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1、福建省长泰县第一中学七年级英语上册Unit 1 My names Gina2nd period教案 人教新目标版Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming- up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Sing ABC song1(2)Greeting (Say hello between the teacher and the Ss)(3) Review introductionT: Good morning. Im Diana. 2 Whats your name?S: Im Xu Dong./My name is Nice to meet you.T: Nic

2、e to meet you ,too.2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Boys and girls,lets play a guessing game, “Whats his/her name?” 3 OK? Show the students the famous persons, let them guess the names of these persons by using: His name /Her name is 4 I think his/her name is5 Is he/she?教学设计说明 1 为活跃英语课堂氛围而进行的活动。2为了复习第一课时的句式

3、,教师可带上面具以新面孔出现,与学生进行仿真交流。教师与多个学生进行交流,进一步熟悉同学,并且给学生多种激励性的评价。3.从guessing game中引出Whats his/her name? His/Her name is。让学生利用名人的图片来进行猜测,熟练新的句式。4.板书Whats his/her name? His/Her name is5对有能力的同学,鼓励使用更多的句式来表达。Is he/she? I think he/she is I think his/her name is3. Summary (short forms)My names _. Your names _.H

4、is names _. Her names _. 64Work on 2a(完成P22a)T: Now, look .at the pictures on P2, listen to thefour conversations. Just listen.(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.)Then, listen to the recording again, and numberthe pictures . Check the answers.5Work on 2b(完成P22b)Listen again

5、. Circle the names you hear.The first name is done for you.Play the recording. Students listen and circlethe names they hear. Then check the answers. 76Listen and repeat(听音跟读)T: Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. 87Work on 2c(完成P22c)T: Suppose you are new stude

6、nts in No. 1 Middle School. You are from different countries. You meet for the first time. Make up a dialogue in pairs.98. Grammar focus(老师用中文总结这两天所学的语法点)T:这两天学习了自我介绍、认识新朋友、问候的句型。 My name is Im Whats his/her name? Nice to meet you.回答Whats your/his/her name?的答语用: My/His/Her name is. 注意几种缩略的表达法:Whats=

7、What is Im=I am names=name is106小结物主代词my , your, his, her 的用法。并了解一些缩略形式及读法,为下一步的听力做准备。 7Conversation1:Jenny, TonyConversation2:Tonny, JennyConversation3:BobConversation4:Jim8将四段对话让学生跟读一遍,为下一步的同桌活动做准备。教师要特别强调语音语调的模仿。可以先全班跟读,再让学生个体跟读。 9.学生可根据P3的示范做对话,或脱离示范对话,自由发挥。教师当堂检查三、四组对话。其他同学课后到教师处表演。10. 指导学生阅读gr

8、ammar focus时,注意使学生理解question, answer, look三个词。9. ExerciseWorkbook P1 Ex.1 Find these words. Circle the words.P2 Fill in the blanks in the conversations.1110HomeworkOral work: (1) Listen to1a, read and recite it. (2) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. (3) Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.Written work: (1)


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