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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games,ancient adj. (1)古代的 in ancient times 在古代 (2)古老的;年代久远的 eg: We were deeply attracted by the ancient buildings. 我们被这古老的建筑物深深吸引了,compete vi. (1) 竞争,对抗 compete with 与竞争 compete for 竞争以获得 compete with/against sb. for sth. 为得到某物与某人竞争 compete in (a game, a match) 参加;在方面竞争 be in comp

2、etition with sb.和某人竞争competition n.比赛;竞争competitor n.比赛者;竞争者competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的,1.He believed that nobody could compete with him. 他相信没有人能跟他竞争 2.More than 1000 competitors took part in the competition to compete for the first prize. 1000多参赛者参加了这次比赛为了竞争第一名。 3.Wang Junxia has competed in two Olym

3、pics. 王军霞已经参加了两届奥运会,take part in,medal 奖牌/章 a gold/silver/bronze medal eg: Its certain that he will win a silver medal for racing. 毫无疑问的是他将获得赛跑比赛的银牌。,stand for,(1)代表,象征 the letters USA the United States of America. (2)容忍,忍受 (用于否定句) Im not standing for it any longer.(不再。) (3)支持,主张 Which principle do

4、you stand for? stand (doing) sth.忍受(做)某事 stand by 袖手旁观,站在一边 stand out 显眼,引人注目 stand on ones own feet 自立,volunteer (1) n. 义务工作者,志愿者 eg: Are there any volunteers for the event? 有任何参加这次事件的志愿者吗 (2) v. 自愿做;义务做;无偿做 搭配: volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 eg: He volunteered to organize this meeting. 他义务组织这次会议,regula

5、r adj. 规则的;有规律的;定时的 regular meetings / visits Regular exercises can do us lots of good. 有规律的锻炼对我们有好处 n. 常客,老主顾 eg: He is one of my regulars.,basis C pl. bases 单 sis / sis/ 复 ses / si:z / crisis crises 危机 analysis analyses,basis n. (1)原因,缘由 eg: She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifica

6、tions and ideas. 她获得了这份工作是因为她拥有相应的资质及创意。 (2)基准;准则;方式 on a regular basis 例行的,有规律的 (3) 基础;要素;基点 eg: The basis of a good marriage is trust. 一段好的婚姻是建立在信任的基础之上。,making a serious mistake. her to play his toy.,his mistake.,1) be admitted as “作为被接受” to/into “让进入”(school ),2) “承认, 供认; 允许”,admit doing sth. 承认

7、做某事,admit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,admit sth.承认某事,He admitted,5. admit,admit,eg. He was ted into Tsinghua University. 他成为清华大学一名学生。 She was ted as a member of that club. 她成为那个俱乐部的一员。,as well 也 又 还,1.as well 放在句尾= too 2. not only .but also =not only .butas well He is not only an athlete but also a singe

8、r. Not only is he an athlete but a singer as well. 3. He designed as well as Lily. 和. 一样好,4.He as well as I is a teacher. 和。 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词的形式应根据前一个主语确定。此外,还有together with , along with, besides, but, except, including, rather than 等也属此种情况。,用作介词。此时,相当于besides,意为“除之外”,后常接名词、动名词。如: As well as eating fiv

9、e dishes, they drank three bottles of wine. 除了五道菜外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。 As well as visiting the old man, he helped to clean the room. 除看望老人外,他还帮助打扫房间。,host (1) vt. 做东,主办 eg: He is willing to host the visitors. (2) n. 主人,东道主 eg: He acted as host to his fathers friends. 他充当主任招待了他父亲的朋友,responsibility n. (1)责任,负责

10、搭配: responsibility for (doing) sth/ to do sth (做)责任;对负责 take responsibility for (doing) sth 对负责任 take on the responsibility 承担责任 eg: They have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced. 他们需对确保规则的实施付责任。,(2) (u.) 职责;义务;任务 responsibility to sb 对某人负责 responsibility to do sth 做某事的责任 a sense

11、 of responsibility 责任感 eg: She feels a strong sense of responsibility to help these countries. 她对帮助其他国家有着强烈的责任感。 responsible adj. 有责任的,有义务的;可信赖的,replace vt. (1) 代替,取代 搭配:replace sth/sb 取代某物/某人 replace sth/sb with/by 以代替某物/某人 eg: Replace sodas with water. 用水取代苏打水。 (2)替换 eg: If he cant manage hell hav

12、e to be replaced. 如果他不能处理好,那么他就会被别人取代。 replace sb/sth = take the place of sb/sth = take sbs /sths place 取代,替代,swift adj. 快的;迅速的,fast“快”,一般指动作迅速; quick“迅速地,快地”,普通用语,强调行动的敏捷; swift“飞快、灵敏的”,含有平稳、马上、优美的意思; rapid“快的,陡的”,一般用来形容流水或山势.,charge (1) vt. 收费,要价 charge sb/sth for sth 因而向某人收费 charge sb sth for sth

13、 因而向某人收费 eg: What did they charge for the repairs? (2) vt. 指控,控告;起诉;指责 charge sb with sth 指控某人某事 charge sb with doing sth 指控某人做了事 eg: He was charged with murder. 他因谋杀而被起诉。,(3)n. 要价,收费 charge for sth 的收费 free of charge 免费 eg: Delivery(交付、递送) is free of charge. (4)n. 主管,掌管,责任 take charge of 负责,掌管 in c

14、harge of 主管,掌管 in the charge of 被掌管 eg: He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.,fine (1)vt. 罚款,处某人以罚金 fine sb for sth 因而罚某人的款 eg: He was fined for speeding(超速). (2)n. 罚金,罚款 eg: She has already paid over 2000 in fine. (3)adj. 可接受的,满意的 eg: Ill leave this here, ok? Fine.,advertise vt. 为做广告;

15、登广告 advertise sth 登广告宣传某物 advertise for sb/sth 为征求登广告 eg: They advertise their new product on TV. The company is advertising for typists(打字员) in the newspapers. advertisement = ad 广告 advertising n. 广告,广告业,bargain (1) v. 讨价还价,商讨条件 bargain with sb over/about/for sth 就某物与某人讨价还价 eg: He was bargaining wi

16、th the shop owner over the price. (2)n.便宜货 eg: The car was a bargain at that price. (3)n. 协议;交易 make a bargain with sb about sth 与某人就某事/物达成协议,pain n. (1)疼,痛,痛苦 eg: She was clearly in a lot of pain. 很明显她受了很多痛苦 (2)痛苦;苦恼;烦恼 eg: I never meant to cause her pain. 我从没故意想要对她造成痛苦。 (3) (c.)讨厌的人(或事);令人头疼的人(或事) eg: Its a pain having to go all that way for just one meeting. 仅仅就因为一个会议就老是要这样离开很让人头疼。,one after another 一个接一个地;依次地 eg: Strange things happened one after another. 奇怪的事一件接一件地发生。 deserve v. (不用于进行时态) 值得,应得,应受 eg: You deserve a rest after all that hard w


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