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1、灵秀隽逸的书法旅游 Painting and calligraphy,讲解:马晓咪 资料搜集:石硕颖 ppt制作:王文君,旅游路线,The National Palace Museum (Chinese: 國立故宮博物院 Gul Ggng Bwyun) is an art museum in Taipei City, Taiwan. It is the national museum of the Republic of China, and has a permanent collection of 693,507 pieces of ancient Chinese artifacts an

2、d artworks,1 making it one of the largest in the world. The collection encompasses over 8,000 years of Chinese history from the Neolithic age to the late Qing Dynasty.4 Most of the collection are high quality pieces collected by Chinas ancient emperors.,国立故宫博物院是一个艺术博物馆,坐落于台湾的台北市。它是中华人民共和国的国家博物馆,并拥有永

3、久收藏的693507件中国古代文物和艺术品,使它成为世界上最大的之一。这里的收藏包含从新石器时代到清末的超过8000年的历史。大多数的收藏都是由中国古代皇帝所收集的高品质的藏品。,A scene of the Qing Palace version of the Along the River During the Qingming Festival, an 18th century remake of the 12th century original.34 一个场景的“清宫版“清明上河图,第十八世纪翻拍原来第十二世纪的。,The One Hundred Horses: A painting

4、 done in 1728 by Giuseppe Castiglione by implementing a mixture of western artistic skills and utilizing eastern materials to realize a sense of realism to this native theme 一百匹马:一幅画于1728年通过实施混合了西方的艺术技巧和利用东部材料实现某种意义上的现实主义到此本地主题的朱赛佩堡。,王羲之故居位于嵊州市市区东25公里的金庭镇,这里四面环山,故居坐落在这幽幽的山谷之中。王羲之金庭故居和绍兴成名地、临沂出生地一样受世

5、人所敬仰。 Wang Xizhis former residence is located in Shengzhou city 25 kilometers east of the Jin court Town, surrounded by mountains here, former residence is located in the faint valley. Wang Xizhi gold courtyard house and Shaoxing, the birthplace of Linyi are admired by the people of the world.,王羲之故居

6、,王羲之故居系列建筑有金庭观、书圣殿、右军祠、雪溪书院、潺湲阁,这里还有书圣墓、书法园林、书画长廊、放鹤亭等。 Former residence of Wang Xizhis series concept of building kanaba, Hall, the right temple, Snow Creek Academy, the chanyuan military court, there are tomb, gardening, painting and calligraphy of Calligraphy Gallery, Crane Pavilion, and so on.,W

7、ang Xizhis Former Residence,西安碑林博物馆(Forest of Stone Steles Museum)是陕西创建最早的博物馆,它以收藏、陈列和研究历代碑刻、墓志及石刻为主,成为在中国独树一帜的艺术博物馆。 Forest of Steles in Xi An Museum of the Forest of stone steles Museum was created in Shaanxi Provinces first museum, and in the collection, display and research of historical inscrip

8、tions, mainly the epitaph and inscription, a unique museum of art in China,西安碑林博物馆,碑林博物馆位于西安市文昌门内三学街15号,原为陕西省博物馆,建于1944年,它是在具有900多年历史的“西安碑林”基础上,利用西安孔庙古建筑群扩建而成的一座以收藏、研究和陈列历代碑石、墓志及时刻造像为主的艺术博物馆。 In the forest of steles Museum is located in XI AN city of Wenchang door number 15th, formerly the Museum of

9、 Shaanxi Province, was built in 1944, with a more than 900 - year history, its Forest of Steles in Xi An , on the basis of expansion of the use of Xi An ancient temple complex of a seat to the collection, study and display of historical steles Museum of Art.,馆区由孔庙、碑林、石刻艺术室三部分组成,现有馆藏文物11000余件,11个展室,陈

10、列面积4900平方米。博物馆本身即为孔庙旧址,其建置可追溯到北宋末年。 Museum district by the Confucian Temple, the Forest of Steles, stone inscription art consists of three parts, the existing collection of more than 11,000 pieces of cultural relics, 11 Gallery, displaying an area of 4,900 square meters.The museum is the temple site, its establishment can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty.,照壁、牌坊、泮池、棂星门、华表、戟门、碑亭、两庑等明清建筑保存至今,并遵循着孔庙固有的建筑格局,组成了一个绿树掩映、古朴典雅的庭院式建筑群。 The cave painting, the arch, pool, Euphorbia star doors, marble pillar, doors, tablet tower, two the Ming and Qing D


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