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1、非谓语动词,非谓语动词前传,I saw a beautiful girl.,She sang and danced well.,I had a lot of things to tell her.,But she enjoyed chatting with another guy.,谓语动词,非谓语动词,在简单句中不做谓语的动词,无人称和数的变化。,非 谓 语 三 种 形 式,to do,doing,done,不定式,OUTLINE,动名词,分词,用法,其它情况,作主语,To read on the bed is relaxing.,主语,=,It is relaxing to read on

2、 the bed.,形式主语,真正主语,to do的用法,My dream is to be a coser/ cosplayer.,to do的用法,作宾/表语,表语,I want to be a coser.,形式宾语,I find it easy to be a coser.,宾语,真正宾语,同意计划,to do的用法,接不定式作宾语的动词,agree,plan,help,decide,refuse,choose,pretend,ask,要求帮忙,决定拒绝,选择假装,I dont know how to do it.,I dont know what to do.,结构:动词V. + 特

3、殊疑问词 + to do,to do的用法,作宾语,Our teachers want us to study hard.,to do的用法,作宾补,宾补,结构:动词V. + 宾语sb. + to do,词汇,ask,get,allow,tell,encourage,I saw my brother steal my mothers money.,to do的用法,省to不定式,我看见我哥哥偷妈妈的钱。,I made him give it back.,一些动词在主动句中加省to不定式作宾补, 但在被动语态中要将to还原,He was made to give it back by me.,作

4、宾补,look at, see, watch, notice, observe,to do的用法,5看,3使,2听,1感觉,make, let, have,listen to, hear,feel,口诀:吾看三室两厅一感觉,Youd better do Why not do/ Why dont you do? would rather do than do.,to do的用法,省to固定搭配,为什么不走路回家呢? Why not go home on foot? Why dont you go home on foot? Youd better go home on foot.,为了看这部电影

5、,他很早就起床了。,to do的用法,作状语,To watch the movie, he got up very early.,他太小了而不能参军。,He was too young to join the army.,他非常高兴听到这个消息。,He was very glad to hear the news.,表目的,表结果,表原因,Mr. Smith asked the boy _(not play) this kind of game.,to do其他情况,1. 动词不定式的否定形式为:not + to do,Please have him _(not do) so much hou

6、sework.,not to play,not do,否定,to do其他情况,1. There is no time (for sb.) to do sth. 2. Its time to do sth= Its time for sth. 3. It takes sb. +time+ to do sth. 4. would like to do sth.,常见的不定式句型,Its adj. for sb. to do,Its adj. of sb. to do,1. Its polite _ Sheldon to knock at the door before entering.,2.

7、Its important _ Sheldon to knock at the door before entering.,of,for,总结:(1)中的形容词polite修饰of后的人, 表明他的特点;类似的词还有kind, honest等 句(2)中的形容词important修饰for后的不定式, 表明不定式的特点。,The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eat,练一练,He gave us some advice on

8、 how_ English. A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. learn,The house is not big enough for us all _. A. to live in B. to be lived in C. to live D. for living in,Is there any time_ to the museum? A. going B. to go C. goes D. gone,作主语,总结,形式主语,作宾/表语,作宾补,作状语,重点动词,特殊疑问词+ to do,形式宾语,重点动词,省to不定式,目的,原因,结果,作

9、用,其它情况,否定形式,重点句型,不定式,OUTLINE,动名词,done,动名词的用法,Eating too much is bad for our health.,动名词,作用,They are busy eating every day.,My favorite thing is eating.,作主语,作宾语,作表语,动名词,只接动名词作宾语的词,动名词,可跟to do和动名词的词,I forget to feed my dog.,I forget feeding my dog.,忘记要去做某事,忘记已经做某事,动名词,The flowers need to be watered.,动

10、名词,The flowers need watering.,need, want, require作“需要”讲时, 后需接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 可与不定式的被动形式互换,People couldnt help _ the foolish emperor in the procession.A. laugh at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughing on,练一练,Do you remember _ me at a party last year? A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met,-I usuall

11、y go there by train. -Why not _ by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going,Our father often told us in the past that _is believing. A. to see B. seeing C. see D. to be seen,总结,动名词,作用,只跟动名词的词,即跟to do又跟动名词的词,主动表被动need, want, require,不定式,OUTLINE,动名词,分词,doing,don

12、e,概念,China is a _ country. America is a _country. 中国是一个发展中国家,美国是一个发达国家。,developing,developed,作定语,作用,boiling water,boiled water,falling leaves,fallen leaves,The book is . Im in it. 这本书很有趣。我对它感兴趣。,作表语,interesting,interested,现在分词表示:“令人的”, 过去分词表示:“感到”,类似的词,amazed/ amazing,excited/exciting,bored/ boring,

13、tired/ tiring,satisfied/ satisfying,surprised/ surprising,worried/ worrying,relaxed/ relaxing,I found them _ the windows. I found the windows _. (paint),作宾补,painting,painted,主动关系,被动关系,取决于动词与宾语的关系 主动关系:doing 被动关系:done, they went into the room. 他们有说有笑地走进了房间。 ,the earth looks like a blue ball. 从月亮上看,地球像一个蓝色的球。,作状语,Laughing and talking,Seen from the moon,取决于动词与宾语的关系 主动关系:doing 被动关系:done,总结,分词,定语,表语,宾补,状语,The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself_ . A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard,练一练,You


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