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1、Unit 7 At the Restaurant Lesson 3 Have Fun,兴庆区唐徕回民小学通南校区 张晓春,Lets sing.,Childrens Day 6.1,Childrens Day plan,1.Well have a picnic at the forest park.,2. Well go to the restaurant to have a big dinner.,Task 1 Have a picnic,Before having a picnic, we need to buy something.,What should we buy?,food,dri

2、nk,fruit,Activity 1 Lets go to the Wumei supermarket.,fruit,fruit,Pair work: Ask and answer.,A:What do you like? B:I like . Theyre.,Useful words: sour yummy fresh sweet juicy,drink,food,orange juice,watermelon juice,grape juice,water,milk,green tea,red tea,coke,hot dogs,French fries,hamburgers,bread

3、,Pair work: Ask your partner what they like or dislike.,A:I like_. What about you? B: I like_,too./I dont like_. A:Do you like _? B:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,A:I like _. B:Me too. A:I dont like_. B:Me neither.,Activity 2 Lets go to the forest park.,Pair work: Lets enjoy.,Useful sentences: Hello./ Hi.

4、Do you like.? What about you? I like. I like it. Its yummy. Id like some. Can I have some.? Have some. Here you are. Thank you. You are welcome.,Please put the garbage into the right trash bin.,Task 2 Go to the restaurant,Group work: Order the meal.,Homework: 1. Make a menu. 2.Do a survey. Ask your parents what the


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