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1、Module 6 Unit3,Understanding each other,Unit3 Reading,Cultural shock文化休克,Culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, confusion, etc.) when people are new to a different culture.,Man: “Today you look very beautiful!” Woman: “Where! Where!” Man: “Eve

2、rywhere!”,A joke,A: “How would you like your coffee?” B: “I like it very much.” A: “Yes, our coffee is great, so how would you like it?” B: “ I like it very very much.” A: “ Would you like some sugar or milk.” B: “No, no, just coffee. ”,A joke,cultural differences,body language,lifestyle,festivals,a

3、rchitecture style,eating,color,weddings,dressing,Brainstorming,Eating and clothes,Thailand,South America,Middle East,USA,Netherlands,Japan,Greeting ways,Wedding customs,Festivals,Body language,In America, it means _,In India, it means _,In Thailand, it means _,In Japan and Korea, it means _,In Franc

4、e, it means _,In Brazil and Greece, it means _,Sharing time,right,ok,no money,no problem,money,offence,Reading cultural differences,Fast reading,How many people are involved in this dialogue? Where are they from?,2.What topics are mentioned in the passage?,Three: Ma Li - China? Waled - Brunei Peter

5、- the UK,Brunei,1. Greeting ways 2. Receiving presents 3. Eye contact 4. Wedding ceremonies 5. Colors 6. Pointing gestures 7. Taking off shoes before entering a house 8. Bonfire Night,Tick the topics mentioned in the conversation!,Detailed reading,Topic 1: receiving presents (line5-15) In the west,

6、when is the time to open a present? Why? In the west, it is rude not to open a present when someone gives you one, because people want to see the persons reaction.,What surprised Peter about the wedding ceremony in Korea? They had a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding ceremony.,Topic 2:

7、wedding ceremonies,If the hen laid an egg, everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky,Drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony,Ensure good luck for the marriage,Wedding in Brunei (line23-32),The bridegroom and bride have to sit in the same areas at the wedding

8、 reception in Brunei. Alcohol is served at the wedding reception and is completely prohibited in Brunei. People in Brunei celebrate the wedding by singing and dancing throughout the night. People probably wouldnt get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding reception was being held but they get

9、used to the noise.,T,F,F,F,People in most countries point with their first finger.,however,in Brunei,cause _,thumb,Topic 3: Pointing gesture (line33-38),They use,offence,Topic 4: customs (line35-40),In Brunei, they think its funny watching new foreign teachers trying to _ to pointing with thumbs ins

10、tead of first fingers. Another thing we should pay attention to is that we should _ our shoes before _ someones house. Many foreigners have trouble_ it,adjust,entering,getting accustomed/used to,take off,Topic 5: Bonfire Night (line 46-52),Nov. 5th,light large fires gather around hold a party set of

11、f fireworks,hot dogs,In Britain,In America,Yes,No,Question : Why does the writer mention Bonfire night in the passage ? The writer uses the example to prove his argument that even between native English speakers, there are great cultural differences. Even though Americans and Brits share the same la

12、nguage, their customs are always alike.,understanding the use of examples We can use examples to _ _ _,explain concepts and ideas,support arguments,serve as interesting stories,Reading strategy,(2010江苏A篇) 主要介绍了人的姓名的起源以及所包含的意义. Some family names were made by adding something to the fathers name. Engl

13、ish-speaking people added s or son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts familys ancestor was Robert.,59. The underlined word “descendants” in the last paragraph means a persons _. A. later generations B. friends and relatives C. colleagues and partners D. later sponsors,Consolidation,p

14、olite,upon/on,reaction,lucky,spirits,separately,prohibited,offence,customs,remove,What does Ma Li think about learning cultural differences?,People can go to and live in other countries easily. B. People can communicate with each other easily by learning about the cultural differences, in case they

15、may misunderstand each other. C. It is the main task to learn about the cultural differences in learning English.,Do you think its important and necessary to learn cultural differences between different nations? Why?,Discussion,We can experience different cultures; get a better understanding of loca

16、l customs; help strengthen relations with people from different places; avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment; communicate freely and effectively; be a polite person,Conclusion:,Respect, appreciate and understand cultural differences. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,2. The passage is mainl

17、y organized by _. A analyzing cause and effect B By offering statistics(数据) C giving examples D following the order of space Why does the author use many examples in this passage?,In the West, what is the polite time to open a present? Why?,In the west , it is polite to open a present when someone g

18、ives you one. Because they like to see how the person reacts and they think it is rude and strange not to open a present when someone gives them one.,Part Two (line13-32),What is this part about?,Wedding customs.,Why do people in Korea have a live hen and a rooster during the wedding ceremony?,Diffe

19、rences in wedding reception in Brunei The man and the woman _. No _. Play _ for a long time, sometimes _.,sit in a different area,alcohol,drums,all night,Part Three (line33-59),Suppose you are visiting in Brunei, what should you pay attention to?,What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural d

20、ifferences?,People can go to and live in other countries easily. B. People can communicate with each other easily by learning about the cultural differences, in case they may misunderstand each other. C. It is the main task to learn about the cultural differences in learning English.,Summary,Thanksg

21、iving an American celebration opening presents weddings pointing (gestures) color of clothing taking off shoes Bonfire Night on 5 November,What examples are mentioned to explain cultural differences?,Thank you for your attention!,Important sentences(1),Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away

22、 from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage. (L19),It is supposed that,It is thought that,sb. is supposed/ thought/said/ reported to do =it is supposed/ thought/ said/reported.that,据说格林先生已经到北京了。 据说他正在国外学习。,=_ _ _ _ roosters can drive bad and _ _ _ _ hens can

23、 ensure,Important sentences(2),2. You probably wouldnt get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding reception was being held. (L27) If you came to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes before going into someones house. (L38),这里用到了_.,虚拟语气,2) I _ through that bitter period without your generous help. (11陕西) A. couldnt have goneB. didnt go C. wouldnt


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