1、,Unit 1,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 1 Workplace,新职业英语,Reading A,fit in with,to live, work, etc. in an easy and natural way with someone/ something e.g. Our national policy fits in with the changed international situation. Tran: 他以前没有做过这种工作,我不知道他能不能和其他 人和睦相处。 Hes never done this type of work be
2、fore; Im not sure how hell fit in with the other people.,Reading A,reputation,n. the opinion that people have about what someone/something is like, based on what has happened in the past e.g. The school has a good reputation for examination results. Tran: 他赢得了努力工作的好名声。 He earned the reputation of be
3、ing a hard worker.,the advantages and disadvantages of something e.g. What comment do you have on the pros and cons of studying abroad? Tran: 我们评估了自己创业的利弊。 We weighed up the pros and cons of starting up our own business.,Reading A,pros and cons,n. a set of clothes, especially one that you wear for a
4、 special occasion e.g. She was dressed in a white outfit. e.g. On the opening ceremony of the sports meet, all of us wore sports outfits. Tran: 足球队员穿着橙色球衣。 The football team members were wearing orange outfits.,Reading A,outfit,n. a remark that shows you admire someone/something e.g. She took his ac
5、ceptance as a great compliment. e.g. He knew that he had just been paid a great compliment. Tran: 非常感谢你的褒奖。 Thank you very much for your compliment.,Reading A,compliment,for example e.g. What would you do, for instance, if you found a member of staff stealing? e.g. For instance, an electric fire is
6、a relatively expensive method of heating a room. Tran: 他的拼写真糟糕,比如说这个单词! His spelling is terrible. For instance, look at this word!,Reading A,for instance,a. informal e.g. We dont like his casual behavior. Tran: 他穿的是休闲服, 不是校服。 He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.,Reading A,casual,n. a
7、set of surroundings; the place at which something happens e.g. It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas. e.g. The old castle would have provided the perfect setting for a horror story. Tran:人们在不同的社交场合表现往往不一样。 People tend to behave differently in different social settings.,Reading A,setti
8、ng,a. producing or achieving a lot e.g. Agriculture and industry both grow more productive. Tran: 在这个工厂有许多能干的工人。 There are a lot of productive workers in this factory.,Reading A,productive,A-Trans-1,职场时装潮流 1 许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。他们认为按最新潮流穿衣打扮能为自己赢得时尚和时髦的好名声。尽管这样做合情合理,你还是要小心谨慎。,Readin
9、g A,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,3 然而事实上这种追随弊大于利。例如,职场时装潮流往往不区分工作和职业。在一家新潮的咖啡馆或零售店工作,着装要求很可能是休闲服。而在一家法律或保险公司上班,着装则需要更职业化。不幸的是,很多职场新潮时装是为工作中的一般大众而设计,而非为特定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。,A-Trans-4,Reading A,4 在追随这种时装潮流之前,要好好
10、地仔细审视一下所谓的潮流。比如,潮流是不是时兴半身裙或连衣裙,而不论其长短呢?如果确实如此,那么最重要的是要考虑自己的工作性质。如果是办公室的职业白领,连衣裙就非常适合。但如果是在零售店当经理,连衣裙或半身裙则可能会妨碍工作,影响工作效率。,A-Trans-5,Reading A,5 很多人会因为穿了时髦的职场时装而备受称赞,但事情并非总是如此。最不希望的是不但没有受到夸奖,还落下坏名声。正是因为这个原因,你必须考虑别人对你的看法,你必须确保给别人留下的是个好印象。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,6 到底要不要将职场最时髦的潮流带入衣柜,这个决定得自己做,但在做出决定前请考虑考虑上面
11、提到的问题。,波音公司行为准则 波音公司行为准则为全体波音公司员工制定了必须遵守的行为规范。,B-Trans-1,Reading B,B-Trans-2,Reading B,波音公司的企业经营建立在公平、公正的基础上,符合道德规范和法律、法规。在企业经营中,诚信是公司处理一切关系的基础,包括公司与客户的关系、供应商和公众的关系以及员工之间的关系。在履行公司职责时,波音公司要求员工以最高商业道德标准要求自己。员工不得参与损害公司诚信、公平、声誉或者为公司带来麻烦的任何活动。,B-Trans-3-1,员工应确保: 不参与可能导致公司及个人利益冲突的任何活动。 不利用在波音公司的职位,通过不正当使用
12、波音公司或非公共信息以及滥用职权谋取个人利益,包括不参与内幕交易。 遵守有关信息使用和发布的所有规定,包括按规定保护波音公司信息,保证经信息方授权或法律许可,方可使用或发布非波音公司专有信息。,Reading B,B-Trans-3-2,恪守公平交易这一波音公司最重要的业务及交往原则。 保护公司、客户和供应商的资产,只在公司许可的相关活动中使用这些资产。 无论在何种情况下,都遵守所有的法律、法规。 一旦发现违法或不道德行为,立即向管理层举报.,Reading B,B-Trans-4,对于本行为准则所涉及之内容,每位员工都有责任提出疑问、寻求指导或举报违规行为。严禁对举报实情的员工进行打击报复。
13、,Reading B,LL-Task 1,Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.,Language Lab,A. the opinion that people have about what someone/ something is like based on what has happened in the past B. prevent someone from easily doing or achieving something C. confirm or agree official
14、ly D. intentionally use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage E. clearly show a feeling, attitude or quality by what you do or say F. for example G. be the cause of something or be the basic thing from which something develops H. not giving special favor or support to any one sid
15、e include something so that it forms a part of something else J. an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle, etc.,1.violation 2. incorporate 3. for instance 4. impartially 5. hamper 6. underlie 7. abuse 8. display 9. reputation 10. approve,J,I,F,H,B,G,D,E,A,C,LL-Task 2-1,Task 2 Complete the f
16、ollowing sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary.,Language Lab,We will _ your suggestion in this new plan. 2. The heavy rain _ the flow of traffic yesterday. 3. She _ no emotion on the witness stand. 4. The restaurant has a good _. 5. I promise I will handle the matter _.,
17、incorporate,hampered,displayed,reputation,impartially,LL-Task 2-2,Language Lab,6. Williams _ his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends. 7. She thought they would _ of the idea. 8. We say that this was a(n) _ of the agreement between us. 9. We will also visit some museums, _, the Forbidden Ci
18、ty. 10. This is the basic principle that _ all of the partys policies.,abused,approve,violation,for instance,underlies,LL-Task 3,Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.,Language Lab,display ensure rely on engage in fit in with,You can _ your com
19、panys products if _. 2.Despite _, she remains actively _. 3.We can _ the safety of the workers if _. 4.To make sure the plan_ our arrangements, you need to _. 5.We have to _ ourselves to solve the problem because _.,display,you go to the trade fair,severe discomfort,engaged in helping those in need
20、after the earthquake,ensure,we check the machines carefully,they are very busy for the moment,have a discussion with him,fits in with,rely on,LL-Task 4-1,Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,Language Lab,Model 1: 1. Before you book a train ticket, youd better find out if the time
21、 suits you. 2. After he had finished his paper, he checked his spelling very carefully. 3. He was very sorry, for he was late for school again.,Before booking a train ticket, youd better find out if the time suits you. After finishing his paper, he checked his spelling very carefully. He was very so
22、rry for being late for school again.,LL-Task 4-2,Language Lab,Model 2: There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. That interests the children a lot. 2. The program will be put off. She said that at the meeting. 3. His son won in the match. Mr. Li was proud of that.,What interests the children a lot
23、 is that there are many animals in the zoo. What she said at the meeting is that the program will be put off. What Mr. Li was proud of was that his son won in the match.,LL-Task 5-1,Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or expressions.,Language Lab,公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe
24、) 2. 和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。(casual) 3. 上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting) 4. 我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional),All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed. We should be casual when we stay with these students. The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an
25、office setting. We have a professional team to market our products.,LL-Task 5-2,Language Lab,5. 你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?(trendy) 6. 与其求人,不如求己。(rely on) 7. 新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with) 8. 我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek),Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall? We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seek
26、ing help from others. New vehicles must comply with national standards. Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice.,Unit 2,职业综合英语 2,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 2 Business Meeting,新职业英语,to join in or interrupt a conversation; to agree with something,Reading A,chime in,e.g. The artists
27、 illustrations chime in perfectly with the text. e.g. Her expectation chimes in with the belief of many others. Tran:他总是插话表达自己的看法。 He kept chiming in with his own opinions.,to suggest a plan or idea, etc. for people to think about or decide on,Reading A,propose,e.g. The government proposed changes t
28、o the voting system. Tran: 她建议封杀那个作者的著作。 She proposed that the books written by the author should be banned.,v. to speak during a meeting or a conversation, or write things for a newspaper, magazine, etc.,Reading A,contribute,e.g. We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion. Tran:他给这家杂志写了很多文章
29、。 He contributed a number of articles to the magazine.,v. to give someone a particular job or responsibility; to give money; equipment, etc. to someone to use,Reading A,assign,e.g. The teacher assigned a different task to each of the students. e.g. I was assigned a pleasant room to work in. Tran:我们可
30、以指派他完成一项重要任务。 We can assign him an important mission.,a. likely to decay or go bad quickly,Reading A,perishable,e.g. Such kinds of flowers are perishable. Tran:这些易坏的食品必须用冰箱保存。 These perishable foods must be kept in a refrigerator.,a. of an uncertain, indefinite or unclear character or meaning,Readin
31、g A,vague,e.g. The final letter is very vague, possibly an “R” or a “K”. e.g. They were vague about their backgrounds. Tran: 协议的条款故意含糊不清。 The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.,a. not involved with or interested in something or someone, and feeling separate from them,Reading A,dise
32、ngaged,e.g. One disengaged worker can affect the morale of the entire team. Tran: 他的眼神流露出超然的态度。 He had a disengaged look in his eyes.,a. successful in producing a desired or intended result,Reading A,effective,e.g. We must take effective measures to deal with these problems. Tran: 尽管现代技术应有尽有,最有效的沟通
33、方式还是面对面的交流。 Despite all modern technologies, the most effective form of communication is still face-to-face.,a. stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt,Reading A,explicit,e.g. He has an explicit understanding of the problem. e.g. He was quite explicit about what he expec
34、ted us to do for him. Tran: 他清楚明白地告诉我怎样到达那里。 He gave me explicit directions on how to get there.,v. to state something in an exact and detailed way,Reading A,specify,e.g. Remember to specify your size when you order clothes. e.g. The regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examin
35、ation. Tran: 请说清楚明天你什么时候在家。 Please specify when you will be at home tomorrow.,a. that can be clearly seen to exist,Reading A,tangible,e.g. Sculpture is a tangible art of form. e.g. The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed. Tran: 如果没有确凿的证据,我们不能接受他 的发现。 We cannot accept his findings w
36、ithout tangible evidence.,being responsible for,Reading A,in charge,e.g. The monitor is in charge when the teacher is not here. Tran:一个经验丰富的工程师负责这个项目。 An experienced engineer is in charge of the project.,v. to share or exchange information, news or ideas,Reading A,communicate,e.g. The radio stations
37、 communicated the storm warnings to the islanders. e.g. She communicated her ideas to her team members. Tran:我喜欢和家人交流。 I like to communicate with my family.,v. to start a relationship or activity again after an interruption,Reading A,renew,e.g. She renewed her efforts to open the window. e.g. The pi
38、lot renewed contact with the control tower. Tran: 我希望我们可以重续友谊。 I hoped that we might renew our friendship.,n. feeling of being a part of a particular group,Reading A,sense of belonging,e.g. I am motivated by my sense of belonging in this university. Tran:这个公司的员工有强烈的归属感。 Employees in this company hav
39、e a strong sense of belonging.,v. to show or prove to be right or reasonable,Reading A,justify,e.g. The pursuit of good ends does not justify the use of bad means. e.g. The welcome he received obviously justified his visit. Tran: 什么都不能成为你考试作弊的理由。 Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.,ad. as
40、far as one knows or can see; clearly and obviously,Reading A,apparently,e.g. The child nodded, apparently satisfied with the promise. e.g. Apparently theyre intending to put up the price of water. Tran: 显然她不想做这份工作。 Apparently she doesnt want to do the job.,a result of a particular action, usually a
41、good or desirable one,Reading A,payoff,e.g. He got a payoff before the retirement. Tran: 直到现在改革的成果还未显现。 Until now the payoff of these reforms has not been seen.,A-Trans-1,Reading A,会议关乎宝贵的时间 1 会议已经拖拖拉拉开了一个多小时,我们正在讨论如何提高生产效率的提案。这时,最能言善道的同事插话说需要某种制度来激励员工。每次会上,不管讨论什么问题,他都会提出同一个方案。紧接着,另一位同事长篇累牍地说明我们都不是提
42、出这些建议的合适人选。我也没说啥有用的。最后,召集会议的女同事宣布散会,并告知下周继续开会。我们游荡回各自的办公室,盘算着怎样才能把浪费的时间补回来。这是多年前的一次会议,但类似的情景仍然随时随地在不同公司上演。,A-Trans-2,Reading A,2 这种会议的问题部分在于会议召集人没有明确的目标或议程,也没有布置好会前的准备工作,而是寄希望于奇迹发生,带来解决问题的方法。当然,奇迹从未发生。,A-Trans-3,Reading A,3 会议之所以效率不高,主要是因为没有很好地珍惜时间。召开和参加会议的人都没有将时间当做最宝贵的资源。但时间是世上最易逝的东西。忙碌的一天中你无法得到额外的
43、一个小时来做事。尽管如此,我们还总是依稀觉得未来有大把时间,故而不珍惜当下,漫不经心地把家庭、朋友和自己的时间浪费掉。,A-Trans-4,4 过去,我开会时参与度不高,对要解决的问题有好想法却不说。现在,我采取更积极的态度,希望会议能更有效。我遵循以下三个简单的原则。第一,无论谁召集会议,都必须明确目的。这意味着说明会议的切实目标并将任务布置下去。第二,每个人都要仔细考虑会议成本:到底需要几人参加?要开多久?最后,会议结束后,要给会议负责人评评分。如果谁有开会效率低的记录,那么下次他就不能再担任召集人。,Reading A,A-Trans-5,Reading A,5 我知道会议还有其他作用。
44、有时,在会上大家可以讨论预定方案,确保其没有致命错误并给那些有异议的人一个表达心声的机会。有些会议则有人文功能,创造机会让与会者叙叙旧、交交新朋友,并增强归属感。这些倒是能为那些冗长而明显无效的会议找到些许召集的理由。,A-Trans-6,Reading A,6 但是,千万不要随随便便就召集会议,然后心存幻想,期待奇迹出现。不管会议目标是什么,都要负起责任去达成目标。,B-Trans-1,Reading B,董事会会议纪要 摩登技术公司 2010 年1 月22 日 星期五 摩登技术公司(以下简称“摩登技术”)董事会(以下简称“董事会”)例行会议于2010 年1 月22 日星期五召开。本次会议采
45、用电话会议方式。 董事会成员出席或缺席: 格雷格斯坦霍夫 主席 出席 吉姆贝克 成员 出席 杰克费希尔 成员 出席 史蒂夫霍布斯 成员 缺席 迈克尼科尔斯 成员 出席(下午两点三十分到会) 董事会以外的法律顾问和公司职员出席或缺席: 鲍威尔卡曼 摩登技术法律顾问 出席 罗布安德森 摩登技术执行董事 出席,B-Trans-2,Reading B,一、欢迎并宣布开会 董事会主席斯坦霍夫于下午两点五分宣布会议开始。 二、通过前次会议纪要 主席斯坦霍夫提议通过2009 年12 月17 日的董事会会议纪要。纪要草案已于本次会议前分发给董事会成员。霍布斯先生提议表决,贝克先生附 议。决议一致通过。 三、通
46、过财务报告 主席斯坦霍夫请费希尔先生做财务报告,该报告已于会前分发给董事会成员。费希尔先生做了财务报告并请董事会审议通过。会议讨论后,贝克先生提议表决,尼科尔斯先生附议。决议一致通过。,B-Trans-3,Reading B,四、新事项 主席斯坦霍夫请执行董事安德森向董事会就对安妮鲁宾博士项目的支持情况进行说明。执行董事安德森就会前分发给董事会成员的材料做了说明。他请求董事会审阅并通过项目支持书草案。接着他向董事会介绍了鲁宾博士,并由鲁宾博士做补充情况说明。会议进行了细致讨论后,贝克先生提议表决,尼科尔斯先生附议。决议一致通过:董事会支持该项目,并授权执行董事安德森定稿,然后以董事会的名义向鲁
47、宾博士寄送项目支持书。 五、休会 会议于下午三点三十九分休会。 董事会秘书 B托马斯洛斯 敬呈,LL-Task 1,Language Lab,Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.,LL-Task 2-1,Language Lab,Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the form if necessary.,1. They _ making arrangements beforeh
48、and. If you _ this task to somebody inexperienced, the results will most likely be less than satisfactory. 3. The coffee is so full that it might _ over. 4. Both his parents are _ about where he is at the moment. The first item on the _ was how to cut down the cost in production.,proposed,assign,spi
49、ll,vague,agenda,LL-Task 2-2,Language Lab,6. He said that a few people were injured in the accident, but without _ how many. 7. The thief has _ fled without taking any money. 8. Repetition is one of the most _ ways for remembering new words. 9. The two companies signed an agreement to _ their partner
50、ship for another five years. 10. The instructions in the manual should be made so as to avoid any _ misunderstanding.,specifying,apparently,effective,renew,explicit,1. It was cold. _, I went swimming. 2. He tried to _ his absence with poor excuses. In order for our team to win, everyone has to _. Wh
51、o is _ of the quality control in your company? 5. Mr. Blair was about to draw his conclusion when the manager _ with a question.,LL-Task-3,Language Lab,Task 3 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box. Change the form if necessary.,in charge cut in contribute justify none
52、theless,Nonetheless,justify,contribute,in charge,cut in,LL-Task 4-1,Language Lab,Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models.,Model 1: He didnt attend the meeting yesterday because he went to Shanghai on business. The reason for his not attending the meeting yester- day is that he went t
53、o Shanghai on business. 1. She asked for leave because she was sick. The reason for his asking for leave is that she was sick. 2. John has quit his job because he wants to further his study abroad. The reason for Johns quitting his job is that he wants to further his study abroad. 3. I joined the te
54、am because I like change. The reason for my joining the team is that I like change.,LL-Task 4-2,Language Lab,Model 2: We drift back to our offices and wonder how to make up the wasted time. We drift back to our offices, wondering how to make up for the wasted time. I walked into the office slowly an
55、d thought about how to tell my boss the bad news. I walked into the office slowly, thinking about how to tell my boss the bad news. 2. The athletes appeared on the sports ground and smiled to the audience. The athletes appeared on the sports ground, smiling to the audience. 3. He sat there silently
56、and realized that all his efforts had come to nothing. He sat there silently, realizing that all his efforts had come to nothing.,LL-Task 5-1,Language Lab,Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases.,1. 我把咖啡洒了一桌。(spill) I spilt coffee all over my desk. 2. 会上要求我们每个人都提
57、出建议。(contribute) We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting. 3. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。(perishable) Fruits are perishable during transportation. 4. 负责的军官在战斗中受了重伤。(in charge) The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle.,LL-Task 5-2,Language Lab,5. 显然那间公寓一直没有人住。(apparently) Apparently, no one has been living in that flat. 6. 他在退休之前领到了一笔补偿金。(payoff)
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