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1、新的目标英语,9年级,Go for it!Unit 1 How do you study for a test?a节、ways of learning English、period 1、how do you study English?How do you learn English?I learn English by using it。I learn English,By having the English class carefully . By taking notes carefully . By finishing my homework seriously。I learn En

2、glish by listening to tape . by asking the teacher for help .By reading English magazines and new spapers,By taking part in English classes after school . By getting an English tutor。I learn By studying with a group . By watching English programs on TV . By enjoying English songs,By surfing the inte

3、rnet .(在线冲浪)By making flashcards。(制作单词阅读卡),By reading the textbook。(阅读教科书),by making vook 1 acheck()the ways you study for an English test . then add other ways you use sometimes。by working with friends by making flash cards by reading the textbook by making vocabulary lists by listening to cassette

4、s by asking the teacher for heher.n .(教育)卡,1 blisten . how do these students study for a test?write letters from the picture above。1 .mei 2 .pierre 3 .Antonio,1c pairwork ask your partner how he or she studies for a Tess b : I study by working with a group。a、b、c、boy 1: hey、gang . theres a big test o

5、n tues day . I really need some voices 3360 Sure!yes . sure wewill . boy 1: you did really well on the last English test,didnt you,mei?girl 1: yeah . I did ok . boy 1: well,how did you study?girl 1: by making flash cards . boy 1: maybe ill try that . how did you study,pierre?boy 2: by asking the tea

6、cher for help . she was really happy I asked . boy 1: thats interesting . how do you study,Antonio?boy 3: I like to study by listening to cassettes . but some times my mother thinks im listening to music . and then she gets mad . boy 133330你是如何准备考试的?Well,istudybyworkingwithmyclassmates。哦,我和同学们一起学习。2

7、.Haveyoueverstudiedwithagroup?你参加过学习小组吗?是的,ihave.ivelearnedalotthatway .是的,我参加了。这样,我学到了很多。3.idonthaveapartnertopracticeenglishwith。我没有同伴练习英语。maybeyoushouldjoinanenglishclub。也许你应该加入英语俱乐部。4.whataboutreadingaloudtopracticepronunciation?朗读练习发音怎么样?whydontyoujoinanenglishlanguageclub?你为什么不参加英语俱乐部?1.by介词,意

8、思是“通过方法或途径”,意思是“意志,通过”by后接名词或动名词短语eg .(1)thehousewasdestroyedbyfire。房子被烧毁了。(2)travelbyair(land,sea)航空(陆路,航海)旅行。(3)乘坐bobby trail(boat,bus)火车(船,巴士),(4)与Shakesbythehand和某人握手(5) istudyenglishbywatchinger,(我们也已经学会了用法,在下面(1)旁边,Thereisapowerstationbytheriver附近。河边有一座发电站。(2)通过comebythehighway公路(3) bymistake由

9、于错误(4),somearticleswrittenbyLuxun。鲁迅写的文章(5)(By 4米长5米宽4米房(6),一个(7)表达方法,方法上,period 2,questions answers 1。do you learn English by watching 2。do you ever practice conversations with friends?3.what about listening to cassettes?4.what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?5.Have you ever studied w

10、ith a group?d、b、c、a、2a . listen and check the questions you hear。2b listen again and match each question above with an answerber I have . ive learned a lot that way . b . oh,yes . it improves my speaking skills . cboy 1: do you learn English by watching English-language videos?Girl 1:No。its too hard

11、 to understand the voices . boy 1: what about keeping a diary in English?Do you learn English that way?girl 2: I thinkso . it helps to write English every day . girl : have you ever studied with a group?Girl 2:是,I have!ive learned a lot that way . girl 1: do you ever practice conversations with frie

12、nds?Girl 2: oh,yes . it improves my speaking skills . boy 1: what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?girl 3: I do that some times . I think it helps . boy 23360 I do too . and I always look up new words in a dictionary . girl : thats,2c pairwork make,a : have you ever studied with a group

13、?B : yes,I have.ive learned a lot that way。grammar focus,how do you study for a test?I study by listening to cassettes . how do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group . do you learn English by reading aloud?是,I do。by doing sth:询问如何做某事或告诉别人如何做某事时,经常用“方式,方法”或“使用某种手段”的意思。Eg. How does he mak

14、e a living?He lives by writing。他是怎样谋生的?他以写作为生。by working hard I made great progress this term。努力工作,这学期取得了很大的进步。请阅读以下目标文章模式:HowdoyoustudyEnglish?(使用特殊疑问句)Istudybylisteningtotape。(听录音带)Istudybystudyingwithagroup。(与小组一起学习)bywatchingEnglishprogramsonTV.Byfinishingmyhomeworkseriously。bytakingpartinenglishclassesafterschool。(课外英语课)bygettinganEnglishtutor。(请英语辅导)byreadingenglishmagazinesandnews报纸)bysurfingtheinternet。(联机冲浪)bymakingflashcards。(创建单词阅读卡)byreadingthetextbook。(阅读教科书)bya


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