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1、Unit2 Ways to go to school A Lets learn,The Bell Tower,The Big Wild Goose Pagoda,How do I go to Xian?我怎样去西安?,What kind of vehicles do I need? (我需要哪些交通工具呢?),What kind of vehicles do you know? (你知道哪些交通工具呢?),ship,car,train,subway,plane,bus,bike,taxi,boat,helicopter,yacht,motorcycle,van,How 如何,怎样 -询问方式的

2、特殊疑问词,How do you go to school?,Transportation vehicles(交通工具),bike ride the bike /raid/,by bike,bus take the bus,by bus,train/trein/ take the train,by train,ai |ei| train wait rain painting,subway/s bwei/ take the subway,by subway,car take the car,by car,taxi/tksi / take the taxi,by taxi,plane/plein/

3、 take the plane,by plane,ship/ip / take the ship,by ship,boat/bt / take the boat,by boat,walk on foot foot-feet,on foot,“take+冠词+交通工具”与 “by+交通工具”意思相同, 但是它们之间又有什么区别呢? 谁能来说一下!,前者是 动词短语, 后者是 介词短语 taketo school go to school by,例如: I go to school by bus. I take the bus to school. I go to work by the No.6

4、 bus. I take the No.6bus to work. No.=number 第几,“by +交通工具”表示出行方式 by bike的意思是“骑自行车”, by在这里是“乘坐.”的意思。 by +交通工具”表示“乘坐.”。例如: by train 乘火车 by plane 乘飞机 by bike 骑自行车 by boat 乘船 by subway 乘地铁 by car 乘小汽车 I go to the park by bus. 我乘公共汽车去公园。,plane ship bike taxi train subway,by,飞机,轮船,自行车,出租车,火车,地铁,乘,乘,乘,乘,骑,

5、坐,by bus,by bike,by car,by plane,by train,Taxi,taxi,a long train,subway,1 go to school on the bus,2 go to school by bus,3 take the bus to school,乘公交车去学校,同学们,你会读吗?,by bus,by taxi,by subway,by plane,by train,walk,How do you go to school?,I go to school by _.,bus,plane,taxi,bike,car,train,subway,?,Make

6、 a survey (小调查),A: Hello! How do you go to school? B: I usually go to school _. What about you? A: I go to school _.,P10,方式的表达,by bike by car by train by plane by ship by subway by taxi by the No.17 bus =take the No.17bus on foot-go on foot = walk to,How do you go there?,I go there,by bike by car by

7、 train by plane by ship by subway by the No.17 bus on foot,频率副词(表示次数的多少),never nev 从不 sometimes smtaimz 有时候 often fn 经常 usually ju:uli 通常 always :lwei 总是,一直,少多,频率的表达,usually 通常,sometimes 有时候,never 从不,-表示频率的词语放在句首或者动词前面。,always 总是,ofter 经常,Usually I go to school on foot. =I usually go to school on fo

8、ot.,Sometimes I go to school by bus. =I sometimes go to school by bus.,I never go to school by plane. I always go to school by car.,How do you go there?,How can I go there?,助动词,情态动词,-I go there by bike.,-You can go there by bike.,Do you go there by bike?,Can I go there by bike?,-Yes, I do.(肯定回答),-Ye

9、s, you can.,-No,I dont.(否定回答),-No,you cant.,一般疑问句,How do you go to Canada/China/ American?,I go by _ / on foot.,on foot,by bus,by taxi,by bike,by car,by train,by subway,by ship,A: Excuse me! How do you go to ? ikskju:z,B: I go to by trainplaneshipon foot. WhatHow about you?,the USA,Beijing,Shanghai,

10、A: I go to by .,Pair work,Harbin,Qindao,Fuzhou,安徽,Changsha,Guangzhou,Shanghai,Xian,Lanzhou,Chongqin,Kunming,Hangzhou,Beijing,Taibei,Haikou,Urumqi,Lhasa,Hong kong,Shengsi,Which city (城市) do you like best? I like best. How do you go to ?I go to by _ / on foot.,Taiwan,How do you go to the zoo?,I go to

11、the zoo .,by bus,by plane,by ship,by taxi,by bike,by car,by train,on foot,问路句型,is there a/an. where is the ? how can I get to ? can you tell me the way to?,Excuse me ,How far is it ? How can/do I get there ? How long does it take me ?,询问交通方式的句型 How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? How do you go to ? 是一个

12、询问交通方式的句型,根据主语的人称和数的变化,助动词可以用do 或者does。它的回答通常用“on foot /by bike / by plane / by car.”等。例如: How do you go to work? 你怎样去上班? By bike. 骑自行车。 How does your brother go to school? 你弟弟怎样去上学? On foot. 步行。,by train,by plane,by ship,by subway,by bus,by bike,On foot,Read and match,Exercise,一、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2、飞机 3

13、、步行 4、自行车 5、公交车 二、找出一个不同类的词。 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go ( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway 三、单选。 ( )1. A: How do you go to school? B:I go _ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. b

14、y plane 四、根据答句写出问句。(10分) 1、A: ? B: I usually go to the zoo by bike . 2、A: ? B: You can go to Zhongshan Park by subway.,1,I usually go to school by bike.(就划线部分提问),How do you usually go to school?,1.确定特殊疑问词 2.助动词 3.I变you 4.加问号,就划线部分提问,1. I usually go home by taxi. - How do you usually go home? 2.I alw

15、ays go to the USA by plane. -How do you always go to the USA? 3.I often go to the nature park by bus. -How do you often go to the nature park?,I usually go to school on foot.(同义句) =I usually school.,I usually go to the park by the No.20 bus. (同义句) =I usually the No.20 bus to school.,take,walk,to,I usually go to the park by bus.(一般疑问句),-Do you usually go to the park by bus?,-Do you usually go to the p


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