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1、Module 5 Museums,You are not allowed to touch it.,You are not allowed to go in.,You are not allowed to take photographs.,You are not allowed to shout.,1.entry n. (1) 进入,入场;出赛,参加(+into) He supported that countrys entry into the European Common Market. 他支持那个国家加入欧洲共同体。 (2)进入权U The people without a tick

2、et are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。 enter 参加,加入 enter a competition,一、重点词汇:,2.familiar a. (1)众所周知的;熟悉的;常见的;普通的 Your face seems familiar. 你看上去很面熟。 (2) (某人)熟悉(某事)的,通晓.的 F (+with) I am of course familiar with your work. 我当然熟悉你的工作。 搭配短语:be familiar with 熟悉通晓主语是人 eg:Im not familiar with her.我同她不太熟。 be famili

3、ar to 为所知(所通晓)主语是物 English is familiar to him.英语是他的拿手。,3.attention n. (1) 注意;注意力;专心 Let me have your attention!请注意听我讲话! (2) 照顾;治疗 She gave her aging parents much attention. 她悉心照料年迈的双亲。,短语拓展: (1)pay attention to doing/sth. 注意 eg:Pay attention to it next time. (2)give ones attention to注意、关心 Give your

4、whole attention to what you are doing. 把你全部的精力放在你在做的事情上。,4.upstairs ad.用作副词,在楼上;往楼上,前面不加“to或at之类的介词” The bathroom is upstairs.浴室在楼上。 Henry lived upstairs. 亨利住在楼上。 She ran upstairs. 她往楼上跑去。 eg:I want to go upstairs before we have to go home.我想在回家之前去楼上看看。,upstairs n. 楼上 They had to rent out the upstai

5、rs to make mortgage payments. 他们不得不将二楼租出去以偿付抵押借款。 The house has no upstairs. 这房子只有一层。,反义词:downstairs 在楼下 The man downstairs came to my house yeterday. 昨天楼下的到我们家了。,5.guard n. 1. 哨兵;卫兵;警备员;看守员 A guard was placed at the door. 门口设了一个警卫。 2. 护卫队 A heavy guard remained around the building. 建筑物周围一直有重兵守卫。,1.

6、look forward to sth./doing希望,盼望 eg:The children were looking forward to the party.孩子们渴望着聚会的到来,二、重点短语句型:,2.This way.这边走 Where is the museum? Go this way. /This way,please.,3.No wonder这并不稀奇;难怪;怪不得 No wonder you were late. No wonder you dont want to tell him the truth.,4.help (sb.)with sth.帮助某人做某事 help

7、 sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 with ones help 在某人的帮助下 eg:I often helps my mother with housework. I helped him look for his key. I helped him to look for his key. With his help,I found my key.,5.He has gone off on his own.他已经自己走了。 go off离开后可接介词“to” She went off with the gardeners son. 她跟园艺工人的儿子私奔了。 go off还

8、可以表示“变质”“熄灭”“停电”“睡着”的意思。 He has gone off by the fire. 他靠着火炉睡着了。 The milk has gone off.牛奶变坏了。,6.on ones own 独自、单独, 相当于alone 或by oneself I am on my own today. 我今天一个人. 在这里相当于alone I can do it on my own.= I can do it by myself. 我可以自己来(做) 在这里相当于by oneself,备注:alone和lonely (1)alone既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,意思是“单独地,独自

9、地”,没有感情色彩。 (2)lonely只作形容词,意思是“孤独的,寂寞的”,具有感情色彩。 eg:she lives alone but doesnt feel lonely.她一个人住,但是不感觉到孤独。 There is a lonely house in the country.只有一座孤零零的房子在乡下。,7.also、too、either和as well (1)also“也”用于肯定句,通常位于句中,be动词,助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。如:,He has been to Beijing. I have also been there.,He is good at Engl

10、ish. He is also good at Japanese.,I also wants some tea.,(2)too也用于肯定句,比also更通俗,和also, as well可以相互替换,可放在句中,也可放在句末,用逗号隔开。如: Xiao Li went to Beijing and Xiao Zhao, too, went to Beijing.小李到北京去了,小赵也到北京去了。 He studies hard and I study hard, too. 他学习用功,我(学习)也用功。,他去过北京,我也去过。,他擅长英语,也擅长日语。,我也要点茶。,(3)either用于否定

11、句,而且只能放在句末。后面跟名词的单数形式。如: He didnt know it.I didnt know it either. 他不知道那件事,我也不知道。 I cant speak French and cant write it, either. 我不会讲法语,也不会写法语。 neither指:两者都不 (4)as well在口语中用得很多,用法和too完全一样,可以互换,通常位于句末。见as well, as well as条。如: She not only sings,she plays the piano as well.她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。 I can do it as

12、 well.这事我也能做。,典型例题: If you dont want to swimming,I wont . A:too B:also C:either,C either用于否定句中,位于句末。,either还可以做不定代词,意思是两者中的任一个。either在句中可充当主语、宾语和定语。 You may take either road.两条路你走那条都行。,典型例题: Have you seen either ? A: secretaries B: secretary C: of secretary D: of secretaries,BD 后面跟名词的单数形式。如:,8.be di

13、fferent from与不同 City life is very different from country life.都市生活与乡村生活是非常不同的。,9.work out 算出、制定出、解决问题等意思 This problem will be not worked out. Dont worry.Ill work it out.,10.try out 尝试、试验 The drug has not been tried out on human yet.这种药尚未经过人体试验。 try doing试验、尝试做某事 try to do sth.尽力做某事 try ones best to

14、do尽某人最大的里做某事 try on试穿,典型例题:我认为这个项目不应该如此匆忙的进行试验 I this subject in such a hurry.,dont think should be tried out,pare with把与进行比较 compare to 把比作 Compare this with that,youll see which is better. 把这个与那个比较,你就能看到哪个更好。 He compared the world to a stage. 他把世界比作一个舞台。,12.learn of、 learn from与learn by (1)learn o

15、f 听说,了解到 I learned of his departure only yesterday. (2)learn from人或物 向/从学习 We must learn from practice. 我们应该从实践中学习。 (3)learn by名词或doing 通过学习 He learns English by himself.,13.not onlybut also 不但而且 not only but also .是一个表示并列关系的连词,用来连接两个并列关系的句子成分. e.g. : He is not only my teacher , but also my friend.

16、他不但是我的老师,而且是我的朋友. 注意:当它并列的是主语时候,谓语动词要与它前面的那个词在数上保持一致。例如: Not only you but also I am going to visit the museum tomorrow. 不仅你,我明天也去参观博物馆。 Not only I but also you are going to visit the museum tomorrow. 不仅我,你明天也 去参观博物馆。,B 拓展: neithernor既不也不 eitheror要么要么; bothand两者都,典型例题: ( )I can swim skateIm going to

17、training next year. A:either;or B. neither;nor C. both;and D. not only;but also,14.(1)drop in 顺便到(某人家里看望),不及物短语,也可以用drop into ; drop in on去看望某人 I was passed and I thought I would drop in and see you. Drop in to see us any time. 随便什么时候顺便来看看我们。 I d like to drop in and see you sometime next week. 我想在下周

18、什么时候顺便来看看你。 Oh! I just drop in on him for a chat. 哦,我只是顺便来和他聊聊天,(2)drop by: I have to drop by the bank to get some money. 我得到银行去取一下钱,drop in后面可以跟on,后接拜访的人,而drop by一般不这么使用。 另外,drop in含有临时生出主意造访的意思,造访未经事先安排。而drop by没有明确这层含义,(3)drop around顺便到某处看望某人,不及物短语。 Nice to see you, Mary. You and Bob must drop ar

19、ound sometime. 玛丽,见到你很高兴,你和鲍勃有空一定来。 Ill drop around later when Im free. 我以后有空就来看你。,15.look for、find和find out (1)look for:意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调找的动作。 (2)find为动词,意为“找到”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,强调的是找的结果。 (3)find out 找出,查明,指抽象的找到原因,查明事实真相等等,多指通过调查、询问、打听、研究之后“弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难、曲折”之后,才找出难以找到的、无形的东西。 eg:Im looking for my key

20、, I cant find it. 我正在找我的钥匙。我找不到它了。 eg:Please find out when the train leaves 请查一下火车什么时候离站。,典型例题: ( )Its hard a job A. to look for B. to find C. to find out D. to look at,16.(1)as soon as尽快“一就”用于表示时间。 As soon as he become,Ill tell him about it. 他一回来我就把那件事告诉你。 (2)as long as“只要”表示条件。 You may borrow this

21、 book as long as you keep it. (3)as far as“就而论”用于表示“范围” As far as the weather ,I do not think it matters. 就天气而言,我认为那不重要。 (4)asas同一样 He can run as fast as I can. 他能和我跑得一样快.,典型例题: ( )This math problem is that one A. so easy as B. as difficult as C. much difficult than D. less easier than,B,17. arrive,

22、 get, reach arrive in Beijing, get to Beijing, reach Beijing (1)arrive作“到达”讲时,是不及物动词,后面要接介词in或at。 arrive in后面接表示洲、国家、城市等大地方的名词作宾语。 When does the train arrive in London? 火车什么时候到达伦敦? arrive at 后面常接表示表示较小地方的名词,如火车、学校、邮局、机场等。 We arrive at the airport by taxi. 我们乘出租车去机场。 (2)get也是个不及物动词,其后应用介词to,再接地点名词。ge

23、t to是非正式用语,在口语中可代替arrive at/in或reach。 What time does the plane get to New York?这架飞机几点到达纽约?,(3)reach表示“到达”之意 时,是正式用语,作及物动词用,其后可直接接名词或代词作宾语。 【友情提示】 get或arrive后面接表示地点的副词时,不需要跟介词。 get(arrive) home/there/here,18.(1)allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事 Our teacher allows us to go out for a walk. 我们的老师准许我们到外面散步。 (2)

24、allow doing sth允许做某事 They dont allow smoking here.他们不允许在这里吸烟。 (3)be allowed to do sth被允许做某事 The students are allowed to design their own uniforms. 允许学生们设计他们自己的校服。,Come on 快点 this way 这边 Look forward to 期待,盼望 Look forward to +n/v-ing 我期待今天下午的篮球比赛。 I am looking forward to the basketball math in this afternoon. against the rules 违反规则,go upstairs 上楼上 go downstairs 下楼去 hang on a minute 等一下 Its closed until January 直到一月份为止都不会开放 Natural History room 自然历史厅 as well 也, 又,Writ


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