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1、新课程改革感悟与反思 北京市第三中学 柳苗,我想谈四个方面的感受: 一、对新课程改革的理解 二、有关北师大教材 三、有关备课 四、有关备考的准备,一、新课程改革,教育理念 教学方法 评价方式,改革给教师提出了很高的要求 1. 勤于学习 2. 善于思考 3. 勇于实践 4. 精诚合作,评价方式,抓基础,促能力 “三个落实”,词汇测试 2. 朗读 3. 课外阅读,二、北师大教材,1. 突出学习者的发展 2. 有助于提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,1. 内容新,语言活,贴近生活,富有时代气息 2. 理念新,话题新, 模块教学有利于教学的多样化和开放性,教师学生选择空间大。 3. 图画多,活动多,

2、有助于引起学生的学习乐趣,提高教学效率。 4. 起点高,要求高,加强听说练,加大阅读量。 5. 提供写作技巧,提供学习策略。,三、有关备课 1 教师自身学习 学习新课程标准 学习教材和相关材料 研究学生 2 小组讨论,集思广益 3 编写学案,确定教法 4 课堂教学实践 5 反思与再交流,Culture Corner: The Origins of English Surnames,学案 例,1. 高三话题词汇复习,例: Unit 1: TV programs sports programs, the news, TV series, cartoons, game shows, films, t

3、alk shows, music programs, cross talk,Unit 2: adjectives that can be used to describe people brave, calm, cruel, generous, honest, humorous, kind, pleasant, smart, violent, wise, safe, selfish, selfless, clever, bright, skilful, diligent, hardworking, warm-hearted, cool, beautiful, pretty, cute, car

4、eful, fast, slow, strong, weak, cowardly, mean, dangerous, dishonest, stupid, foolish, silly, useless, lazy, terrible, awful, cold-hearted, rude, young, friendly, sad, happy, tall, short, big, small, thin, fat, lonely, confident, ugly, cold-blooded, good, lovely, old, serious, huge, traditional, che

5、erful, merry, bossy, shy, easygoing, outgoing, wonderful, great, helpful, hungry, sissy,Unit 3: Festivals New Years Day The Spring Festivaldumplings The Lantern Festivallantern, puzzle, sweet dumplings Tomb-sweeping Dayouting May Day The Dragon Boat Festivalzongzi Childrens Day The Mid-Autumn Festiv

6、almoon cakes Double Ninth Festivalmountain climbing,Unit 5: rhythm,Unit 24 Society,SOCIAL PROBLEMS begging, discrimination, violence, drugs, homelessness, inequality, poverty, racism, unemployment, abortion,2. 高三词汇检查落实,例1:中英互译:分级考查 充满压力的,紧张的_ 毕业 v._ n._ launch _ glow _,例2 选择题:较生疏的词,认识即可 (Unit 20 War

7、m up) 1. _ belongs to the science of mathematics. A. Psychology B. History C. Algebra D. Politics 2. _ can reproduce themselves very rapidly. A. Bacteria B. Bacterium C. Shuttles D. Radiation,例3 给首字母填词 (Unit 19 Lesson 1) 1. The headmaster was a_ from the meeting due to illness. 2. Nowadays, people c

8、an get information through many different kinds of m_ such as TVs, the Internet and the radio. 1. absent 2. media,例4 给中文意思填词(Unit 19 Lesson 1) 1. The workers had _ (充足的) time to finish their job before the manager came back. 2. Several _ (十年) have passed since I graduated from college. 3. At last we

9、 went to a small village which was _ (环绕) by hills. 1. adequate/enough 2. decades 3. surrounded,例5 写派生词 (Unit 19 Lesson 3) 1. I dont know how to express my _ (thank) to those who have helped me during my heard time. 2. The information technology industry has a great influence on the development of t

10、he _ (globe) economy. 3.The _ (negotiate) between the two countries were conducted in Chinese. 1. thanks 2.global 3. negotiation,例6 根据句意填空,没有提示 1. My radio cant receive BBC. Can you _ it for me? 2. There is plenty of rain this summer, which _ a good harvest in autumn. 1. adjust 2. guarantees,例7 在近义词

11、中选择适当的词(用法考查) answer, reply, reaction, response 1. In motor racing the driver needs to have quick _. 2. When he was asked why he was late, he made no _. 3. I am writing in _ to your letter last week. 4. Nobody knew the _ to his question. 1.reactions, 2. reply/ answer, 3. reply, 4. answer,例8 选择适当的词或词

12、组填空 victim, knock over, horror, come into view, once upon a time, awkward 1. He accidentally _ an ink bottle. 2. A fund was opened to help the _of the earthquake. 3. As we rounded the bend, the lake_. 4. _, there were three monks living together in a temple high up on top of a mountain. 1.knocked ov

13、er 2.victims 3.came into view 4.Once upon a time,I hear, I forget; I see, I remember; I do, I understand.,四、有关备考 真情实感 真抓实干 真枪实弹,高中英语课程目标,语言技能目标听,1. 高中英语课程目标 2. 听力训练安排 单句练习(9月) 短对话练习(10月) 长对话练习(10月) 综合题练习(11月-1月) 综合题练习(含新题型)(3月-5月) 3. 策略运用,语言技能目标读,1. 高中英语课程目标 2. 阅读训练安排 阅读微技能训练(9月-11月) 不同体裁阅读技巧训练(12月-

14、3月) 报刊阅读练习(9月-4月) 限时阅读(3月-5月) 新题型阅读训练(3月-5月),报刊阅读,新课程标准中对学生的课外阅读有着明确的要求: (六级) 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到18万词以上。 (七级) 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到23万词以上。 (八级) 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万词以上。,(九级) 1.能阅读一般性的英文报刊或杂志,从中获取主要信息; 2.能阅读一般英文原著,抓住主要情节,了解主要人物; 3.能读懂各种商品的说明书等非专业技术性的资料; 4.能根据情景及上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象; 5.能使用多种参考资料和工具书解决较复杂的语言疑难; 6.有广泛的阅读兴

15、趣及良好的阅读习惯; 7.能有效地利用网络等媒体获取和处理信息。,北师大教材在给学生的几点建议,1 review after each class 2 read more English 3 listen to English 4 look at English learning material on the 5 talk in English 6 reflect on your learning,Give a man a fish, and you feed him for the day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lif

16、etime. 授人以鱼,当日满足; 授人以渔,受益一生。,报刊作为教学资源的特点,1、报刊的新闻性 2、报刊的教育性 3、报刊的教学性 4、报刊的趣味性 5、报刊的实用性 6、报刊的探究性,1、激发学习动机,培养自学能力 2、接触西方文化,了解风土人情 3、提高阅读速度,培养阅读技巧 4、深化阅读理解,带动听说读写 5、运用报刊阅读,扩大词汇容量,双赢,语言技能目标写,高中英语课程标准 写作训练安排 1) 写作常用词(11月-1月) 2) 写作常用短语(11月-1月) 3) 根据意思造句、连句(12月3月) 4) 写作常用句式(3月) 5) 不同体裁写作要求(3月) 6) 写作中的审题(12月-3月) 7) 写作中的立意(12月-3月) 8) 限时写作练习(4月-5月),语言知识词汇,1. 高中英语课程标准 2. 词汇复习安排 会考词汇复习(11月-12月) 高考词汇复习(3月-5月) 1) 分级词汇复习(2月-3月) 2) 听力常用词复习(3月) 3) 写作常用词复习(3月) 4) 阅读常用词复习(4月) 5) 完形常用词辨析(4月) 6) 常用短语复习(5月),语言知识语法,1. 高中英语课程标准 2. 语法复习安排 语法项目基本用法(11


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