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1、Chapter Twelve,Translation of passives,English and Chinese passives,一、英语被动式表达(除了用“be+动词分词”) 1、名词 名词后缀-ee表示动作的承受者,是被动。 Trainee, employee, addressee 2、形容词 以-able, -ible结尾的形容词,以及由过去分词转换的形容词。 visible stars, the accused,3、介词短语 In question, under repair, on show 4、动词 在及物动词need, want, require deserve,等后面,可

2、接主动形式的动名词表达被动 This is one of those questions that dont need answering. ( to be answered) 某些不及物动词,如draw, sell, wash, cook等 的主动形式,可表被动。 These goods sell like hot cakes. (are sold),表示状态特征的连系动词,如look, smell, sound, prove, appear等的主动形式表示被动 Dinner smells good. 不定式的主动形式也可表被动。 These small houses are to lend

3、 at low rental.,二、汉语被动式的特点,Many Chinese sentence patterns are active in form but passive in sense. Chinese notional passives are common but syntactic passives are rarely used. 问题(被)解决了。 The problem has been solved. 树(被)栽在街道两旁。 Trees were planted along both sides of the street.,这些产品是我国制造的。 These prod

4、ucts are made in our country. 这必须马上予以处理。 It must be dealt with at once.,Translation of passives: E-C,一、译成主动式 1. 不改变主语与句子结构,直接译成汉语主动句(省略“被”字) Solution to the problem was ultimately found. 译文:这个问题的解决办法终于找到了。 He was assassinated in a theater last night. 译文:他昨晚在一家剧院遇刺身亡。,2. 变状语为主语,把原主语转换为宾语 Friction can

5、 be reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by lubrication. 译文:润滑能减少摩擦,延长机器寿命。,3. 如原句无表施动者的状语,考虑到汉语的表达习惯,可适当添词 They are said to be building another bridge over the Huangpu River. 译文:据说他们正在黄埔江上建另一座桥。 Although the first synthetic materials were created little more than a hundred years ago, they

6、can now be found almost everywhere. 译文:虽然首批合成材料仅在一百年前才研制出来,但现在人们几乎都到处能见到它们。,4. 译成无主语句式 The use of the satellite makes it possible to observe the universe much better. 译文1:使用卫星,使得更好地观察宇宙成为可能。 译文2:利用卫星,能够更好地观察宇宙。 Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of

7、them being perhaps the hovercraft. 译文1:在本世纪,许多新的稀奇的交通工具已被研制出来。其中,最为稀奇的也许是气垫船。 译文2:在本世纪,发明了许多新奇的交通工具,其中,最新奇的也许数气垫船。,二、译成汉语判断句 描写事物过程,性质和状态的英语被动句,其表意功能与系表结构相近。可译成“是的”结构。 History is made by the people. 译文:历史是人民创造的。 The first explosive in the world was made and used in China. 译文:世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。,惯用被动

8、式译法 I was told that 我听说/有人告诉我 It is said that 据说/有人说/据云 It must be admitted that 必须承认 It is well-known that 大家知道/众所周知 It will be seen from this that 由此可见,It has been objected that 有人反对说 It is sometimes asked that 人们有时会问 It is established that 可以认定 It is hypothesized 假设 It is recommended that 有人推荐,注意

9、,“be+动词过去分词”未必表示“被动”: 1. I am annoyed with him. 2. I was annoyed by mosquitoes all night. 1. I cant disturb him at the moment. He is buried under a pile of paper work. 2. The city was buried under more than four feet of snow.,1. I am annoyed with him. 译文:我对他心中有气。 2. I was annoyed by mosquitoes all n

10、ight. 译文:我整夜被蚊子搞得不得安宁。 1. I cant disturb him at the moment. He is buried under a pile of paper work. 译文:现在我不能打扰他,他忙于案头工作。 2. The city was buried under more than four feet of snow. 译文:该城被埋在4英尺多深的雪里。,Translation of actives and passives: C-E,一、汉语主动句的翻译:汉语的主动句在很多情况下要转译成英语的被动句。 强调受事,突出被动状态。 “财神爷”这个词,不是我的

11、用语,是农民的发明。(邓小平文选第三卷) 译文:That term “God of Wealth” was invented not by me but by the farmers,2. 因种种原因,不出现或无须说明施事者 现在不采取行动,鼓励研究和技术投资,新世纪将面临科学家的锐减。 译文:The new millennium will see a steep drop in the number of scientists unless moves are made now to encourage greater investment in research and technolog

12、y,3. 使句子结构匀称,文气连贯 他出现在台上,观众报以热烈的掌声。 译文:He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience 4. 汉语中的某些习惯用语或泛指人称为主语的主动句 可以有把握地说,会议会如期召开的。 译文:It may be safely said that the meeting will be held on schedule,5. 使语气委婉,措辞礼貌。 请您不要在此处抽烟。 译文:You are not supposed to smoke here 6. 某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定

13、搭配或词组来表达。 他天生适合做水手。 译文:He is cut out for a sailor,7. 汉语中含有被动意义的主动句:从形式上看是主动句,而含义却是被动的,多译为被动句。 一点声音也听不到。 译文:Not a sound was heard 8. 一种特殊类型的主动句:看上去也是主动句,但其谓语动词多为不及物动词和某些特殊用法的动词,如deserve、require、want、need等 这种食物不好消化。 译文:The food wont digest well,二、汉语被动句的翻译 1.汉语被动句译为英语时,较多采用被动语态 由于企业被统的太死,旧的经营机制成为阻碍经济进一

14、步发展的羁绊。 译文:The old enterprise system became an obstacle hindering further economic development because enterprises were subjected to rigid control.,2. 译成主动:为了符合英语的表达习惯。 他被这阵声音吓了一跳。 译文:He startled at the noise,为了使上下文紧密联系,结构匀称,语势加强。 “像义先生那样的好人,都要被他暗算。你就忘了阿六的事? 根生跟阿六的事并没有两样。”(月夜) 译文:“Even a good man li

15、ke Mr. Yi,he wants to murder.Have you forgotten Ahliu? His case and Genshengs are exactly the same. (Tr. Sidney Shapiro),科技文章中的被动语态,被动结构的广泛使用,是科技文章语言的一个重要特征: 被动语态具有客观性强的特点,可以使行文显得客观 被动语态可以强调所要突出的内容 被动语态的句子结构调节余地较大,有利于译文的衔接和连贯,科技英语重事物描述,很少涉及动作实施者。被动结构的使用,能避免使用人称代词做主语,体现了科技文章的客观性。 He made turns in a h

16、elicopter by banking. Turns are made in a helicopter by banking.,被动语态的高频率使用,使文体显得严肃、庄重,行文措辞往往经过了作者的缜密逻辑思维。 钢缆由几千根具有很高抗拉强度的钢丝组成,这种钢丝均经过了电镀以防止锈蚀。 The cables are composed of thousands of wires, made of high-tensile steel, which are galvanized to resist corrosion.,被动语态使句子结构调节余地较大,有利于译文的衔接和连贯。 本文认为掺有矿物掺合

17、料的混凝土复合材料的强度由水泥混凝土基体产生的强度和矿物掺合料的物理和化学两方面对强度的贡献两部分构成,据此提出了全面估算混凝土矿物掺合料强度效应的新方法,并从理论和实践两方面分析了水胶比、掺合料掺量以及龄期对矿物掺合量强度效应的影响规律。,本文认为掺有矿物掺合料的混凝土复合材料的强度由水泥混凝土基体产生的强度和矿物掺合料的物理和化学两方面对强度的贡献两部分构成,据此提出了全面估算混凝土矿物掺合料强度效应的新方法,并从理论和实践两方面分析了水胶比、掺合料掺量以及龄期对矿物掺合量强度效应的影响规律。 译文:In this paper, the strength of concrete compo

18、sites containing mineral admixtures is considered to include two parts: one is generated by cement concrete matrix, the other by physical and chemical effects of admixtures on concrete. On this basis, a new method is presented for evaluating the strength-effect of mineral admixture on concrete. Furt

19、hermore, the water to binder ratio, content of mineral admixture and ages on the strength-effect are quantitatively analyzed from theory and experiment.,科技翻译技巧,一、生词短语的翻译 对策:1.根据上下文提供的线索猜测 2.根据英语构词法的知识推断含义 Different from conventional wheel-on-rail system, the Transrapid accomplishes the functions of

20、support, guidance, acceleration and braking by using non-contact electromagnetic instead of mechanical force. 译文: Transrapid 磁浮列车 wheel-on-rail 轮轨铁路,二、长句在科技文章的运用 1. 由科技文献逻辑性强、概念清楚等特点所决定的 2. 将汉语短句转化为英语长句 包孕式结构长句:体现在多个修饰从句之间的修饰连锁性,即下一分句对上一分句的一部分或整体进行逻辑解释或引申,语义上层层推进,语法上环环相扣,构成一个完整的逻辑长链。,因而每个气缸都围着一个水套,水

21、套形成循环水路的一部分,由水泵驱动水在回路中不断地流动,并由大型旋转风扇从外部鼓入空气使水冷却。大型旋转风扇是由主曲轴带动的,而在大型电力传动内燃机车上则由辅助电动机来带动。 译文:Each cylinder therefore is encased in a water jacket, which forms part of a circuit through which water is pumped continuously, and cooled by means of air drawn in from the outside atmosphere by large rotary f

22、ans, which are worked by the main crankshaft, or in the larger dieselelectric locomotives, by auxiliary motors.,多枝共干结构:使句子结构紧凑,逻辑严密,文字趋于简洁,符合科技文章的要求。 校正定时的工作极其重要,而准确的精密度也是极其重要的,对喷油泵与气阀某些部件的研磨精密度可达到两万分之一英寸。 译文:Correct timing is of the utmost importance, and also extreme accuracy, down to a twenty-tho

23、usandth part of an inch, in the grinding of certain parts of the fuel injection pump and the valves.,三、非人称主语句 1. 非人称主语+人称主语使用的谓语动词 拟人色彩,使本来显得有些单调乏味的科技文章着上了些许亮色,增添了一点生机。 食品工业也引进了新技术,用于食品的贮藏、加工、保鲜和分配,减少了收获后的损失。 译文:The food industry has also introduced new technologies for food storage, processing, pre

24、servation, and distribution that have reduced post-harvest losses.,尤其是推广了高产水稻,扩大了灌溉面积,大大增加了(氮)化肥和杀虫剂的用量,使得农作物产量大幅度提高。 译文: In particular, the introduction of high-yield rice in combination with expanded irrigation and a massive increase in the use of (nitrogen) fertilizers and pesticides has signific

25、antly improved crop yields.,2.非人称能够与主语句式可以用更简洁的形式表达科技英语中的各种逻辑关系,而将“逻辑标记”统统省略,即变英语的形合句为意合句。 2.1 非人称主语句“消化”了条件句 Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densities. 译文:如果我们测得地震波的走时和振幅,我们

26、就能够确定地下的几何形状并估算与岩石速率和密度有关的声阻抗。,2.2 非人称主语句“消化”了时间状语从句 Analysis of a damaged material usually requires intuitive judgment followed by real-life testing. 译文:我们在分析破损材料时,通常需要先做直观判断,再做实际试验。,2.3 非人称主语句“消化”了因果关系句 The effectiveness of the electronic computer lies in its great speed and accuracy calculation.

27、译文:电子计算机之所以效率高,是由于其运算速度快,而且计算准确。,2.4 非人称主语句“消化”了让步从句 Even the dissolution in water cannot enable common salt to change its chemical properties. 译文:即使我们将食盐溶于水,也不能改变其化学性质。,A Noble Gift,One of the most famous monuments in the world, the statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especi


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