Unit1Icanhardlybelievewe’reinthecitycentre. (2)_第1页
Unit1Icanhardlybelievewe’reinthecitycentre. (2)_第2页
Unit1Icanhardlybelievewe’reinthecitycentre. (2)_第3页
Unit1Icanhardlybelievewe’reinthecitycentre. (2)_第4页
Unit1Icanhardlybelievewe’reinthecitycentre. (2)_第5页
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1、Everyday English,travel broadens the mind。旅行开阔了视野。2,很少;指出几乎占用(时间或空间);指出风景名胜区,口渴的东西浪费在顶部。滥用,hardly take up point out sights thirsty at the top of waste,words and expressions,module 8 timeoff,Unit 1i can hardly believe wereDo you want to go to Beijing?what do you know about the sights in Beijing?free

2、talk。Tiananmen square、the great wall、temple of heaven park、天坛公园、北海公园、the forbidden city、the wark Beihai ParkTony has/hasnt heard about beihai park . 2 . Tony guesses that the park is very popular/Not very popular . 3 . Lingling suggests that they sey,listen and underline the correct answer :Tony,lin

3、g ing and Daming are at beihai park tody Lets see together,1 .where is beihai park?a . close to the city center . b . in the city centre . c . far from the city center . 2 . what is the park famous for?a . lake . b . bridges . c . ancient buildings . d . all of them . 3 . can they go for a swim in t

4、he lake?A.yes、it looks nice and cool.b.no、its dangerous . c . not mentioned . 4 . where will they have a picnic?a . at the bottom of the hill . b . at the top of the hill .1 .listen and choose :2 .listen again and complete 3360 Beihai park is so _ _ _ _ _ _ that you can even hear the birds singing .

5、 the park is famous for its _、quiet、lake、sights2.im sure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I hope _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,3 .r 2 .im sure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I dont think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。5 .I hope _ _ _ _ 3。read and complete the sentences :workin groups。youre introducing a place of interest in Guilin to two visitors for How big is it?How old is it?What is special about it?What can you do there?4 .群组作业,展示时间,a : here we are . welcome to b 3360 wow!its so that I can hardly believe c : it takes up this is famous for d : yes,good idea . im sure a 3360 why dont we/why not c :useful expressions : I think/I dont think its better to youd better do lets I hope,Some places of interest 3360 seven star park The


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