1、Easter a day between late March and late April each year following the cycle of the moon. Thanksgiving 4th Thursday in November,Past Knowledge,What do YOU know about Easter? (thoughts, symbols, ideas) Discuss in groups of 3 or 4 what you think about Easter or have read!,Easter is the first Sunday af
2、ter the Full Moon which is on or after March 21(the vernal equinox” or first day of spring).,RELIGIOUS Christians SECULAR not religious,Jesus death and resurrection(coming to life again). Many people will go to church and celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday together. Good Friday honor Jesus deat
3、h Easter Sunrise services honor his resurrection Communion the Last Supper (drink and eatwine and bread together) Wear new clothes to celebrate,Families get together forEaster dinner, color eggsand have Easter egg hunts. Give Easter baskets to children Symbols: cross, candles,tomb stone, Bible,Easte
4、r lily (flower),Families get together for Easter dinner Children dye hard-boiled eggs different colors. Easter egg hunts - eggs (hard-boiled or plastic) are hidden around the yard and children find them and can eat them. Symbols: eggs, the Easter Bunny, Easter baskets (with candy and gifts),Non-Reli
5、gious Side,Non-Religious Side,Easter bunny,Easter egg hunt,Easter candy,Dyed (colored) Hardboiled Eggs,While Jesus was on earth, he healed the sick and taught people about God. So everywhere he went, men and women, and boys and girls wanted to meet him. One day, he had to go to Jerusalem to celebrat
6、e a feast day. As he rode into town on a donkey, a crowd ran out to meet him.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Some shouted, “Blessed is the king!” and put their coats down in his path. Others waved palm branches and sang songs. The leaders were jealous. They did not like Jesus. “Look how the pe
7、ople follow this man,” they whispered. “We must find a way to get rid of him.”,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,That night, Jesus ate the Passover feast with his friends. He knew it would be the last meal they would eat together. He didnt want them to forget him. So when the food was passed arou
8、nd, he turned to them and said, “When you eat bread and drink wine like this, remember me.”,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Jesus knew the jealous leaders would take him away soon. He also knew someone sitting in the room would turn him in. “Who is it, Lord?” asked John. Jesus answered, “The on
9、e I give bread to,” as he passed the loaf to Judas. Judas whispered an excuse and left.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,After dinner, Jesus and some friends went to a garden. Jesus knew he would suffer and die so he was very sad. “I am going to pray now,” Jesus said. “Please keep watch.” His fr
10、iends said, “Yes, Lord,” but then they fell asleep.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Jesus knelt and closed his eyes. “Father, you can take away this cup of suffering that is to come,” he said softly, “But I will do whatever you want.” Then Jesus got up and went back to his friends.,Easter Story
11、 - book of Matthew 26-28,Suddenly, a group of soldiers marched up to Jesus. Judas was with them. He ran over to Jesus and greeted him with a kiss. This was the signal for the soldiers to arrest Jesus. And when they did, his friends left him and ran away.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Jesus wa
12、s brought before the leaders. Some people told lies about him. But they had no proof. So the leaders could not charge him with any wrong. Then they asked, “You say you are the Son of God. Is that true?” Jesus answered, “I am.”,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,This made the leaders angry. “This m
13、an is guilty of a terrible offense. He says he is Gods Son when he is not,” they shouted. “For this, he must be punished.”,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,The leaders decided Jesus must die on the cross. But first, he had to carry it a long way to a place called Calvary. The cross was heavy and
14、 Jesus fell three times. His friends could not do anything but look on and cry.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,When Jesus hung on the cross, he said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus loved the people of the world even though all people sinned, or did wron
15、g things. Jesus was taking everyones sins, or wrongs, up on himself when he died on the cross.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,After Jesus died, his friends took his body and buried it in a new tomb. Then they rolled a big stone in front. But the leaders were still afraid. They remembered that
16、Jesus said he would rise again in three days. So they gave an order for soldiers to guard the tomb day and night.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,A few days later, some friends went to Jesus tomb. The big stone was rolled away. “Its empty,” they shouted when they looked in. Then they saw an ang
17、el. “Jesus is not here,” he said. “He is alive again!” So they ran to tell the others.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,After Jesus rose from the dead, he visited his friends who were happy to see him. Before he left for heaven, he told them to spread the good news of Gods love to everyone. Beca
18、use Jesus died and rose again, he earned a place in heaven for those who believed in him and accepted his forgiveness of wrongs. Thats why we celebrate Easter.,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Questions?,Easter Story - book of Matthew 26-28,Name of the holiday comes from a goddess of fertility (
19、birth). She was often with a rabbit rabbits have many babies and represent the coming of spring. Colored eggs - represent the various colors of sunlight.,Secular History,Thanksgiving,4th Thursday of November,Past Knowledge,What do YOU know about Thanksgiving? (symbols, ideas and thoughts ),History o
20、f Thanksgiving,Colonists - In 1621 colonists from England, known as pilgrims, traveled to Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts on a ship called the Mayflower. Met a new people - 1) called them Indians (Why?) 2) Indians taught colonists how to fish, hunt and harvest crops,Thanksgiving,Pilgrims = some of th
21、e first people from England to come to America.,Indians = first people living in America; also known as Native Americans,History of Thanksgiving,Meal invitation The pilgrims invited the native Indians to share a meal together at harvest time. President Abraham Lincoln - said we should dedicate one d
22、ay on November to give thanks for all we have. Mid 20th century - it became an official holiday in America,Traditions,Day to give thanks give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general Fall celebration most food is available during harvest time in autumn Huge family meal Families cook A
23、LL day and eat all weekend: turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry (red fruit); mashed potatoes; stuffing (bread casserole),Traditions,Activities Watch American football on TV; play football outside Community meals cook for people who have nothing or no family,Thanksgiving Food,Traditions,Black Friday day a
24、fter Thanksgiving Day go shopping very early in the morning (example 5 a.m.) items are very cheap start of the Christmas holiday season,Traditions,Symbols turkey and pumpkin pie pilgrims and Native Americans fall colors yellow, orange, brown horn of plenty giving thanks,What are you thankful for?,Go through the alphabet and think of something you are thankful for each letter. E
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