read books loudly . You do your homework

21、 every day.,Do 句型,我 爱 你 。 I love you . 她 爱 你 。 She loves you .,Do 句型,他们在那个房间里看电视。 They watch TV in the room. 他在那个房间里看电视。 He watches TV in the room.,Do 句型现在时人称变化,Do句型一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式(简称单三)。 动词单三的变化规则如下: 1、在动词词尾直接加s。 如: play plays, want wants 2、以字母s, x, ch,sh 或o 结尾的动词加es。 如:teach teaches,

22、do does 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变i,再加es。如:study studies, fly flies 4、have - has Please make sentences with them,Do 句型现在时,她学习英语很努力 She studies English hard . 否定: She doesnt study English hard. 疑问: Does she study English hard? 想想句子当中does时,有什么需要注意的吗?,does,Do 句型的过去时,My mother cooks dinner every day . My mothe

23、r cooked dinner yesterday. They study English hard . They studied English hard yesterday. You do your homework carefully. You did your homework carefully yesterday.,yesterday,Do 句型的过去时,Please make some sentence with this structure freely,Do 句型的过去时中什么地方发生了变化,谓,主,宾,状,V-ed,的 变化规则,动词过去式,Do 句型过去时,1、 一般情况

24、下在词尾直接加ed。 如:play played work worked,规则动词的变化,Do 句型过去时,2、部分以e结尾的动词只加d. 如:like - liked love - loved make 可以吗?,Do 句型过去时,3、部分以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词, 变y为i,再加ed. 如:study studied carry carried,Do 句型过去时,4、部分以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写最后这个辅音字母,再加ed. 如:stop stopped,Do 句型过去时,不规则动词的变化,如:am / is - was are - were buy -

25、bought have - had,Do 句型过去时,规则动词过去式词尾-ed的读音,Do 句型过去时,我过去学习英语很努力。 I studied English hard . 否定句: I didnt study English hard. 一般疑问句: Did you study English hard? 回答:,did,Did 是不是照妖镜呢?,Do 句型过去时,Find the mistakes and correct them,1.I carryed an umbrella yesterday. 2.Does your uncle see a film last week? 3.T

26、hey dont climb the hill yesterday. 4.Kate didnt played badminton yesterday morning. 5. We go to the museum last month.,carried,Did,didnt,play,went,句型转换:,1.He had lunch at school every day last year.(否定句) He _ have lunch at school every day last year. 2.They liked the city five years ago.(一般疑问句) _the

27、y like the city five years ago? 3.She did her homework at home just now.(否定句) She _ do her homework at home just now. 4.We had a good time last Sunday.(一般疑问句) _ you have a good time last Sunday?,didnt,Did,didnt,Did,Do 句型的将来时,My mother cooks dinner every day . My mother will cook dinner tomorrow. They study English hard . They will study English hard tomorrow . You do your homework carefully. You will do your homework carefully tomorrow .


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