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1、人教版小学英语六年级下册,Unit4 Then and now B Lets learn 临沂市临沭县临沭街道第四小学 王宝艳,gym,went camping,cleaned room,went swimming,played football,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词),ate good food,grass,went fishing,dining hall,Review,Can you say something different for her ?,Before , she had short hair .,Now She has long hair

2、.,Before hesheitthey waswere. Now hesheitthey isare.,city,go cycling,why,clean,Before,John couldnt go cycling Now,he loves to go cycling .,watch and say,Cycling, cycling, I could go cycling.,Cycling, cycling, I couldnt go cycling.,could - couldnt,go,swimming,fishing,hiking,camping,boating,shopping,g

3、o与表示活动、消遣等方面的动词ing形式连用,意为“去”。 go to+场所,I love to.,Listen and answer,We know John couldnt go cycling before, but now he loves to go cycling. What about Wu Yifan? Did Wu Yifan like winter before?,WuYifan didnt like winter before.,Why? 为什么?,He thought it was too cold.,think - thought 觉得,:t,watch and sa

4、y,buy -bought,It was too cold. He couldnt _.,watch and say,play badminton,play badminton,Before , Wu Yifan couldnt play badminton. Now he loves to play badminton .,watch and say,Watch and say,watch and say,She loves to play badminton,He loves to play badminton,play,football,basketball,ping-pong,badm

5、inton,the piano,the pipa,the erhu,与乐器组成动作短语play需+the 与球类组成动作短语则不需要,I love to.,Listen and answer,Does Wu Yifan like winter now?,Yes,he does,Why?How do you know?,Find the answer,Why?How do you know?,Wu yifan:I didnt like winter before.I thought it was too cold,and I couldnt go cycling. Mike: How about

6、 now? Wu yifan:Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.,ate,watch and say,ice -skate,Watch and say,Before , WuYifan couldnt ice -skate. Now he loves to ice -skate,She loves to ice-skate,watch and say,He loves to ice-skate,ice-cream,ice-water,Before , I didnt like ice. Now , I like ice-cream and ic

7、e-water.,What sports can we play in different seasons?,listen and imitate:first only listen,second imitate,Wu yifan:I didnt like winter before.I thought it was too cold,and I couldnt go cycling。 Mike: How about now? Wu yifan:Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.,1、Read in groups (小组内朗读) Read to

8、gether (齐读) Read one by one (每人读一次) 2、Read by yourself (自由读) 3、Play a game(猜动作游戏) 师做动作学生猜 一生做动作另一生猜或全班猜,Testing,一、看图说话:use “Before, I couldnt .Now I can.:,Listen,match and say,Allen,Joe,Diana,任务一:删除你没有听到的图片。,任务二:将人物与图片配对。,任务三:我会说。,Allen Diana Joe,Before, Allen couldnt _. Now he can _. Before, Diana

9、couldnt _. Now she can _. Before, Joe couldnt _. Now he can _.,选其中一句来说一说。,Lets write,Hello,I am Before, I was. Now I am. Before, I couldnt. Now I love to. Before, I didnt like. Now I like.,Word banks: wasnt tall / had long hair / had short hair / didnt wear glasses / didnt like maths / didnt like cats / didnt like eggs ,(写写自己过去的爱好或变化和现在的爱好或变化),做基础训练习题 1、p32页Write and say 2、p33页Try to write,Time is life and when the idle man kills time , he kills himself .(时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。),Summary 词组:go cycl


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