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1、第八课时Self Check,一、单项选择。 1Would you please help me _,Wang Fei?This question is too hard for me. OK,let me try. Aafter Bup Cout Dwith 2Dont shout at him.Hes unable to hear you because he is _ Ablind Bdeaf Churt Dburnt 3Linda is _ her mother in many ways.For example,they are both tall and thin. Asimilar

2、 to Bkind to Cfriendly to Ddifferent from,C,B,A,4Jimmy cant buy any new books because he _ his money. Aran out Bsold out Ccame out Dran out of 5The box is too heavy for me to _ Atake Bbring Ccarry Dget 6People live on water.You cant _ what the world will be like without water. Aimagine Brealize Ckno

3、w Dfind,D,C,A,7Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _ and gives them away to kids who dont have bikes. Afix up Bset up Cput up 8He failed in the math test and looked sad.Lets _ Aput him up Bset him up Ccheer him up Dclean him up 9My teacher _ say,“work hard to be a good student” Awas used Bwas used to

4、Cused to Dused 10Peter has few friends in his class,so he always feels _. Asick Bdeaf Clonely Dsore,A,C,C,C,二、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 11He is _ (强壮) enough to carry the heavy box. 12They are putting up _ (通告) on the wall. 13Maria has _ (几个) friends in my class. 14After a long _ (行程),she felt very tire

5、d. 15Theyre _ (募集) money for the poor children in the west.,strong,notices,several,journey,raising,B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 16All my friends think the movie is _(excite) 17I have a _(feel) of hunger.Do you have something to eat? 18He had the _(satisfy) of seeing his book become a bestseller. 19I finished the

6、 work without _(difficult) 20Mrs.Temple always treats children and animals with _(kind),exciting,feeling,satisfaction,difficulty,kindness,三、根据汉语完成句子。 21他总是能想出好主意。 He always _ _ _ good ideas. 22我想谢谢你将钱捐给了老人院。 Id like _ _ you _ _away your money to the old peoples home. 23他说他能解决这个问题。 He said that he _

7、_ _ solve the problem. 24我们因比赛结果兴奋不已。 We are _ _ the result of the match. 25父母的行为通常会对孩子有影响。 Parents behavior usually _ _ _ to children.,comes up with,to thank,for giving,was able to,excited about,make a difference,四、完形填空。 You may see people in need on the TV news after the earthquakes or other disas

8、ters(灾难)Perhaps you are walking past _26_people who are living on the streets.Or maybe you are going to an old peoples home and want to do _27_ helpful to the old there.How can we do something to help the people who are in trouble?The answer is volunteering. Volunteering means _28_ some of your free

9、 time helping others.You may _29_ to help others.And you can also volunteer _30_ animals,the environment,or do any other things.Volunteering helps others,_31_ it can help you,too.,Volunteering can let you see your own life _32_ new ways.Sometimes its easy to worry about things like grades or get ang

10、ry _33_ you dont have the newest computer game.Volunteering lets you spend some time on _34_ for a while. Many people find that they really enjoy volunteering.Volunteer experiences often put you in a different place.And you will make a _35_ in the world.Youll know that,thanks to you,some kids will h

11、ave warm coats,hats and shoes.I believe youll feel happy.,26A.homelessBcarelessChappinessDuseless 27A.anything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything 28A.paying Bcosting Ctaking Dspending 29A.cheer Braise Cvolunteer Dunderstand 30A.to protect Bprotecting Cto see Dkeeping 31A.and Bbut Cso Dor 32A.to Bon Cby

12、 Din 33A.since Bat Cbecause Dof 34A.others Bthe others Cother Dthe other 35A.difference Bspeech Creport Dprogress,A,B,D,C,A,A,D,C,A,A,五、阅读理解。 The Beijing Hearing Dog Association has a plan.They plan to choose some stray dogs (流浪狗) and train them.Then the dogs will be able to help the old and the dea

13、f. They will choose young dogs,because its easier to train them.The kinds of dog is not important.24 volunteers will join the training.They all have some experience of keeping dogs and they all love dogs.They will learn a special language first from the coach(教练) and then teach the dogs.This trainin

14、g will take 180 days.Then the betterperformed dogs will enter the next training.They will learn to understand different sounds,such as knocking on a door and water boiling.Then the dogs will live with the deaf or the old for 30 days. Some people think the plan wont work,because it will cost a lot of

15、 money.But some people like the plan and they would like to be the volunteers.,36Why does the association want to choose young dogs?_ AYoung dogs are cuter. BYoung dogs are stronger. CIts easier to train them. DIt will cost less to train them. 37What need the volunteers have in common?_ AThey all wa

16、nt to help the young. BThey all keep lots of dogs. CThey all work in the association. DThey all have experience of keeping dogs.,C,D,38What will the dogs learn in the second training? _ AThey will learn to understand different languages. BThey will learn to understand different sounds. CThey will le

17、arn to understand old peoples living habits. DThey will learn to understand different ways to open the door. 39What can we learn from the article?_ AThe association will train police dogs. BThe first training will take 180 days. CThe old have to pay for the well trained dogs. DMost people like the p

18、lan.,B,B,40Which is the best title for the article?_ AStray dogs will help people. BDogs are very clever. CThe old need dogs help. DIts different to train a dog.,A,六、任务型阅读。 A volunteer is someone who performs or offers to perform a service out of his own free will(自愿),often without payment.The year

19、2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer.2005 was the UK Year of the Volunteer. Some volunteer for clinical trials(临床试验) or other medical research.(A)Some_may_even_donate_their_bodies_to_scientific_research_after_their_death. An online volunteer is a person who spends time and effort with an organization through an online connection,(B)rather_than in person.A great number of people from around the world are online volunteers.Online volunteers can provide help in many fields.The practice of offering online help goes by other names.,There are many opportuni


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