1、定语从句中用Which的几种情况Abstract :Generally, when talking about the differences between “that” and “which” in the Attributive Clauses, teachers like to emphasize the uses of “that”. So most students are familiar with them and know how to use “that”.But many of the students dont know the relative pronoun “wh
2、ich” also has many uses .In the past few years, “which”appeared more frequently in NMET than “that”.So in this article , the author mainly show us when to use “which” and give a complete conclusion of “which”.Key words: which 定语从句 指代物 指代人通常,在讲定语从句关系代词“that”与“which”的区别时,老师喜欢强调“that”的用法,大部分学生对其比较熟悉,也知
3、道如何使用“that”。然而,关系代词“which”的用法同样比较多。它既可以指物,也可以指人(这一点可能许多同学不太熟悉和了解);既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。近几年来,高考对“which”的考查越来越多。请看下面几个高考题:1 . The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%_ are sold abroad . (2004年辽宁卷, 答案:A .which指代物)A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 2 . The jour
4、ney around the world took the sailor nine months ,_ the sailing time was 226 days .(2004年广西卷 ,答案A . which 指代物)A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which 3 . Franks dream was to have his own shop _ to produce the workings of his owm hands. (2005年湖南卷 答案:B which 指代物)A. that B. in which C. b
5、y which D. on which 4 . The English play _my students acted at the New Years party was great success .(2005 年全国I卷 答案:C which指代物)A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which 5 . Her sister has become a lawyer , _ she wanted to be . ( 2005年湖北卷 答案D which指代人) A. who B. that C. what D. which 因此,掌握“wh
6、ich”在何种情况下使用是非常有必要的。那么,“which”到底有那些用法呢?笔者在多年的教学实践中将“which”的用法进行了较全面的总结。现将其一些较特殊的和不常见的用法予以展示, 希望可对各位同仁和英语爱好者有所帮助。一、先行词表物时下列情况只用which;不能用that:1、在定语从句中,当关系代词紧跟介词,作介词宾语时Eg:.The table under which the boy crawled was put up for aution.男孩在下面爬的那张桌子被拿去拍卖了。 .Light is the fast thing in the world , the speed of
7、 which is 300,000 kilometers per second. 世界上光的速度是最快的,其速度是每秒三十万公里。 . He once participated the investigation the result of which will be soon published. 他参加了结果不久就将公布的那项调查。另外,还可以在不定式作定语的结构中作介词宾语。此时不定式短语相当于一个定语从句。Eg : . The key with which to open the door has been lost. 开这扇门的钥匙不见了。 (with which to open t
8、he door=with which we can open the door).We moved to the country so that children have a garden in which to play. (in which to play =in which they could play)我们搬到了乡下,这样孩子们就有一个花园游玩了。2、在限制性定语从句中指代的先行词为that时Eg:. That which is most highly valued in the tribe is vaour. 在这部落最受推崇的是英雄。. That which is well d
9、one is twice done. 一次做得好等于做两次。3、(1)在非限制性定语从句中用关系代词 Eg: All these books , which had been donated by visisting professors, are to be used by the postgraduates. 所有这些书将被研究生使用,书是由客座教授赠给的。(2)在非限制性定语从句中引导修饰句子的定语从句,相当于and that。Eg : . He invited us to dinner ,which was very kind of him. 他请我们去吃饭,他真是太好了。. Pam
10、didnt go to the show ,and that is a pity.=Pam didnt go to the show, which is a pity.帕姆没去看表演,真遗憾。4、在非限制性定语从句中作名词的限定词,用于总结整个主句的情况或句子部分内容,常见的名词有fact ,case ,event ,situation,time, failure ,claim , point 等。Eg: . Profit had to be increased , to achieve which object become the occupation of business execut
11、ives.必须提高利润,追求达到这一目标成了企业经理们的主要活动。 . He is old ,which fact is impotant . 他已经老了,这个事实是很重要的。. The plane may be several hours late, in which case theres no point in our waiting .飞机可能晚点几个小时,这样我们再等也就没有意义了。 . He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home. 他发脾气了,这时我就决定回家了。 They stayed with me for t
12、hese weeks during which time they drunk all the wine I had . 他们和我一起呆了三周,在这期间他们喝光了我所有的酒。二、which可指代人 1、当充当定语从句的表语或宾语时,往往用来表示某类所具有的性格、素质、地位或职业等。 Eg: .He imagined himself to be an artist ,which he was not . 虽然他不是艺术家,但是他却把自己想象成一个艺术家。 . He is exactly the man which an education was likely to form. 他是这种教育可能造就的出来的人。 . He talked like a native ,which he hardly was. 他说起话来像是本地人,其实他不见得是。 2、可以用于指代不分性别的婴儿或儿童。 Eg: .His mother had ten children,of which he was the oldest. 他母亲有十个孩子,他是最大的那个。 3、指与人有关的集体(整体),不表其成员。 . the government which is cuttng it losses. 正在消减损失的政府。. The
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