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1、The hidden secrets behind 30 company logos,Ever wondered while you were ordering your chai latte why on earth Starbucks chose a mermaid for its logo? The founders named the company after a character in the nautical novel Moby Dick and keen to push the seafaring theme, opted for a two-tailed siren de

2、sign based on a 16th century Norse woodcut.,1.Starbucks,It may be glaringly obvious to some people, but its easy to miss the meaning behind the arrow that underscores the Amazon logo. The arrow, in the shape of a smile, points from A to Z to imply that the company is a friendly, welcoming one-stop-s

3、hop that stocks everything money can buy.,2.Amazon,One for the math geeks, Sonys Vaio logo is a masterclass in clever icon design but its meaning may have gone over your head. The V and A form an analog symbol, while the I and O combine to make a binary digital signal, neatly representing Sonys tran

4、sition from analog to digital.,3.Sony Vaio,Pepsis latest logo, which cost several million dollars to revamp in 2009, may look like a simple asymmetric version of the previous incarnation. However, according to the company it references everything from Feng shui and Renaissance art to the philosopher

5、 Descartes and the architect Le Corbusier.,4.Pepsi,Several urban myths are still doing the rounds that the apple is a tribute to science pioneers Sir Isaac Newton and Alan Turing for example, or represents the fruit from the tree of knowledge in the Bible. In reality, logo designer Rob Janoff doesnt

6、 even remember why he chose the specific shape.,5.Apple,In 1927, world-renowned tennis player and company founder Ren Lacoste famously wagered for an alligator skin suitcase, and was nicknamed the Alligator by the American press. Translated as the Crocodile by media in his native France, the nicknam

7、e stuck and the reptile was a natural choice for a logo design when Lacoste launched his first sportswear collection in 1933.,6.Lacoste,Cant figure out what the vertical lines mean? The clues in the name. They form an abstract image of San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge. On their way to register the

8、company, the founding team crossed the famous suspension bridge and decided at that very moment to name their company after the city and ended up putting the bridge on the logo.,7.Cisco Systems,The world-class soccer clubs logo is a homage to Catalonia: The logo showcases the red and yellow stripes

9、of the Catalan flag in the top right-hand corner and the red cross of St George in the top-left. St George aka St Jordi is the patron saint of Catalonia. The logo also displays the teams colors and a soccer ball motif.,8.FC Barcelona,A winner of numerous design awards, FedExs logo rocks a subtle yet

10、 super-clever graphic design trick. The space between the E and the x forms a forward-pointing arrow, which reflects the companys dynamic, forward-thinking ethos.,9.FedEx,Ever noticed the bear on the Toblerone logo? Neither had we! The image is hidden within the Matterhorn mountain design and repres

11、ents Bern, the Swiss city in which the chocolate and nougat bar was first produced, which is thought to have been named after a bear.,10.Toblerone,The Unilever logo is a letter U made up of 24 icons, which each represent a different aspect of the companys values and goals. For instance, the bee sign

12、ifies the firms pledge to protect the environment and the heart denotes its commitment to improve peoples health and wellbeing.,11.Unilever,This imposing logo features three potent symbols: the all-powerful eagle, which represents the USA of course; the shield to symbolize protection; and the compas

13、s rose with 16 spikes pointing in all directions, which signifies the agencys global intelligence-gathering capabilities.,12.The CIA,The venerable banks spread eagle emblem dates from the late 17th century when John Freame, one of the forefathers of the institution, hung a sign outside his business

14、in Londons Lombard Street depicting the bird of prey, which symbolizes strength and far-sightedness. In those days most people were illiterate, so pictures were often used on signs instead of text.,13.Barclays,A snake chowing down on a human isnt exactly the sort of thing youd expect to see on a car

15、 manufacturers logo. Alfa Romeos bizarre logo, which was created in 1910, depicts the man-eating Biscone serpent as well as a red cross, heraldic symbols strongly associated with the Italian city of Milan, where the car firm was founded.,14.Alfa Romeo,The worlds nNo. 1 online encyclopedia has a suit

16、ably smart logo: The jigsaw pieces that make up the unfinished globe each feature characters from different writing systems such as the Greek omega and the Latin W. The globe represents Wikipedias multilingual character and its huge global reach.,15.Wikipedia,You might need to speak a bit of Spanish

17、 to work this one out. The primary colors symbol represents the shutter of a camera that parts pretty obvious. But if you look more closely youll notice the outline of a house. House is casa in Spanish, so the logo is a subtle nod to the picture sites name.,16.Picasa,The Japanese corporation makes e

18、verything from motorcycles to electronics these days, but Yamaha was established in 1887 as the Nippon Gakki Company, a piano and organ reed manufacturer. Hence the logo, which features three piano tuning forks. The forks represent strong technology, production and sales.,17.Yamaha,Established in 18

19、31, the prestigious fashion house started out in Paris as a riding harness-maker and didnt sell the handbags, scarves and ties it is now famous for until the 1920s. The logo, created in the 1950s, depicts a horse and antique Duc carriage to celebrate the equestrian roots of the brand.,18.Herms,Stayi

20、ng with the equestrian theme, Porsches instantly recognizable logo depicts a black stallion. Wonder why? The logo is based on the coat of arms of the German city of Stuttgart, where the company is headquartered. The horse takes centre stage because the city, which dates back to the year 950, was act

21、ually founded as a stud farm.,19.Porsche,The American ice cream franchise is famed for its 31 flavors slogan, so its no wonder the number 31 is hidden in the company logo, within the letters B an R. Though the logo was redesigned in 2007 to cleverly hide the numerals, 31 has always featured on the l

22、ogo of the company, which was founded in 1953.,20.Baskin Robbins,Founded in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini, the luxury Italian car maker opted for a bull as its logo as Mr. Lamborghini had a bit of a thing for the animals. Born under the sign of Taurus, he was obsessed with bullfighting.,21.Lamborghi

23、ni,The British firms waterproof gabardine fabric was revolutionary when it was invented in the late 19th century and company founder Thomas Burberry wanted a logo that reflected the pioneering ethos of the company. Fittingly, the iconic Equestrian Knight was designed in 1902 and boasts a flag emblaz

24、oned with the Latin word Prorsum, which means forwards.,22.Burberry,Jol Guenoun, the designer of the French cycling races new logo, must have been very pleased with himself when he presented the updated design in 2002. If you look at the R in Tour you can see that it forms the image of a crouching c

25、yclist, while the orange blob represents the bike.,23.Le Tour de France,The interlocking Olympic-style rings on Audis famous logo beg the question: what do they mean? The rings actually represent the 1932 merger of the four firms that formed the modern company Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer and the d

26、esign was adopted as the new logo during the 1930s.,24.Audi,You may think that the Taiwanese computer companys logo is simply a good use of futuristic Star Wars-like typography. But the firm had something very specific in mind when it created the lettering. The logo is meant to be shaped like Pegasu

27、s, the winged horse from Greek mythology that symbolizes wisdom. Yes, really.,25.Asus,The Dell logo is a basic affair apart from the slanted E. The companys founder Michael Dell started his business with the aim to “turn the world on its ear”. When creatives from design firm Siegel+Gale devised the company logo in 1984, they decided to represent this by slanting the letter E.,26.Dell,From a distance, this German zoos logo resembles an elephant and nothing else. But if you look closer at the design, you can easily pick out a giraffe, rhinoceros and star i


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