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1、UNIT 4,Making a Telephone Call,I .Words about phones,市内电话:local calls 国内长途电话 inland long-distance calls 国际长途电话 international calls 手机:mobile phone, cell phone 电话坏了 The phone is out of order. 无绳电话:wireless telephone,电话分机:extension 电视电话 video phone 打不通: cannot get through 占线:the line is busy. 您所拨打的用户现

2、在正忙,请稍后再拨 The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please dial later. 对不起,您所拨打的用户已关机。 Sorry, The subscriber you dialed is power off.,I. Words about phones,Operator,Telephone Message,Secretary,Cell Phone,Appointment Book,I. Words about phones,II. Telephones 电话用语,打电话 (Make a call) 接电话 (Answer the phone)

3、 打错电话 (Dial a wrong number) 挂电话 (Hand up a call),III. Useful sentences,接通电话后的问候 Hello 你好,相当于汉语中的“喂” 自我介绍 This is Lili speaking. 我是李丽 This is Lili from Great Wall Motor Company. 在么? Is there (in)? 最常用) Is around? (次常用) Hello, May I speak to please? Hello, Can I talk to please?,找人 Can I speak to/with

4、Lili? 我想找李丽 询问对方 Who is that speaking? Who is calling? 不在 She is not in (out). 她不在 She is on a business trip. 她正在出差 Can I take a message? 可以留言吗,稍等 Could you hold on, please? 能稍等一会吗? Will you hold the line, please? Wait a moment, please. 请稍等 He is on another line now 他在接另一个电话 让你久等了 Im sorry to keep y

5、ou waiting.,急事 Its urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number? Im sorry to call you so late/early. I need to get in contact with him right now.,听不清/懂 Could you slow down, please?慢一点 I beg your pardon?/ Pardon? 再说一遍 Would you say that again? I dont hear you very well.,打错电话 TheresnoonenamedAnnahere

6、这儿没有叫安娜的 Areyousureyouhavetherightname? 你肯定没弄错姓名吗? Youmusthavethewrongnumber 你一定是弄错号码了 Imsorry,theres nobody by this name 对不起,没有这个人,接电话(Answer the phone),正是本人接通:Thats me. Its me. This is (你的名字) Speaking. You are speaking to him (her) . This is he/she. You are talking to him.,实战VI.Conversation 1,你好,我

7、想找苏珊。 不好意思,她现在不在,可以留言吗? 不用了,我过会再打过来,谢谢。 不客气。,答案 Conversation 1,Hello, Id like to speak to Susan. Im sorry, shes not in at the moment. Can I take a message? No , Ill call back later. Thank you. Youre welcome.,实战Conversation 2,你好,请找李丽? 请问你是哪位? 我是李雷。 请稍等。 李丽,有你的电话。 好的,谢谢。你好,这是李丽。,答案 Conversation 2,Can

8、I speak to Lili? Whos calling, please? This is Lilei. Hold on a second, please. Lili,you are wanted on the phone Ok, thank you. Hello, Lili speaking.,自编对话:Making a telephone Conversation,李丽给Smith先生打电话, 电话接听者去看他在不在, 过会,Smith来接电话, 李丽问是否把合同(contract)发过来, Smith说已发并打过电话但没人接听, 李丽查邮箱看到邮件。,Making a telephon

9、e Conversation,Ford: hello! Lili: Hello, this is Lili from Great Wall Motor Company in China. Can I speak to Mr. Smith? Ford: Hold on please, Ill see if hes here. Lili: ok. Smith: Hello, this is John speaking. Lili: Mr. Smith, this is Lili, I wonder whether you have sent us the contract.,Making a te

10、lephone Conversation,Smith: I sent it just now, and I called you an hour ago, but nobody answered. Lili: oh, let me see, Ive received it, thank you! Smith: Youre welcome. Lili: Nice talking to you, bye. Smith: Bye-bye。,Thank you!,1. Miss Wang _ between her manager and a visitor. 3. They _ a shoe exh

11、ibition next week. 3. I _ seeing you on the 17th next month. 4. Would you like to_? 5.Miss White, you _. Mr. Wangs number is ringing.,Key Sentences,are holding,is making an appointment,am looking forward to,leave a message,are through,When you _to an office, a bank or any other institution, it is us

12、eful to know the _of the person you are calling. The operator will know this, but it might _if you mention it first. Before you_, you should always have the _information with you. In this way, you can make a _telephone call. You need _-dates, time of _and so on. This can help you to make an _telepho

13、ne call. Proper preparation may even _you _making a second telephone call. you should use a telephone note pad in order to _the information from callers.,make a telephone call,extension number,save any delay,dial,necessary,correct and useful,a list of points,arrival,efficient,prevent,from,take down,

14、1. b. I didnt have lunch _ I would feel hungry and eat more at the dinner. c. Leave the keys out _ I remember to take them with me. 2. b. _ to English news and _ to native speakers will improve your English efficiently. c. _ good English and _ a good knowledge of the computer will ensure your succes

15、s. 3. b. _ for children to learn if they are taught while playing. c. _ for students to learn a foreign language if they study abroad.,Key Sentences,so that,so that,Listening,talking,Speaking,having,It is easier,It is easier,Video I,Watch the video and then fill in the blanks.,O: Holiday Inn. Good m

16、orning. May I help you? G: Good morning, Id like to talk to Mr. Johnson, please. His room number is _. O : Will you_ a moment, please? Ill check for you. G: Ok. O: (pushing the button). Oh, Im sorry. _ Mr. Johnson is not in his room now. Would you like to _? G: Yes, please. Tell him that Scott Smith

17、 _, and would like to speak about the _ we are going to _ tomorrow. Ask him to call me at_. O : Ok. May I _, please? (checking) So you want Mr. Johnson to _ at 133-546-782, about the new contract youre going to sign _and your name is Scott Smith. _? G: Yes, thats correct. Thank you. O: You are welco

18、me.,402,wait for,Im afraid,leave him a message,called,contract,O: Operator G: Guest,sign,133-546-782,check the message,call you,tomorrow,Is that right,Writing,Telephone Message To: From: . Phone Number: Date: - Time: - Will Call Back Want You To Call Call As Soon As Possible Left Message Message: _

19、Taken by:_,1. b. The doctor _ but it _ any problem _ you tell him first. c. The students _, but it _ any trouble if you _. 2. b. _ you speak, _have some useful data in mind. c. _ you leave the job, _a better one ready for you.,Key Sentences,might avoid,will notice this,if,will understand this,might

20、save,mention it first,Before,you should always,Before,you should always have,电话留言条(Telephone Message),Writing,在办公室日常工作中,常常会碰到这种情况:客户来电要求与你的老板或是同事通话,但他们却恰好不在或是因为太忙而无法接听。一旦发生这种情况,解决问题的办法之一就是写一张电话留言条。 虽然电话留言条格式会因为各公司的不同要求和写留言条者的喜好在细节上有些许差异,但总的来说,都会包括: 受话人姓名(To) 来电者姓名(From) 来电者电话(Phone number) 来电日期(Date) 来电时间(Time) 留言(Message),电话留言条(Telephone Message),Writing,电话留言条还有影印件和手写件之分。如果是影印件的话,往往还会提供一些选项,诸如: 会再来电(Will call back) 受话人回电(Want you to call) 受话人


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