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1、Lesson 3,General Arrangement Plan,The structure of the text,Language Points,division divin n. 除法;部门;分割;师(军队);体赛区 cross section 横截面 longitudinal ,lnditju:dinl adj. 长度的,纵向的;经线的 longitudinal section 纵切面;纵切片 vertical v:tikl adj. 垂直的,直立的;头顶的,顶点的 n. 垂直线,垂直面,vertical separation 垂直间隔;垂直线间距离,longitudinal sep

2、aration 前后隔离;纵向间隔 longitudinal bulkhead 纵舱壁 transverse bulkhead 横舱壁 horizontal hrizntl adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的 n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置 horizontal separation 水平错距,水平错开;水平离距;水平分距,The general arrangement plan shows the division of a vessel into compartments in cross section and longitudinal sections. 总布置图显示了船只舱室以横

3、截面和纵切面的划分。,The compartments are formed by vertical separations (longitudinal and transverse bulkheads) and horizontal separations (deck). 舱室是由垂直分隔(纵舱壁和横舱壁)和水平分隔(甲板)组成的。,spare part 备件accommodation space 起居舱室,galley li n. 船上的厨房 pantry pntri n. 餐具室;食品室;食品储藏室 dispensary dispensri n. 药房tweendeck twi:n,de

4、k n. 双层甲板;甲板间 in case of 万一;如果发生;假设,These compartments and spaces serve as storage spaces for cargoes, stores, equipment, spare parts, liquids, etc. as,Accommodation spaces for passengers and members of the crew, and as “domestic spaces”, such as galley, pantries, dispensary, etc. 这些舱室和空间用作货物,物料,设备,

5、备件,液体等的储存空间,用作乘客和船员的居住空间及“家庭空间”,如厨房,餐厅,药房等。,The extreme fore end of the vessel is called stem. The extreme aft end id the stern.,船的最前端叫船首。(船的)最末端叫做船尾。,The upper deck, or main deck (a), is often the deck that is exposed to sea and weather.,That is why the main deck is also called the “weather deck”.

6、上层甲板,或者主甲板,是经常暴露于海中或天气中的甲板。 这就是为什么主甲板也常被叫做“露天甲板(风雨甲板)”。,In fact, it provides a “shelter” for all the contents of the vessel. The foremost part of the upper deck is called the forecastle (b).,Its bulwark is called the vauxhaul. The anchor winches are situated on this deck. 事实上,它为船上所有的东西提供了庇护。上层甲板的最前端

7、叫做首楼(b)。它的舷墙叫做vauxhaul(舷墙)。起锚绞车位于这一甲板上。,The tweendeck (c) is the intermediate deck between upper deck (a) and the inside bottom of the vessel, called tank top (d).,双层甲板是位于上层甲板和船只内底之间的中间一层甲板,叫做内底板(d)。,The tweendeck divides the vessel into separate holds. The upper holds and lower holds (e) are the sp

8、aces that contain the cargoes. Spaces for liquid cargoes are called tanks. 双层甲板将船分为不同的舱室。顶舱和底舱(e)是用于存储固体货物的空间。储存液体货物的空间叫做水槽。,Access to hold can be obtained through hatches. On freighters these hatches must be sufficiently broad for grabs to be lowered,into the holds. The foremost and aftermost space

9、s of the vessel are the peak tanks (f). 可以把舱口作为进入货仓的入口。货船的舱口必须做够开阔,使抓斗能够伸入到货仓中去。船只最前端和最后端的空间叫做尖舱(f)。,They may serve as storage spaces for ballast water and are capable of “absorbing” a part of the impact-forces that are released,in case of a collision. 它们可以用来存放压载水并能“吸收”一部分万一发生碰撞时所释放的冲击力。,The anchor

10、chain is stored in the chain locker (g). It is situated over the fore peak tank. The upper part of the fore peak tank,is called the boatswains (or bosuns) locker (h), where ropes, paint and dunnage are kept. 锚链储存在锚链舱里(g)。位于前尖舱上。前尖舱的顶部叫做水手长仓库(h), 绳索,油漆和日常用品都储存在这里。,fore peak bulkhead 前尖舱壁;防撞舱壁,after-p

11、eak bulkhead 艉舱壁 collision bulkhead 防碰撞舱壁 transverse bulkhead 横舱壁watertight w:ttait, w- adj. 水密的;不漏水的;无懈可击的 propulsion prupln n. 推进;推进力 propulsion plant 推进装置,Bulkheads are the vertical separations between holds and spaces.,The fore peak bulkhead and after peak bulkhead (i) are the so-called collisio

12、n bulkheads. 舱壁是货舱和空间的垂直间隔。 艏尖舱舱壁和尾尖舱舱壁(i)也叫做防碰撞舱壁。,These transverse bulkheads are watertight and prevent the vessel from flooding in case the vessel collides with another vessel.,Collision bulkheads are also fire-retarding or even fireproof. 这些横向舱壁是水密的,万一船舶发生碰撞能防止船舶进水。 防碰撞舱壁也是耐火的,或者甚至是防火的。,Apart fr

13、om transverse bulkheads tankers are also fitted with 2 longitudinal bulkheads,that divide the vessel into starboard and port wing tanks and a centre tank. 除了横隔舱之外,油轮还装有两个纵舱壁,将船分成右翼,左翼和中翼油箱。,steering engine room 舵机舱,watertight compartment 水密舱区additional strengthening 加强结构; 补充加强 double bottom tank 双层底

14、油仓 echo sounder 回声测深器 steering compass 驾驶罗经;操纵罗盘;驾驶转发器,The steering engine room (k) must also be a watertight compartment and is very often situated over the after peak tank (f).,舵机舱(k)也必须是水密舱区,并且经常位于后尖舱(f)上。,Due to large stresses that occur under the engine room and peak tanks, additional strengthe

15、ning are often inserted. 由于轮机舱和尖舱产生的巨大压力,常常需要插入补充加强装置。,The double bottom (l) provides strength and storage space for fuel, lubricating oil, fresh water, salt (ballast) water and potable water. 双层底舱(l)为燃料,润滑油,淡水,盐水(压舱水)和饮用水提供了存储强度和存储空间。,To prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into

16、 the other,longitudinal and transverse separations are used between the tanks. These separations, which are in fact empty spaces, are called cofferdams (m). 为了防止液体在双层底舱间相互渗漏,在底舱之间有纵向和横向的分隔舱。这些事实上是空白空间的分隔舱,被称作防撞舱壁(m)。,On the main deck we find the so-called superstructure (n) with the accommodation fo

17、r the crew and passengers, the messroom, the galley and the pantry. 在主甲板上,我们看到有所谓的上层建筑(n),上面有船员和乘客的住处,食堂,厨房和食品储藏室。,The navigating bridge contains the wheelhouse with the control station, the chartroom where charts, pilot books and publications are kept, and the radio room. 驾驶桥楼包括装有控制台的驾驶室,可以绘图并保存有航路

18、指南和出版物的海图室,以及广播室。,repeater compass 电罗经复示器;分罗经;无线电罗盘,be situated on=be located on = sit / lie / stand / be situated on 坐落在 monkey island 标准罗经平台;罗经甲板,There are the instruments for navigation, such as the Radar, the log, the echo sounder, the steering compass and repeater compass. 有一些航海仪器,比如:雷达,海航日志,回声

19、探测器,操纵罗盘和无线电罗盘。,The master compass is usually situated on the monkey island, a small deck or platform over the wheelhouse. 主罗经通常安装在驾驶室一个小甲板或平台的罗经甲板上。,from stem to stern 完全;从头到尾,right angle 直角 fore-and-aft line 艏艉线 ahead and astern 正倒车 foremost deck 锚甲板 port bow 船首左舷方向 starboard bow 右前方船首,2. The Upper Deck 上层甲板,The imaginary line from stem to stern is called the fore-and-aft line. It divides the vessel into a starboard and portside (when facing forward). “Abeam” is used to indicate direction at a right angle to fore-and-aft line. 从船


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