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1、Account:n.账户,客户,账目,报道 v.认为,把.视为 If you have an account with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement(商定) to leave your money there and take some out when you need it.(存折,信用卡) 例:Some banks make it difficult to open an account. 有些银行使开一个账户困难重重。 All three Internet agencies boast theyve

2、won major accounts. 所有的三家网络代理公司都夸口说他们已赢得了大客户 He kept detailed accounts. 他保存了详细的账目。 He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night. 他对那个决定命运的夜晚所发生的事情做了一个详细的报道。,As作连词用法 一、表示伴随,意为“随着”。如: As time passed, things seemed to get worse. 随着时间的推移,情况似乎变得更糟了。 若其后不接从句,而接名词,则用介词 with 表示“随着”。如: Wi

3、th the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced. 随着现代工农业的发展,污染越来越严重了。 二、表示让步,意为“虽然”“尽管”,要用于倒装句(相当于 though,但语气稍弱)。如: Boy as he was, he behaved like a girl. 他虽然是个男孩,但举止却像个女孩。 Try as he would might,he couldnt open the door. 他试过多次了,却仍打不开门。 三、表示时间,意为“当时候”。如: He drop

4、ped the glass as he stood up. 他站起来时,把杯子摔了。 四、表示原因 As you werent there I left a message. 因为你不在那里,我留了个信儿。,It seems/seemed that .好像,似乎 表示看起来,好像的意思,强调根据一定事实所得出的一种接近实际情况的判断,译为好像,似乎 It seems that the project gose smoothly. Well-being(幸福,健康):happiness,welfare(安宁) Controlling stress is not only important fo

5、r your overall happiness and well-being, but for your health as well. 控制压力不仅仅对你全面的快乐与幸福至关重要,对你的健康也是如此。,Some phrases can be used as signal words to introduce (引导)examples,including such as后接名词,不接句子 for example, for instance后接句子,一般不接词语,且for instance更加书面话和学究话.在严谨的学术上用的更多. English is spoken in many coun

6、tries,such as Australia and Canada. 许多国家都讲英语,例如澳大利亚和加拿大. For example, he grows tomatoes near oak trees. 例如,他在橡树附近种植西红柿。 There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving; for instance, training lions. 有的工作比驾驶卡车更危险,例如驯狮。,expel 强迫(某人)离开,驱逐,开除 1. officially force sb. to leave a place or organization bec

7、ause of their bad behavior But it never occurred to the Air Force to expel the group. 但空军从来没有想到过驱逐这个小组。 2.expel virus驱除病邪 turn in(hand in) 交上,提交 I cant go to movies with you. I have an assignment to turn in tomorrow.,purchase n.购买(的东西)v.购买 Advertisers need to learn what will motivate people to make

8、a purchase. 广告商需要了解什么会促使人们买东西。 The museum is trying to raise enough money to purchase a painting by Van Gogh. 这家博物馆正努力筹集资金去购买梵高的一幅画。 not to mention.更不必说 He owns a lot of property in New York, not to mention several luxurious cars. 他在纽约有很多财产,更不必说拥有好几辆豪车了。 layer 表层,层 The boys bagan to dig and were sur

9、prised when they discovered a layer of stones.,exemplify 体现,(举例)说明 Mark Twiauns novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer exemplifies 19th-century life in the U.S. 马克吐温的小说汤姆索亚历险记体现了19世纪美国的生活。 I will exemplify my point with a story. 我将用一个故事来说明我的观点。 rip off 1 steal sth. 盗窃 He walked into the store and ripped

10、 off a pair of gloves. 他走进商店,偷了一副手套。 2.charge sb. too much money for sth. 敲.的竹杠 Tourists are worried theyll get ripped off. 游客们担心被敲竹杠。,especially troubling /surprising /annoying are the reports/facts that. 用于表述一种更令人担忧/吃惊/烦恼/生气的现象或者事实。 especially adv. 尤其,特别 Noise is unpleasant,especially when you are

11、 trying to sleep.噪音使人不舒服,尤其是当你想要入睡时。 specially adv.专门地,特意 She returned to her hometown specially to see her mother.,alarmed 惊恐的,忧虑的,担心的 Many people were alarmed by the news reports about the bird flu. 许多人对关于禽流感的新闻报道感到恐慌。 principle n.原理 He recommended a textbook which teaches the basic principles of

12、geometry. 他推荐了一本有关几何学基本原理的书。 Extensive adj. large in size, amount, or degree 广阔的,大量的,大规模的;广泛、全面的(extensive reading 泛读教程) Extensive repair work is going to begin soon. 大规模的修缮工作,behind prep.在.背后(表示某事背后的原因) She is no taller than her younger sister.她不比她妹妹高 facilitate make it easier for a process or acti

13、vity to happen 促使,使便利 The development of the Internet greatly facilitates peoples communication. 互联网的发展大大方便了人们之间的交流 means n.手段,方法,工具 The move is a measure to fight crime. 这个行动是打击罪犯的一个手段。,nerve 精神紧张,焦虑不安,神经质;神经 Calm your tense nerves by deep breathing, not by having another drink. 用深呼吸来缓解你的紧张不安,而不是再继

14、续喝酒。 frustrate make sb. feel annoyed and impatient by preventing them from doing sth. 使烦恼,使沮丧 If you give a child a math problem that is hard to solve, you may frustrated him. 如果你让一个孩子做太难的数学题,你会使他气馁的。,Ultimate 最出色的,最糟糕的,最大的 In the war, he gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. 他在战争中牺牲了,因

15、此付出了最大的代价。 (目标等)最终的,首要的 His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study abroad.现在他的首要目标是去国外读书。 最终的,最后的 The ultimate outcome of theexperiment cannotbe predicted. 实验的最后结果无法预测。,If not It is used when you are adding that sth. may be even more ,less, better, worse, etc. than youve just said. The snow

16、is so deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, to get the car out of the garage. 雪很厚,要把车从车库里开出来虽说不是不可能,但是很困难。 illegal not allowed by law 违法的 In some countries, it is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under16. 在有些国家,出售烟草给16岁以下者是违法的。,fake vt.伪造,仿造n.赝品,假货 adj.伪造的,冒充的 The bank uses special machines to detect fake money. 银行用特殊的机器来识别假钞。 browse vt.(在计算机上或因特网上)浏览(信息);在商店里随便看看 vi.浏览(杂志) Students browsed the Internet for imformation on the assigned topic.学生们浏览互联网以查找与作业题目相关的信息。 Mike likes to browse through magazines in the library. 迈克喜欢在图书馆里浏览杂志。,Conscious 意识到的,在意的,神志清醒的 W


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