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1、Unit 2 : Life in theArctic,第一课时,8/1/2020,8/1/2020,8/1/2020,8/1/2020,8/1/2020,8/1/2020,Arctic,8/1/2020,Arctic animals,Do you know Arctic animals?,Who are they?,8/1/2020,lemming 旅 鼠,8/1/2020,puffin 海 鹦,8/1/2020,Arctic wolf 北极狼,8/1/2020,walrus 海 象,8/1/2020,Arctic hare北极兔,8/1/2020,white whale白 鲸,8/1/202

2、0,It is very very( )in the Arctic.Go to the Arctic,and you will see a ( ) world.There is ice everywhere.The sea is( ) and ( ),and the sky is also very very ( ).The Arctic is very ( ) 小组合作补充所缺的单词,Listen and learn,8/1/2020,It is very very cold in the Arctic.Go to the Arctic,and you will see a white wo

3、rld.There is ice everywhere.The sea is clean and blue,and the sky is also very very blue.The Arctic is very beautiful!,Lets check,8/1/2020,Listen and say the sentences(按照正确的顺序排列下列句子),The sky is very, very blue. The Arctic is very ,very cold. The Arctic is very,very beautiful. There is ice everywhere

4、 in the Arctic.,8/1/2020,The Arctic is very ,very cold.,There is ice everywhere in the Arctic.,The sky is very, very blue.,The Arctic is very,very beautiful.,8/1/2020,Unit 2 : Life in theArctic The polar bear,第二课时,8/1/2020,What s over there? Whats over there? A bear, a bear, a big, big bear, a big,

5、big polar bear. Whats he doing over there? Whats he doing over there? The bear, the bear, the big, big bear, the big, big polar bear. He wants to catch a hare. He wants to catch a hare. The bear, the bear, the big, big bear, the big, big polar bear. He jumps in the water. He swims across the lake. H

6、e walks through the snow. And he runs up the hill. When he comes to the top. He comes to a stop. He looks around, And whats not there? The hare, the hare, the arctic hare.,8/1/2020,jump in the water,8/1/2020,swim across the lake,8/1/2020,walk through the snow,8/1/2020,run up the hill,8/1/2020,come t

7、o the top look around,8/1/2020,The polar bear wants to catch a hare . The polar bear jumps in the water. He swims ,across the lake. He walks through the snow. He comes to the top. He comes to a stop and looks around.,8/1/2020,He wants to catch a hare. He jumps in the water. He swims across the lake.

8、 He walks through the snow. He runs up the hill. He comes to the top. He looks around.,8/1/2020,Unit 2 : Life in theArctic,A story-Nicolas holiday(1),第三课时,8/1/2020,4b Answer the questions,1.Is Nicola going to have her holiday in the Arctic?,Yes,she is.,2.Is Nicola happy to see her grandparents?,Yes,

9、she is.,3.Does Nicola like there?,No,she doesnt.,4.Why does Nicola think it is boring there?,Because there are no shopping malls,no playground and no TV.,8/1/2020,A story-Nicolas holiday(2),8/1/2020,5b.Group work,8/1/2020,1.Nicolas grandfather wakes her up early in the morning. 2.They go fishing and

10、 get some fish for lunch. 3.Nicola says to Grandpa,Can we go fishing again tomorrow? 4.Grandpa says,We are going to the playground tomorrow. 5.Nicola finds no playground at all.But she is very happy!,8/1/2020,A story-Nicolas holiday(3),第四课时,8/1/2020,Nicolas holiday A:Nicola. B:Grandad. C:GrandmaA st

11、ory (1),A:Hi,Grandad.Hi,Grandma. B,C:Welcome,Nicola. B:This is our house. C:Do you like it here? A:No,its boring.What can I do? B:Boring? A:Yes.There are no shopping malls,no playground and theres no TV.,8/1/2020,A:Nicola. B:Grandad. C:GrandmaA story (2),B:Wake up,Nicola.Were going to the shopping m

12、alls.We need some fish. A:Ive got one. B:Pull,Nicola Pull! A:Can we go fishing again tomorrow? B:No.Were going to the playground. A:This is great fun,Grandad.,8/1/2020,A:Nicola. B:Grandad. C:GrandmaA story (3),B:And tomorrow Ill show you my TV. B:Here you are,Nicola. B:Do you like them? A:Yes,Granda

13、d. A:Can I come again next year? C:Wasnt it boring? A:Yes,very boring.,8/1/2020,shopping malls,go fishing,8/1/2020,playground,igloo,8/1/2020,watch TV,watch polar bear,8/1/2020,因纽特人(也称作爱斯基摩人),8/1/2020,爱斯基摩(Eskimo)人,生活在北极地区,又称因纽特人,分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格陵兰的北极圈内外,分别居住在格陵兰、美国、加拿大和俄罗斯。属蒙古人种北极类型,先后创制了用拉丁字母和斯拉夫字母拼

14、写的文字。多信万物有灵和萨满教,部分信基督教新教和天主教。住房有石屋、木屋和雪屋,房屋一半陷入地下,门道极低 发源地 亚洲 语言 古亚细亚语系爱斯基摩-阿留申语 文字 拉丁字母和西里尔字母爱斯基摩文 人种 蒙古人种北极类型 肤色 黄种人 社会程度 文明社会,原始社会,8/1/2020,因纽特人的祖先来自中国北方,大约是在一万年前从亚洲渡过白令海峡到达美洲的,或者是通过冰封的海峡陆桥过去的。主要分布在北美沿北一带地区。语言属古亚细亚语系爱斯基摩-阿留申语族。近海的主要以捕捉海兽、鱼类为生,内陆的则从事狩猎。喜爱造型艺术,擅长雕刻。爱斯基摩人属于东部亚洲民族,与美洲印第安人不同之处在于具有更多的亚

15、洲人的特征,他们与亚洲同时代的人有某些相同的文化特色,例如用火、驯犬及某些特殊仪式与医疗方法分别居住社会以地域集团为单位。首领多为萨满,行一夫一妻制。住房有石屋、木屋和雪屋。房屋一半陷入地下,门道极低。一般养狗,用来拉雪橇。主要从事陆地或海上狩猎,辅以捕鱼和驯鹿。以猎物为主要生活来源:以肉为食,毛皮做衣物,油脂用于照明和烹饪,骨牙作工具和武器。男子狩猎和建屋,妇女制皮和缝纫。已使用现代渔猎工具,并乘汽艇从事海上狩猎,亦从事毛皮贸易。日益受到白人文化影响,在格陵兰地区已有80%的人移居小城镇;出现贫富分化,美国爱斯基摩人已有个别资本家。 属于黄种人,和印第安人是亲戚。都是万年以前从亚洲踏过白令海

16、峡的冰桥到美洲的,因为当时 是世纪冰河时期,海峡封冻,可以直接走过去到北美洲。 因纽特人告别冬季、迎接春天到来的“春节”在3月最后一个周末。,8/1/2020,“爱斯基摩” 一词是由印第安人首先叫起来的,即“吃生肉的人” 爱斯基摩人 因为历史上印第安人与爱斯基摩人有矛盾,所以这一名字显然含有贬意。因此,爱斯基摩人并不喜欢这名字,而将自己称为“因纽特(Inuit)”或“因纽皮特(Inupiat)”人,在爱斯基摩语中即“真正的人”之意。 爱斯基摩人是由从亚洲经两次大迁徙进入北极地区的。经历了4000多年的历史。由于气候恶劣,环境严酷,他们基本上是在死亡线上挣扎,能生存繁衍至今,实在是一大奇迹。他们

17、必须面对长达数月乃至半年的黑夜,抵御零下几十摄氏度的严寒和暴风雪,夏天奔忙于汹涌澎湃的大海之中,冬天挣扎于漂移不定的浮冰之上,仅凭一叶轻舟和简单的工具去和地球上最庞大的鲸鱼拼搏,用一根梭标甚至赤手空拳去和陆地上最凶猛的动物之一北极熊较量,一旦打不到猎物,全家人,整个村子,乃至整个部落就会饿死。因此,应该说,在世界民族大家庭中,爱斯基摩人无疑是最强悍、最顽强、最勇敢和最为坚韧不拔的民族。,8/1/2020,北极地区的土著民族,自称因纽特人 于北极地区各种因努伊特语使用者的分布 分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格陵兰的北极圈内外。总人口约13万(2000),分别居住在格陵兰(5.3万)、美国的阿拉斯加

18、(4.1万)、加拿大北部(3.4万)和俄罗斯白令海峡一侧(约2千)。属蒙古人种北极类型。在西方人的眼光中,他们是典型的爱斯基摩人。东部爱斯基摩人的分布面积占整个爱斯基摩人居住范围的 3/4而人口却只占1/3。由于东部地区的自然资源没有西部的丰富,所以今天西部地区的爱斯基摩人的物质生活水平和文化水平都要比东部地区的高一些。爱斯基摩人居住地分散,地区差异很大,所以文化差异也很大。 动物被捕猎后自然资源繁殖率会降低,所以东部地区没有西部地区丰富了。,8/1/2020,Unit 2 : Life in theArctic,第五课时,What are you going to do at the wee

19、kend? I am going to do some reading.I am going to play with my friends. I am going to see my grandparents.I will see my grandparents.,8/1/2020,1.There are no playgrounds. There arent any playgrounds. 2.There are no shopping malls. There arent any shopping malls. 3.We are going to the playground. Well go to the playground. 4.Ill show you my TV. Im going to show you my TV. 5.Can we go fishing again tomorrow? Lets go fishing again tomorrow.,8/


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