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1、FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,昔阳高级职业中学 张永录,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE

2、 FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,教材分析,教法分析,学法分析,教学过程,教学反思,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,本课选自新教材英语第一册第五单元Reading-Favorite Food, 本单元分“Reading-Listening-Speaking -Writing”四大模块,四 块内容互有联系又各自独立,其中Reading是本单元核心,在全书中占有重要地位。,教材分析,1. Status and Function :,Reading-,Listeni

3、ng-Speaking Writing,Reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,知识目标:掌握本课重点词汇、句型。,教材分析,2.Teaching aims :,能力目标:通过具体的学法指导,逐步培养学生 良好的学习习惯,提高口语交际能力 及自主学习、合作学习的能力。 情感目标:了解中西方饮食文化差异,明确饮食 文化在中国文化中的地位与影响,激 发学生对中国传统文化的热爱。,Words: favorite,different,hot dog,fried,Japanese,improtant, order,save,health,waiter,potato, Ch

4、ip.,Drills: 1.People in different countries have their different favorite food. 2.In fact,it is not good for your health to eat so much fast food.,自主学习、合作学习,中国传统文化,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,重点 全面透彻地理解课文,准确把握 文章的中心内容。 难点 灵活运用所学语言,实现自由沟通。,教材分析,3. Teaching key and difficult points,Favorite Food,FAVOR

5、ITE FOOD,1.任务教学法 2.创设情境法 3.分组讨论法 4.分层次教学法,教法分析,任务教学法,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,1.自主学习法 2.合作学习法 3.探究学习法,学法分析,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Fast- reading,Careful -reading,Lead-in,Homework,Summary,Post- reading,Consoli- dation,Pharses,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Lead-in,Favorite Food,FAVORITE

6、 FOOD,教学过程,Lead-in,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,( ) 1.Englishmen like to eat hot hogs and fried chicken. ( ) 2.People in the north of China usually eat dumplings on important festivals or on weekends. ( ) 3.Young couples want to make dumplings by themselves. ( ) 4.Many children in China like hamburge

7、rs and potato chips. ( ) 5.Its good for your health to eat too much fast food. ( ) 6.Many people think fast food is junk food.,True or False?,F,教学过程,Fast- reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Careful- reading,Task 1(A 层次)读第一段做连线题,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Task 2 (B、C层次 读第二、三段回答问题),Whats t

8、he popular food in the north of China? 2. When do they eat dumplings? 3. Why do they eat dumplings on festivals? 4. What do the young couples do when they dont want to make dumplings by themselves?,Careful- reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,FAVORITE FOOD,1. Find out the topic sentenc

9、e (A 层次). 2. Compare the food in western countries with that in China and fill in the form. (B、C层次),教学过程,西方快餐,Task 3 Read the fourth paragraph.,Careful- reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Fill in the form (B、C层次),Careful- reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Careful- reading,Favorite Food,

10、FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Careful- reading,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,1. to get together 聚会,聚集 e.g.Every Monday we get together to waiting for the flag rising. 2. to order.from 向.订购 e.g. We ordered the textbooks from a bookstore. 3. have to 不得不 e.g. We have to get up at 5 tomorrow morning. 4. in fact 事实上,

11、 be good for 对.有益 e.g. In fact, we all know eating too much sugar is not good for our health.,教学过程,Phrases,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,a way to,be good for,order from,1. _,it is not good for our health. 2. I think _ is very important during festivals. 3. We _ ask our teacher to help us answer these

12、questions. 4. food a restaurant is _ save time.,get together,in fact,In fact,教学过程,Consoli- dation,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,Post- reading,教学过程,In a restaurant, the Smiths want to order the Chinese traditional food jiaozi. Make up a conversation with your partners.,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,1,2,3,Summary,Favorite Food,FAVORITE FOOD,教学过程,Homework,Suppose you are a guider. Consult more materials about other Chinese traditional diets and introduce one of them to the foreign friend, for example: Four Distinctive Cuis


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