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1、Unit 6,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section A1 1a-2d,banana n. 香蕉,hamburger n. 汉堡包,ice-cream n. 冰激凌,salad n. 沙拉,New words,strawberry n. 草莓,pear n. 梨,milk n. 牛奶,bread n. 面包, What are those? They are _.,bananas,oranges,tomatoes,strawberries,hamburgers,pears, Whats that? Its _.,salad,bread,an ice-cream,

2、Warming up,milk,Fruit:,tomatoes,oranges,strawberries,pears,bananas,vegetables:,carrots,salad,Presentation,hamburgers tomatoes oranges ice-cream salad bananas strawberries pears milk bread,d,i,f,h,b,g,c,j,e,a,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,

3、1b,A: Do you like salad? B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,2,3,1,1c,Do you like bananas?,Yes, I do.,Do you like salad?,No, I dont.,Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then make your own conversations.,Do you like oranges?,Yes,

4、I do.,Pairwork,Do you like _?,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Practice,I like hamburgers. _?,Yes, I do.,Do you like hamburgers,Listen and circle the food you hear.,2a,hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice-cream salad bananas,Listening,Look at the pictures and guess what they are talking about.

5、,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,2b, Lets have _. Oh, no. No? I dont like _., I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do., Do you like _? No, I dont like _.,ice-cream,tomatoes,tomatoes,ice-cream,2c,Practice the conversations above. Give answers that are true for you.,I like hamburgers. _

6、 _?,_ _.,Pairwork,Do you like hamburgers,Yes, I do./ No, I dont,_.,Oh, no.,No?,_.,Lets have pears,I dont like pears,birthday n. 生日,burger n. 汉堡包,vegetable n. 蔬菜,fruit n. 水果,New words,apple n. 苹果,right adj. 正确的;适当的 e.g. Its not _ to tell lies. 撒谎是不对的。 then adv. 那么 e.g. What shall we do _? Swim? 那么我们该

7、干什么呢?游泳吗?,right,then,Does John like hamburgers? What does Jack dont like? What fruit does John like?,Read the dialogue in 2d. Then answer the questions.,Yes, he does.,Jack doesnt like salad.,John likes strawberries and apples.,Reading,Jack: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. _. Tom: Sure. How

8、about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? Bill: Sounds good. _. Jack: Oh, _.,2d,Pairwork,Finish the conversation.,Lets think about the food,John likes hamburgers,I dont like salad,Bill: But John likes salad, and its his birthday. Jack: Yes, youre right. _? Tom: I think John likes strawberries

9、and apples. Bill: OK. _ _.,What about the fruit,Lets have strawberries and apples then,Lets have tomatoes?,Oh, no. _ _.,_ _?,Sounds good.,Make a similar conversation.,I dont like tomatoes,What about an ice-cream,tomatoes 西红柿 tomatoes是tomato的复数形式。,以字母o结尾的有生命词,其复数形式在词尾加-es。如图:,My sister likes _ very m

10、uch. 我姐姐很喜欢吃西红柿。,Language points,tomatoes,口诀 英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯。,potatoes,heroes,tomatoes,2. How about burgers, vegetable salad? How about?相当于 What about ? 意为“怎么样?”是一个用来征询别人的意见、向别人提建议的交际用语。about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式。,_ nine oclock? 9点钟怎么样? _ hamburgers? 吃汉堡包怎么样?,How about,What about having,3. Lets have stra

11、wberries and apples then. Lets have 是一个祈使句,表示“让我们吃/喝吧。” _ some ice-cream. 让我们吃些冰激凌吧。 归纳 have是多义词,归纳如下: (1) 有,拥有;如: I _ a new watch. 我有块新手表。,Lets have,have,(2) 吃,喝;如: Lets _ some milk and some bread. 让我们喝些牛奶,吃些面包。 (3) 构成固定短语: have a look 看一看,have,4. Sure. How about burgers,? sure adv. (用作副词)当然;肯定;一定

12、常用来回答一般疑问句,意为“当然;的确”,相当于yes或certainly。只是sure 在英国英语中较为常用,而在美国英语中常用certainly。, Are you going with us? 你和我们一起去吗? _. 当然啦。,Sure,5. Johns birthday dinner is next week. 1) dinner n. (中午或晚上吃的)正餐 dinner 指一日中的主餐,可中午吃,也可晚间吃。但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。,dinner party 宴会 dinner table 餐桌 dinner time 吃饭时间,Its time for _. 该吃晚饭了

13、。,dinner,2) week n. 周;星期 e.g. Sunday is the first day of the _. 星期日是一周的第一天。,last week 上礼拜 this week 本周 next week 下周,week,6. Lets think about the food. think about 思考,思索 (一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑) e.g. What do you _ that? 你认为怎么样? Ill have to _ it. 我得想一想。,think of 想到;想象;设想 多用来指“想起,认为”。,think about,think about,e.

14、g. I couldnt _ the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。 Lets _ some questions about life. 让我们对生活设想一些问题吧。,think of,think of,fruit,tomatoes,oranges,strawberries,pears,bananas,Exercises,hamburgers,salad,milk,ice-cream,bread,二、 选词填空。 Do you like _ (strawberry/strawberries)? 2. Here are some _ (tomatos/tomatoes). 3. Lets _ (have / has) apples and bananas. 4. John likes _ (milk/milks) and bread. 5. Sam _ (dont /doesnt) like vegetable salad.,三、 根据图片提示完成句子。,1. _ you like _? Yes, I do. I like _, too. 2. _ your fat


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