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1、Unit 2 All Talk,Teaching Objectives,Recognize comparisons and contrasts in reading Increase your reading speed Describe tables Look for words and expressions in reading that you can use in your writing Translate multiplication,Reading 1,01,Reading 2,02,Writing,03,Translation,04,Contents,Assignments,

2、05,Language learning strategy,Comparison and Contrast,Language learning strategy,Comparison and Contrast,Pre-reading Discussion,What do you know about “a global language”? Do you think we need a global language? Do you think it will threat to our native language and culture? Why or Why not? Do you t

3、hink Chinese might overtake English as the most prevalent 盛行的, 流行的language one day in the future?,English as a Global Language,Reading,Reading 1,Structure,Part I: (Paras.1-4) Status of English as a global language Para.1: English is the global language; Para.2: It has assumed its current position as

4、 the most common language of communication worldwide; Para.3: the preferred language for science; enable participation in scientific community; Para.4: English is becoming a basic skill,Part II: (Paras.5-7) Worries concerning the extinction of other languages. Para.5: English increasingly encroaches

5、侵犯;侵占;侵害on other languages; Para.6: 90% are at the risk of extinction灭绝; Para.7: A new hybrid混血language - the new English may help to maintain global diversity.,Part III: (Paras.8-10) The future of English. Para.8: English is not immutable不可改变的;永恒不变的, it will continue to evolve演变; 进化and change; Para

6、.9: The transition toward a new linguistic语言学 order: emergence出现of other global languages; Para.10: The necessity of knowing more than one language in order to participate in a multilingual society.,Vocabulary,emergence n. (u.) action of coming out or coming into view 出来,出现 her emergence as a well-k

7、nown artist 她脱颖而出成为著名艺术家 the emergence of English as the medium of international communication 英语作为国际交流媒介出现,Vocabulary,emerge vi. +from to rise from or as if from immersion 出现;露出 The moon emerged from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后面出来 After you emerge from the locker room you might immerge(to plunge) int

8、o a swimming pool. 从更衣间出来之后,你可以进入游泳池。,assume v. (Para. 2),【辨析】assume presume claim assume v. accept (sth.) as true before there is proof 想当然地认为;假定 I think we can safely assume that interest rates利率 will go up again soon.,presume v. I +to do sth. to behave without respect or politeness by doing somet

9、hing that you have no right to do 擅自;冒昧 He would never presume to tell me what to do. 他从不教我该怎么做。,claim v. to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved 声明;主张;断言 No responsible therapist will claim to cure your insomnia. 没有负责任的大夫会断言可以治好你的失眠症。,Vocabulary,inclusive a. including a

10、wide variety of people, things etc. 包括或包含的 The price is 800,inclusive of tax. 价格800英镑,连税在内。 exclusive a. not including sb/sth; not counting sb/sth 不包括的,不把计算在内 This ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除了高级船员之外,有57名普通船员。,Vocabulary,exclusionary n. a situation in which someone is deliberate

11、ly prevented from entering a place or being part of an activity 排外,排他 (Para 3) exclusion n. +from 拒绝、排斥 His exclusion from the negotiations infuriated the union. 他被拒绝参加谈判,这激怒了工会。,Vocabulary,to the exclusion of (到了)把排除在外(的程度) He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.他专打高尔夫,其他运动一概不参加。,Vocabu

12、lary,endure v (Para 5) a. to remain alive or continue to exist for a long time 持续 We cant endure much longer in this desert without water. 没有水我们无法再在沙漠中坚持多久。 Her fame will endure forever. 她将名留青史。,Vocabulary,endure v b. to bear (pain, suffering) patiently or for a long time(长时间地)忍受、忍耐(痛苦、苦难等);容忍 They

13、endured tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pole. 他们去南极的路上受了很多苦。 I cant endure to see/endure seeing animals suffer like that. 我看不得动物像这样受苦。,die out (Para. 6): to disappear or stop existing completely灭绝 There will be outbreaks of rain, gradually dying out in the afternoon.一会儿会下雨,下午时候就会慢慢

14、停了。 【辨析】 die out die away die down,die away: if sound, wind, or light dies away, it becomes gradually weaker until you cannot hear, feel, or see it慢慢消失 She waited until the footsteps had died away. 她等着,直到脚步声慢慢消失。,die down: if something dies down, it becomes less strong, active, or violent变小变弱 As the

15、y moved higher up, the rain seemed to be dying down. 随着他们慢慢爬高,雨慢慢变小,adapt v. (Para. 7) to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation(使)适应 Most students have little difficulty adapting to college life. 大多数学生都很容易适应大学生活。,【辨析】 adapt adoptadept,adopt v. 采用,

16、采纳 Her mother had adopted a silently disapproving attitude. 她的妈妈采用了以默然反对的态度。 adept a. 擅长的,熟练的 Of all our staff, Peter is the most adept at dealing with difficult customers.我们所有职员中Peter是最擅长协调难缠顾客事务的。,maintain v. T (Para. 7) continue to have as before维持 Careers Officers maintain contact with young peo

17、ple when they have left school. 就业指导办公室的工作人员在毕业生离校后依然保持着和他们的联系。 【辨析】 retain 保留,记住 sustain 维持,支撑,Vocabulary,overtake v (Para. 9) 1). replace 代替 Some are predicting that India could overtake China as the worlds most populous country before 2050. 有人说2050年前印度会取代中国成为世界上人口最多的国家。,Vocabulary,overtake v 2).

18、come up to the same level from behind, and usu. pass 追上 Its dangerous to overtake on a end. 转弯处超车非常危险。,Vocabulary,overtake v 3). (of something unpleasant) to reach suddenly and unexpectedly(指不愉快的事情)突然降临 On his way home he was overtaken by a storm. 他在回家路上遭遇暴风雨。,status: n. (Para. 1) persons social, le

19、gal or professional position or rank in relation to others High rank or social position,Women have very little status in many countries.,status symbol: 社会地位、身分的象征 status quo: 现状;原来的状况,你在公司里的正式职位是什么? Whats your official status in the company?,Language Points,Language Points,assume v. (para.2) 1) acce

20、pt (sth.) as true before there is proof想当然地认为;假定;以为 I think we can safely assume (=it is almost certain) that interest rates will go up again soon. 2) fml to officially start a new job or position(正式)就任;就职 When will the new President assume office?,Language Points,assume v. (para.2) 3) pretend to ha

21、ve装作,假装 assume ignorance/indifference/a manner/an expression He assumes a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little. 他装作什么都了解的样子,其实知道的很少。,privileged: adj. (Para. 3) Having special right or advantage特权的 Honored荣幸的,We are very privileged to have Senator Dobbs with us this evening. 今晚我们非常荣幸

22、的。 She came from a privileged background. 她的出身显赫。,Language Points,今晚我们非常荣幸,请到法国外交部长作为我们的主要发言人。,We are privileged tonight to have as our main speaker the Foreign Minister of France.,Language Points,prevalent: adj. 普遍的 existing or happening generally; widespread, among/ in sth. / sb.,Is malaria(疟疾) st

23、ill prevalent among the population here?,眼疾在一些热带国家很普遍。,Language Points,Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.,prevalence: n. They are very surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments. 他们很惊讶的察觉到广泛存在的反政府情绪。,Language Points,diversity: n. State of being varied; variety多样性,M

24、ary has a great diversity of interest; she likes sports, travel, photography, and gardening. Mary兴趣广泛。,diverse: adj. of different kinds; varied,Her interests are very diverse.,Language Points,diversify: v. give variety to,We must try to diversify the syllabus教学大纲;课程提纲 to attract more students.,Langu

25、age Points,Reading 2: Words and phrases,peak: v. reach the highest point or value (Para. 9)到达顶点,Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.玩具销售。,n. 1)pointed top of a mountain 2)point of highest intensity, value, achievement,She is at the peak of her career. The plane flew over th

26、e snow-covered peaks.,Reading 2: Words and phrases,Adj. most busy or intense繁忙,紧张,peak hour = rush hour,早晨八九点是交通的高峰时刻。,用电量最大的时候是在黄昏时。,Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.,Demand for electricity peaks in the early evening.,Translate the following sentences.,Language Points,excludefr

27、om(Para.3) to deliberately not include sth. 把排除,不计在内 Some of the data was specifically excluded from the report. 一些数据被刻意的排除在报告之外。 2) to prevent from entering; keep out 阻止进入 Kids who are excluded from school often end up getting into trouble with the police. 没能进入学校学习的孩子最后总是走上违法犯罪的道路。,Language Points,

28、die out(Para.6) to disappear or stop existing completely 彻底消失,不再存在 The wild population of koalas考拉is in danger of dying out. 野生考拉已经濒临灭绝。,Difficult Sentences,as much as引导让步状语从句,相当于much as, although, even though As much as I try to forget about it, as much as I try to avoid thinking about it, the drea

29、d never leaves my mind. 尽管我设法忘记,尽管我尽量不去想,恐惧仍旧在我脑海中。 试着翻译: As much as I try to pretend, the truth is, I cant stop loving you. I will cherish the moments we have spent together.,Difficult Sentences,with access to: with the ability to use or approach 可使用,可享有,可进入 Chinese government is trying to provide

30、everyone with access to basic medical and health services in rural area. 中国政府正致力于使农村地区人人享有基本医疗卫生服务。,Difficult Sentences,by virtue of: on the grounds of, by reason of, because of 凭借; 由于 This candidate was given a job by virtue of his wealth of experience. 这个候选人凭借丰富的工作经验得到了工作。,Reading 2,Mother Tongue,

31、Comprehension of Reading 2,Outline of the text Paras. 12 I thought my mothers English was not good. Paras. 36 A funny story: mother had me call for her.,Reading,Paras. 79 My English ability was hindered阻碍by Mothers limited English, which might be common to Asian Americans. Paras. 1011 In rebellion,

32、I began to write stories about my mother and became successful.,vocabulary,Complex 1)adj.合成的 a complex carbohydrate 碳水化合物 Beethoven transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations 变奏(曲).贝多芬将简单的乡间小调变为一组合成的变奏曲 2)n. 合成体 The new policy complex has many sections.这项新政涵盖很多方面的内容。,(辨析)complex

33、 complicated intricate,Complex: a combination of many associated parts 复杂并有机的组合体 Eg. A printer is certainly a complex machine.打印机是复杂的机器。 Complicated: 强调详细并纷乱复杂的组成关系 Eg. Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cant agree on a cohesive( 凝聚性的) policy. 中东的局势是如此混乱以至于政治专家们都不能得出一个统一的解决方

34、法。,Intricate: referring to a pattern of interviewing parts that is difficult to follow or analyze 复杂,用于表达介绍复杂事物时的困难状况。 Eg. No one could soar高飞, 翱翔 into a more intricate labyrinth( 迷宫, 难解的事物) of refined phraseology(措词) 没有比使用好措辞更难得事情了。,Cash out (Para. 3) 出售恒产以谋求利益 Eg. Hard-pressed(被催被逼的) farmers were

35、tempted to cash out by selling their valuable land.农户被迫出卖自己的土地。 Cash down 现款交易 Cash in on 谋利 利用(某提供的机会)捞一把,Convincing (Para. 3) 令人信服的 Eg. Its a convincing argument.很有说服力 (辨析)valid sound convincing Valid sth. Based on truth or fact 1. 正当的, 有充分根据的, 符合逻辑的 2. 有效的 3. 有法律效力的 4. 系统认可的 5. 奏效的,生效的 Eg. a vali

36、d claim合法声明,sound: based on valid reasoning 基于恰当的原因, Eg. a sound principles 名词 n. 1.声音; 响声 Sound travels slower than light. 声音传播比光慢。 2.印象, 感觉, 含义 3.播音, 录音 4.嗓音;音乐风格 5.海峡;海湾,6.声音;音响 7.声波 8.音调,声调 9.语气,含意,弦外之音,言外之意 10.喧闹声,嘈杂声 11.听力范围,听距 12.乐曲特色;音乐风格 13.常用复数俚语流行音乐;流行乐曲(尤指摇摆乐等);唱片,及物动词 vt. 响 The bell sou

37、nded. 门铃响了。 及物动词 vt. 1.发出的信号 She sounded a note of danger. 她发出危险的信号。 2.探测 They were sounding the river.他们在探测河水的深度。,3.试探, 探询 Will you sound John as to whether he would accept the post when offered? 你试探一下约翰的意见, 如果让他干的话, 他是否会接受这个职位。,4.听起来好像;让人听着好像 5. 听起来的 6. 鸣警报;拉响警报;发出警报 7. 发(音) 8.测(海或湖的)深度 9.(用声音)宣布,

38、发表,命令 10.讲述,宣扬;颂扬;庆贺 He was sounded by his mother every day. 他妈妈天天叨念着他。 11.【医学】叩诊,听诊,形容词 adj. 1.健全的, 完好的 The child has a sound mind in a sound body.这孩子身心健康。 His heart is basically sound. 他的心脏基本上健康。 2.明智的, 有判断力的, 正确的 Thats very sound advice; you should take it.那是非常明智的忠告, 你应当接受。 His theory is perfectl

39、y sound. 他的理论完全正确。,3.彻底的, 完全的 They made a sound investigation. 他们做了彻底的调查。 4.合理的;正确的;可靠的 5.透彻的;完备的;全面的 6. 酣畅的;香甜的 7.不错的;实实在在的 8.严厉的;重的,副词 adv. 1. 酣(睡);(睡得)沉 不及物动词 vi. 1.回响,回荡,充满声音 His voice sounds in my ears. 他的声音依然回响在我的耳旁。 2.传唤,召唤 The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.军号吹响前进的号令。,3.被提到 4.【法律】具有(的)

40、基本性质(in) 5.锤测水深,测一深度 6.(铅锤、水砣等)下沉至底 7.(鲸等大鱼)突然下潜 8.试探,探听;探测,Lay in (Para. 6) Lie in : 存在, 内含 Eg. The solution lies in research 解决方法存在于调查研究中 (辨析)lay( laid laid) lie(lay lain) lay:放,安置或准备 Eg. He laid the newspaper on the table.,Lie:身体平放 Eg. She often lies down after lunch. I was lying in bed when he c

41、alled. 他来电话的时候我正躺在床上。 Lie behind:为某事之理由 Eg. Two basic assumptions lay behind the policy.政策允许下的两个假想。,Key to exercise,Reading 2 Comprehension of the Text,1) N 2) Y 3) NG 4) NG 5) N 6) NG 7) Y 8) math achievement tests 9) a freelancer 10) these were stories about mothers,I Comprehension of the Text 3,3

42、-1-5-8-7-4-2-6-11-10-9,I Comprehension of the Text 4,II Authors Writing Style,IV.Banked Cloze,1. C 2. I 3. D 4. J 5. F 6. G 7. H 8. A 9. B 10. E,Writing,How to Describe Tables,How to Describe Tables,描述段: to describe the information and find out the main trend or differences among the items 说明段: to c

43、ompare or analyze the reasons for that trend or difference 议论段: to end your writing with your comments. Make sure you arrange your ideas in a logical order.,How to describe tables,Choices after Graduation 根据下图描述某高校近两年毕业生去向分布情况 分析这样分布的原因 你的看法,Choices after Graduation,From the above table, we can see

44、that the students of this university have three main choices after graduation. Of these choices, the students who have found a job only take up 50%. In contrast, students who pursue further study by taking the postgraduate entrance exam or going abroad have increased greatly than before, with the to

45、tal percentage of 47%。 Indeed, this phenomenon is also quite common in other universities.,Choices after Graduation,The following factors can account for the choices of graduates. Above all, with the enrollment extension of universities, college graduates are facing the severe employment situation,

46、which forces them to find another way out. Moreover, in information age, knowledge is updated very rapidly. Many college students find their knowledge is not enough for their future career. Besides, some college students would not like to enter into the complicated society and want to escape from th

47、e reality temporarily by going to further study.,Choices after Graduation,From my point of view, ones choice after graduation should be based on his individual condition. Though taking the postgraduate entrance exam or going abroad for further study is a good choice, it is not necessarily true of ev

48、eryone, because it might involve many factors, such as your future career direction, your economic condition. Therefore, we should take a full account before we make our decisions.,图表作文常用表达句式,As we can see from the chart (graph/diagram) From the diagram (table/chart)we can see clearly The chart (gra

49、ph/diagram) shows that This chart (graph / table /diagram /cartoon / illustration) shows minimal (slight/ small / steady/ slow/ gradual /sharp / steep/ rapid/ dramatic/ sudden) increase (rise /decrease /decline /drop) of / in.,Translation,Translating Multiplication,Translation, much again as 比多一

50、倍;是的两倍 2.increase by n times 增加了n-1倍或者增加为原来的n倍 3.increase by a factor of N增加了n-1倍 4.double 翻一番(增加一倍) 5.triple 增加两倍 6.quadruple 增加三倍 7.twice增加一倍,Translation Practice,Exercises (p41),Assignments,Review Reading 1/2; Finish the writing assignment; Recite paragraphs 2, Preview Unit 3.,Writing,Film Is Giv

51、ing Way to TV For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Film Is Giving Way to TV. you should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: Describe the graph Explain the reasons Your comments Number of people per thousand,Thank You !,Key to exercise,

52、III Vocabulary &Structure 1,1) evolves 2) virtually 3) diversity 4) transform 5) emerged 6) overtake 7) collaborations 8) maintained,III Vocabulary &Structure 1,9) adapt 10) variation,III Vocabulary &Structure 2,1) took on 2) As much as 3) By virtual of 4) give you what you ask for, but rather 5) th

53、us making it,IV.Banked Cloze,1. B 2. G 3. A 4. N 5. D 6. C 7. J 8. K 9. M 10. O,V.Translation 1,1. With the constant emergence of promising newcomers 2. This is particularly true of Chinas emerging urban middle class 3. What is certain about tea drinking is that 4. whether there was a chance that the Minister could be forced to resign over wrongdoing,V.Translation 1,5. in transition towards sustainable development 6. helps children feel secure that their families will stay intac


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