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1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries,Brunswick,the international advisory firm,has just released their global survey of over 40,000 people from 26 countries that spans generations,geographies and measures global sentiment on an array of topics such as globalization and automation. In order to

2、 gauge1 a country or regions optimism about the future,they asked survey respondents the following questions.When todays children in your country are your age,how will they be doing financially compared to where you are right now?Would you say better,worse,or about the same? The study found that eme

3、rging2 markets (40% net optimism about their childrens future) were far more optimistic than developed countries (9% net pessimism about their childrens future).Here are the 10 countries from the survey that were net optimistic about the future.,10.Denmark-20% 9.Finland-22% 8.Singapore-24% 7.Japan-3

4、2% 6.Brazil-34% 5.Thailand-41% 4.Indonesia -60% 3.The United Arab Emirates-63% 2.India-73% 1.China-74%,译文 一所名叫Brunswick的国际咨询公司近日发布了一项跨国调查结果,调查对象为26个不同国家,不同年代,不同区域位置的4万多人,对各国人民就经济全球化、自动化等一系列话题的感性认知进行了调查。 为了调查一个国家和地区对于其未来的信心程度,他们对受访对象提出了如下问题:当你们国家现今的儿童长到你如今的年龄时,他们的经济状况会是如何?比你现在更好,更糟,还是一样? 这项调查发现,发展中国家

5、(对儿童的未来持乐观态度的人比持悲观态度的人多出了40%)远比发达国家(对儿童未来持悲观态度的人多出了9%)的人更加自信。如下是调查中对儿童未来持乐观态度的前十名国家和地区。,10.丹麦 信心值:20% 9.芬兰 信心值:22% 8.新加坡 信心值:24% 7.日本 信心值:32% 6.巴西 信心值:34% 5.泰国 信心值:41% 4.印度尼西亚 信心值:60% 3.阿联酋 信心值:63% 2.印度 信心值:73% 1.中国 信心值:74%,词海拾贝 1.gauge /geId/ vt.测量;估计;给定规格 2.emerging /ImdI/ adj.新兴的;出现的;形成的 理解诱思 The

6、re are still many people in poverty in China now.What should we do to help? 答案:The answer is open.,Section Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,一,二,三,四,一、写作词汇 语境考查:预习Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary部分的词汇,完成下列小对话或语段。 1.Whats the main problem that some Africans are faced with? (贫穷),I think. 2.Dont g

7、et angry with the little kids! I know it takes patience to (教育) them,but sometimes I just cant control. 3.She has got a well-paid job after graduation. Yes,she has a(n) (收入) of ¥5000 a month.,Poverty,educate,income,一,二,三,四,4.Its kind of him to give half of his money to the (慈善机构). I agree.He spends

8、a little on himself. 5.How wide is the newly-built bridge? It (测量起来) 150 metres across. 6.To achieve our (目标),we should_ (作出很大的努力),although were facing a great_ (挑战).,charity,measures,goal,make great efforts,challenge,一,二,三,四,二、阅读词汇 阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。 1.Can you show me the position of the city on the

9、map? 含义 2.We dont know the figure of how many people in Syria become homeless. 含义 ; 3.CPI stands for Consumer Price Index. 含义,位置,数字,无家可归的,指数,一,二,三,四,三、阅读“The Human Development Report”,选择正确答案 1.What is the main purpose of the report in your opinion? A.To examine the achievements of 175 countries. B.T

10、o order the countries in the world in three ways. C.To show the current situations of the worlds countries in three ways. D.To urge the countries in the world to work together to reduce poverty.,答案:D,一,二,三,四,2.What is the correct order of the five richest countries according to the report? A.The US,

11、the UK,Norway,Iceland,Sweden. B.Norway,Iceland,Sweden,Australia,the Netherlands. C.Iceland,Sweden,Australia,the Netherlands,Norway. D.The US,Norway,Iceland,Sweden,Australia.,答案:B,一,二,三,四,3.Which of the following is NOT the goal made by the report according to the passage? A.Improving peoples living

12、conditions in the developing countries. B.Improving peoples medical conditions in the developing countries. C.Giving the children in poor countries more chances to be educated. D.Urging all the developing countries to fight with poverty and illness.,答案:D,一,二,三,四,五、根据课文内容填空 The 2003 Human Development

13、 Report mainly aims to: 1.poverty and hunger; make sure that all children have 2.up to the age of 11; fight AIDS and other 3.; 4.the environment of poor people; encourage 5.countries to give more help to other countries. It also gives 6.of successful development.However,the 7.are still great.It also

14、 shows that we are making some 8.but that we need to make 9.efforts.Although developed countries give some financial help,they need to give much 10.,reduce,education,diseases,improve,developed,examples,challenges,progress,greater,more,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,not many children have an education up to 11 years

15、old(教材Page 11) 并不是很多儿童能受教育到11岁 考点up to 多达 The car can hold up to four persons. 这辆车最多能坐四个人。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会up to的含义 Up to now hes been silent. 直到此刻,他仍保持沉默。 含义 直到 Hes not up to the part of Othello. 他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。 含义 能胜任 What has she been up to? 她忙着干什么呢? 含义 正在做;忙于 An Indian or a Chinese meal

16、?Its up to you. 吃印度饭菜还是吃中国饭菜?由你决定吧。 含义 由决定,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Up to now,she hasnt decided to accept the position,for she thinks shes not up to it. 直到现在,她还没有决定接受这个职位,因为她认为她无法胜任。 up to 直到 up to 能胜任 up to 正在做;忙于 up to 由决定,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,In the year 2000,147 world leaders agreed to

17、 work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier.(教材Page 12) 在2000年,147个国家的领导人同意合作,力争到2015年或更早的时间减少贫困。 考点一 agree to do sth.同意(答应)做某事 The worker agreed to mend the machine for the company. 这名工人同意来这个公司修理机器。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,体会agree的相关短语及含义 I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agre

18、e with everything. 我同意你所说的大部分的话,但我不同意所有的。 短语 agree with含义 同意;赞成 They managed to agree on a date for the wedding. 他们设法就婚期达成了一致意见。 短语 agree on含义 达成协议;意见一致 Food in the south doesnt agree with me. 南方饮食不适合我。 短语 agree with含义 适合,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,agree to do sth.同意(答应)做某事 agree with 同意,赞成;适合 agree on 达成协议;意见一致,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点二poverty n.贫穷 He lived in poverty in the past. 过去他过着贫困的生活。 Asian countries have pulled many people out of poverty over the past ten years. 在过去十年里,亚洲国家已使许多人脱贫。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 (1)阅读下列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义 He was too poor to buy a new coat. 他穷得买不起一件新外套。 词性 形容词含义 贫穷的 The boy is poo


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