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1、八年级英语下册Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 I feel better now Section D导学案(无答案) 课型: 阅读课 复习课课时:2课时学习目标:1. Learn some new words and phrases: deal with, sadness, elder, refuse, anybody, unfair, even though, understand, no longer2. Review adverbial clauses of reson(原因状语从句): because3. Review equal comparison: 同级

2、比较:asas/not(as) soas4. Learn to deal with unhappy feelings.学习重点:学习目标第2,3点。学习难点:学习目标第3点。Task 1 预习热身(学生版:自学)一、过词汇、短语关:1. 试拼读126页课文P15的新单词,小组内相互拼读。2. 在家听写P15单词。3. 读1a, 2,找出下列重点单词和短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。英汉互译: (1)一直 (2)处理 = (3)从中学到 (4)哥哥 (5)拒绝做某事 (6)进被杀死 (7)即使/虽然 = = (8)不再 = _(9)单独/独自 = (10)Take a walk and relax

3、before going to bed. _(11) Dont be afraid. Follow the dentists advice. (12) Go out and make some friends. 二、阅读1aWhat main idea(主题):_Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_句型:1. If you dont know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff.意思是 . deal with= 意思是 注意:deal wi

4、th与特殊疑问词 连用,而do with与特殊疑问词 连用。2. He was quite angry with the driver because his car hit his brother, even though it was an accident. 意思是 . be angry with sb. 意思是 even though= 意思是 3. Now he still misses his brother, but he doesnt hate the driver any longer.意思是 . He no loner stays in his room by himsel

5、f. 意思是 .not . any longer = 意思是 by oneself = 意思是 三、复习本话题的词组(背)。(1)出了什么事? = _(2)对某人要求严格 (3)没有朋友交谈 (4)在某方面表现很差 (5)感到很孤独 (6)和交谈 = (7)对感到担心 = (8)生气 (9)丢失/不见了 (10)别紧张,别着急, 放松 = (12)fall down _(13)seem worried _(14)It doesnt matter (15) be glad to do sth. (16) try to talk to others _(17)英语考试不及格 = (18)在某人的年

6、龄时 _(19)给某人讲笑话 (20)怎样和别人交流 _(21)用号码给某人打电话 (22)sth. happens to sb (23)光阴似箭/时光飞逝! (24)而且 (25)像往常一样/照例 (26)习惯于做某事 (27)和你一样友好 (28)在的帮助下_ = (29)害怕某事/做某事 = (30)在公共场所 (31)请代我向你父母问好 _Task 2 活动探究【教师版:小组讨论教师巡答提出问题盘点提升(归纳/点拨/释难/延伸)】活动I、 学习1a, 1b。(PPT导入后进入)一、Skim the passage, underline the new words and try to

7、guess the new words and phrases according to the context. (让学生快读1a,画出文中生词,鼓励学生通过上下文猜测词义。)What main idea(主题):_ 盘点提升(集体备课)Difficult points(难点):_How to solve them(怎样解决):_二.阅读1a 句型:略(见学生版) 三、 跟1a录音读,自读1a,讨论并翻译。_四、讨论并掌握重点词组及句型。五、根据1a,完成1b。活动II. 完成2(听力)活动III. 1.复习3a(原因状语从句): becausebecause可用来回答以_开头的特殊疑问句,

8、可表示已知或未知的事实。在含有原因状语从句的复合句中, because和 so_(能 / 不能)同时出现。2. 复习3a(同级比较):asas/not(as) soas_I live as happily as before.Qiqi is as lovely as I.But I am not as/so brave as Qiqi .Task 4 当堂达标:问题检测(巩固练习)。(一)单项选择。1.Excuse me, is this Mr Browns office? Im sorry, but Mr. Brown works here. He left about three year

9、s ago. A. not now B. no more C. not still D. no longer2. Will you give this message to Mr White, please? Sorry, I cant. He . A. doesnt any more work here B. doesnt any longer work here C. doesnt work any more here D. doesnt work here any longer 3. He works very hard because he is worried behind.A. t

10、o fall B. at falling C. D. falling4. Im angry others using my things.A. with, about B. at, with C. at, at D. with, with5. The roads here are not as clean as in our hometown.A. it B. those C. one D. 6. will you do with these old clothes?A. How B. What C. Why D. When(二) 句型转换:1.They no longer work here. (同义句)They work here . 2. Peter was very sad because his brother died in a car accident. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Peter very sad?3. He is poor, but she loves him. (同义句) _ _ he is poor, she loves him 4.He will play bask


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