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1、Unit 3,Objective,8 Notes To Passage A, Activities On Passage A, Basic E-commerce Writing, you need to use professional editing techniques to make sure you write clearly and concisely. Dont strain your readers concentration with long sentences. 3.7.4 Use active verbs 使用生动的动词 Try to write the sentence

2、 with strong, active verbs. This will present you as active, and give a sense that the writer is in control and is dynamically involved with the subject being discussed. 3.7.5 Positive and serious attitude 积极认真的态度 The quality of positiveness would give your writing much more impact and is a common t

3、echnique in marketing and advertising material. Marketing people use this technique to put information across clearly and to give their writing impact., Basic E-commerce Writing,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,Keeping your letter serious can avoid suspicion, even with someon

4、e you know well, it is better to write straight forwardly on the subject. 3.7.6 Establishing necessary business relations 建立必要的商务关系 Establishing business relations is the first step in a transaction foreign trade. It always includes the self-introduction, initial intentions and desires. This should

5、be a brief, friendly letter. It should not imply that your reader has an obligation to meet with the contact, but it does show your interest and consideration. Your reader must retain the option of acting on this information based on his or her own needs and desires. This is not a letter of referenc

6、e, so include only information relevant to the occasion. For example:, Basic E-commerce Writing,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,3.7.7 Sample1, Basic E-commerce Writing,Dear Sirs Learning from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your country that you are one of

7、 the leading importers of canned foodstuffs, we have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations with you. In order to give you a general idea of our canned goods, we are sendi

8、ng you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue. Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiries. We are looking forward with interest to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,3.7.8 Sample 2, Basic E-c

9、ommerce Writing,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,Dear Sirs We wish to appoint an exclusive agent for our Textbook Division in the following territories: would you be interested in taking this agency? We wish stock to be held locally and would prefer an outright purchase agree

10、ment, but would consider consignment terms. We enclose preliminary information about the product division in question. We provide detailed support for our agencies, including regular advance product information and shared promotional material. If you are interested, could you kindly send us your pro

11、posals for handling this product line, covering the following matters:, Basic E-commerce Writing,- Other companies represented; - Commercial and financial references; - Summary of market conditions for the product line; - Your organization, local coverage and promotional activities; - Three-year sal

12、es outlook for our products; - Your suggested terms of agreement. We look forward to hearing from you and to discussing possible terms in more detail. With best wished. Yours truly Encl.: resume,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,3.7.9 Writing Practice, Basic E-commerce Writing

13、,1) Write a letter to Messrs. Zhang& Co. with the following particulars:,End,4 Your company established in 1950, 4 Your company has been expanding business operations around the world as a leading exporter and import of business machines. 4 Your line of business includes: copying machines, typewrite

14、r, calculators, printing, etc. 4 You wish to have the co-operation for each other.,Basic Requirements For the Letters of Commerce,商业信函的基本要求,参考答案, Basic E-commerce Writing,写作范文 仅供参考,Dear Sirs, Through the courtesy of our commercial counselors office in Beijing, we come to know the name and address of

15、 your firm. We notice that you are interested in doing business with China. Our company established in 1950, and has been expanding business operations around the world as a leading exporter and import of business machines. Our line of business includes: copying machines, typewriter, calculators, pr

16、inting, etc. we are enclosing here a catalogue and a price list for your reference, we are confident we can execute orders at the lowest possible prices. We are looking forward to receiving your reply at an early date, and to the possibility of doing business with you in the future. Yours very truly

17、,Outlook Express,Microsoft Outlook Express puts the world of online communication on your desktop. Whether you want to exchange e-mail with colleagues and friends or join newsgroups to trade ideas and information, here are what you are enabled to do with it.,The Basic Technology Of E-commerce,& Rela

18、ted Reading,1.If you have several e-mail or newsgroup accounts, you can work with all of them within one window. You can also create multiple users, or identities, for the same computer. Each identity has unique e-mail folders and an individual Address Book. Multiple identities make it easy for you

19、to keep work e-mail separate from personal e-mail, and also to keep individual users e-mail separated.,2.Using the message list and preview pane, you can view a list of messages and read individual messages at the same time. The Folders list contains e-mail folders, news servers, and newsgroups, and

20、 you can easily switch among them. You can also create new folders to organize and sort messages, and then set up message rules so that incoming e-mail that meets your criteria automatically goes to a specific folder. You can also create your own views to customize the way you look at your e-mail.,T

21、he Basic Technology Of E-commerce,& Related Reading,4.You can save names and addresses in the Address Book automatically by simply replying to a message. You can also import names and addresses from other programs, type them into the Address Book, add them from e-mail messages you receive, or add th

22、em from a search of popular Internet directory services (white pages). The Address Book supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for viewing Internet directory services.,3.If your Internet service provider (ISP) uses an Internet message access protocol (IMAP) e-mail server for incoming

23、e-mail, you can read, store, and organize your messages in folders on the server without downloading the messages to your computer. That way, you can view messages from any computer that can connect to that server,Outlook Express,The Basic Technology Of E-commerce,& Related Reading,End,5.You can ins

24、ert essential information into outgoing messages as part of your personal signature, and you can create multiple signatures to use for different purposes. You can also include a business card with more detailed information. To make your messages look more attractive, you can add stationery patterns

25、and backgrounds, and you can change the color and style of the text.,You can digitally sign and encrypt messages by using digital IDs. Digitally signing your message assures recipients that the message is really from you. Encryption ensures that only intended recipients can read the message.,6.Looking for a newsgroup that matches your interests? You can search for newsgroups that contain keywords or browse through all of the newsgroups available from your Usenet provider. When you find a newsgroup you want t


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