



1、名词性从句巩固练习课外辅导作业(3)命题趋势高考单项填空、短文改错题型对名词性从句的考查呈现以下趋势:1针对句子基本意义、上下文的逻辑关系及名词性从句的语法规则进行考查,难度为易、中难题。2结合句子结构、句子成分及其他复合句等内容的考查,属中难题。考生在书面表达中能够写出正确的名词性从句,评分时会视情况被作为具备句子写作的基本点甚至亮点之一。同步练习试题1It is the young man looked for caught the murdererAthat,whomBthat,theyCthey,that Dthey,which2Is this the factory your fat

2、her works?Awhere Bwhich Cof which Din that3Is this the factory color TV sets are produced?Athat Bwhich Cin which Din that4The book,the cover is broken,is not mineAof it Bfor which Cwhose Dof which5Do you know the girl we are talking?Ato whom Bto who Cwhom Dto that6He met my mother,from he got the ne

3、ws of my sisters marriageAwhom Bwho Cwhich Dwhose7This is MrSmith, I think has something interesting to tell youAwho Bwhom Cthat D8He talked about the teachers and schools he had visitedAwhichBwho CthatDwhich9Mr, Smith is the only one of the foreigners who is ChinaAworks Bis working Care working Dha

4、s been working10Were just trying to reach a point both sides will sit down together and talk Awhere Bthat Cwhen Dwhich11That was the reason Mac refused to speak at the meetingAwhy Bthat Cwhich Dof which12The last place we visited in the countryside was a filmAthat Bwhich Cwhere Dwho13This is the ver

5、y book I am afterAwhich Bthat Cwhose Dwhom14Women drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those dontAwho;不填 B不填;who Cwho;who D不填;不填 15I like the way he talks and laughsAwhich Bwhen Cin which Dfor which16Mother was worried because little Alice was i

6、ll, especially Father was away in France Aas Bthat Cduring Dif17You should make it a rule to leave things you can find them again Awhen BwhereCthen Dthere18Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?一Yes,I gave it to her I saw herAwhile Bthe moment Csuddenly Donce19A good storyteller must

7、be able to hold his listenerscuriosity he reaches the end of the storyAwhen Bunless Cafter Duntil20 modeling business is by no means easy to get into,the good model will always be in demandAWhile BSince CAs DIf21 you call me to say youre not coming,Ill see you at the theatreAThough BWhetherCUntil DU

8、nless22Several weeks had gone by I realized the painting was missingAas Bbefore Csince Dwhen23You must keep on working in the evening you are sure you can finish the task in time. Aas BifCwhen Dunless24Did Jack come back early last night?YesIt was not yet eight oclock he arrived homeAbefore BwhenCth

9、at Duntil25 Youve tried ityou cant imagine how pleasant it isAUnless BBecause CAlthough DWhen26Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, this was a memory she especially treasuredAas Bif Cwhen Dwhere27 he has limited technical knowledge,the old worker has a lot of experi

10、ence ASince BUnless CAs DAlthough28This is a very interesting bookIll buy it, Ahow much may it cost Bno matter how it may costChowever much it may cost Dhow may it cost29Leave your key with a neighbor you Iock yourself out one dayAever since Beven if Csoon after Din case30Can you make sure the gold

11、ring?Awhere Alice had put Bwhere had Alice putCwhere Alice has put Dwhere has Alice put31He is very uncertain as to its the right job for himAwhether Bthat Cwhat D不填32I remember this used to be a quiet villageAwhen Bhow Cwhere Dwhat33 is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language。 AThere BThis CThat DIt34It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants Ahowever Bwhatever Cwhichever Dwhenever35What the doctors really doubt is my mother


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